1:[单选题] Byron wrote the following except ________.
A: Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
B: Manfred
C: Don Juan
D: The Revolt of Islam参考答案:锋利反义词D
2:[单选题]Jane Austen's first published novel was ________.
A:A. Sen and Sensibility
B:B. Emma
C:C. Mansfield Park
D:D. Pride and Prejudice参考答案:A
3:[单选题] The time tting of The Canterbury Tales is April, or to say the spring, which might signify____.
B:B.Chaucer’s birth day
D:D.the young sun参考答案:C
4:[单选题]Among the following, the one who was also an artist of engraving is ________.
A: A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
B:B. Robert Burns
C:C. William Wordsworth
D:D. William Blake参考答案:D
5:[单选题]William Wordsworth is frequently referred to as ________.
A:A. a religious poet
B:B. a worshipper of nature
C:C. a modernist poet
D:D. a worshipper of beauty参考答案:B
6:[单选题]The line "To strive, to ek, to find, and not to yield" is from Tennyson's ______.
A:A. Idylls of the King
B:B. In Memoriam
C:C. Maud
D:D. "Ulyss"参考答案:D
7:[单选题]The story of The Grass is Singing by Doris Lessing takes place in ______.
A:A. Africa
B:B. America
C:C. Asia
D:D. England参考答案:A
8:[单选题]Jane Eyre is first published in _______ by the pudonym of _______.
A川字纹手相:A. 1847; Ellis Bell
B:B. 1848; Acton Bell
C:C. 1847; Currer Bell
D:D. 1853; Charlotte Bronte参考答案:C
9:[单选题]In "Ode on a Grecian Urn" the references to Tempe and Arcady are ______.
A:A. British
B:B. Italian
C:C. Greek
D:D. Persian参考答案:C
10:[单选题]Which Greek mythology does the title The Road From Colonus by E. M. Forster refer to?
A: A. Oedipus complex
B:B. Oedipus and Antigone
C:C. Apollo and Daphne
D:D. Sphinx参考答案:A
什么油炒菜好吃The most successful novel of A. S. Byatt is The Game.
Shakespeare wrote 39 plays
Dickens was a critical realist.
Wordsworth said, poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.
"To be or not to be" is included in Hamlet
Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey were poets of the Lake School
Lyrical Ballads was compod by Wordsworth only
Pope and Johnson were contemporaries.
The Spenrian sonnet and the Spenrian stanza are the same.
Chaucer was "father of English poetry".
1:[单选题]D. H. Lawrence's first novel, ________, was published in 1911.
A:A. Sons and Lovers
B:B. The White Peacock
C:C. The Rainbow
D:D. The Trespasr参考答案:B
2:[单选题]The poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge may be characterized by its ________.
A:A. plain language
B:B. supernatural color
C:C. scenes of common life
D:D. traditional images参考答案:B
3:[单选题]Authors and poems are correctly paired in all of the following except ________.
A:A. William Wordsworth—“The Solitary Reaper”
B:B. William Blake—“A Red, Red Ro”
C:C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge—“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
D:D. Robert Burns—“The Tree of Liberty”参考答案:B
4:[单选题]Robert Burns came from ________.
A:A. England
B:B. Wales
C:C. Scotland
D:D. Ireland参考答案:C
5:[单选题]The central image of "The Tyger” is ________.
A:A. hammer
B:B. chain
C:C. anvil
D:D. fire参考答案:A
6:[单选题]The tting for "Kubla Khan” is in ________.
A:A. England
B:B. France
C:C. Japan
D:D. China参考答案:D
7:[单选题] __________ is famous for his satirical style.
A:A. Daniel Defoe
B:B. Samuel Richarson
C:C. Henry Fielding
D:D. Jonathan Swift参考答案:D
8:[单选题]In addition to The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Defoe also wrote______.
A:A. Tom Jones
B:B. Pamela
C:C. The Adventures of Roderick Random
D: D. Moll Flanders参考答案:D
9:钮枯禄[单选题]What is the purpo of the speaker in Flea?
A:A. to condem the flea who sucked his lover’s blood
B:B. to convince his lover their blood has been mingled投资外汇
C:C. to persuade his lover to accept his love
D:D. to tell his lover killing the flea means lf-murder参考答案:C
吹画10:[单选题]In Paradi Lost, Milton was unconsciously in sympathy with ____________.
A:A. Satan
B: B. God
C:C. rpent
D:D. Adam参考答案:A
The French Lieutenant's Woman is characterized by alternative endings.
The 19th-century novelists took the irrational philosophy and Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis as their theoretical ba.
家用雾化器T. S. Eliot denied the influence of the legend of Holy Grail on The Waste Land.
The title The Road From Colonus refers to the Greek myth of Oedipus and Antigone.
Complexity, obscurity, symbols, allusion and irony are all characteristics of modernist writings.
D. H. Lawrence's attitude towards industrial revolution is not shown very clearly in his works.
Samson Agonistes is a drama by John Milton.
The French symbolism, appearing in the late 19th century, heralded modernism.
The metaphysical poets are characterized by their extensive u of conceit.
In "The Rocking-Hor Winner¡± the boy Paul died immediately after he fell off from the rocking-hor.
Explain the following two terms: