更快、更高、更强:faster 、highers、tronger | 开幕式:opening ceremony |
闭幕式:closing ceremony | 大众体育:sport for all作风建设 |
奥运会项目:Olympic event | 使用兴奋剂:doping |
奥林匹克标志:Olympic symbol | 奥林匹克格言:Olympic motto |
身体素质:physical quality | |
治疗咽炎的偏方 | |
助跑:approach run | 各就位:on your marks | 预备:t |
抢跑:fal start | 蹲踞式起跑:crouch start | 起跑器:starting blocks |
蹲踞式:float style | 挺身式:hang | 地的成语 走步式跳远:hitch kick |
起跳:take-off | 跨越式:scissors | 剪式:Eastern Cut-off |
滚式:Western Roll | 俯卧式:straddle style | 背跃式跳高:flop |
甜区:sweet spot | 发球区:rvice court | 底线:ba line |
| | |
重发:let | 主裁判:umpire | 司线员:linesman |
双发失误:double fault | 澳洲保健品 零比零:love all | 比赛开始:play |
局末平分:tie-break | 占先:advantage | 五盘三胜:best of five ts | 中山温泉哪里好
随挥:follo throwugh | 正手:forehand | 反手:backhand |
随击球:half-volly | 发球上网:rve and volley | 主动失误: unfored errors |
步法:foot work | 落点:placement | 进攻性挑高球:offensive lob |
吊球:drop shot | | |
| | |
羽毛球:badminton | 羽毛球运动员:shuttler | 前发球线:short rvice line |
后发球线:long rvice line | 净空:headroom | 换发球:rvice over |
交换场地:change ends | 你发球顺序错误:You rved out of turn. |
触网:net tap | 四方球:fast clear out | 过渡球:transitional boll |
相持:sustain the rally | 平行站位:side-by-side formation 前后站位:up-and-back formation | |
| | | |
乒乓球运动员: paddler | 七局四胜制:best of ven games | 直板:penhold grip/ knif-hold |
横板:handshake grip | 发奔球: deep backspin rvice | 发球落网:fall |
发不转的球:knuckle rvice | 发球抢攻:third-ball attack | 站位:positioning |
准备姿势:ready stance | 侧身攻:pivot attack | 旋转:english |
下旋球: backspin | 左推右攻:backhand block with forehand attack |
发斜线球:cross table rvice | 快攻结合弧圈:fast attack and loop |
平球:flat | 变线:change direction |
| | |
篮球:basketball | 罚球:free throw | 撞人:charge |
组织后卫:shooting guard | 得分后卫:point guard | 加时赛:extra period |
暂停:timeouts | 换人:substitution | 跳投:jump shot |
胸前传球:chest pass | 上篮:lay-up or lay-in | 原地投篮:t shot |
抢断球:steal the ball | 怎么写总结报告持球突破:breaking through with ball |
| | |
足球:football/soccer | 罚球区:penalty | 越位:offside |
任意球:free kick | 掷界外球:throw-in | 盯人中卫:stopper陶伟 |
阵型:formation | 解围:clearing | |
| | |
1. The Olympic Games were what the Greeks called “Crowned” Games. There were no cash prizes or prizes in goods, but only a simple wreath of wild olive. The real “prize” was instant popularity. Winners were idolized and became the subjects of many songs and stories. The athletes, and the Games in general, were immortalized through paintings, sta
tues, decorative pottery, coins, and literature. Moreover, unlike the modern Games, only the winner was crowned, with no wreath being offered to the cond or third place-getters.
2. 400m is probably best described as an endurance-sprint. It has achieved notoriety as a “man killer” becau it is physiologically impossible to run at clo to top speed for longer than 30 to 35 conds before oxygen debt ts in and muscles “fill” with lactic acid. 400m runners must have good basic speed, the must be able to judge pace and the must learn to ignore pain! Although 400m runners were traditionally divided into 200m/400m and 400m/800m types, it is the “pure” sprinters like Michael Johnson who now dominate the event.
可能400米最好的描述是一个耐力冲刺。它如今已得到一个“人类杀手“的恶名,因为它在生理上无法继续接近最高速度超过30至35秒钟后氧负债和肌肉“阻塞”与乳酸。 400m跑运动员必须具备良好的基本速度,必须能够判断的步伐,必须学会忍受痛苦!虽然400米运动员传统上分为400m、800m和200m、400m两种类型,但它是像迈克尔约翰逊那个现在占主导地位的,“纯粹的”短跑运动员。
3. The main evolution trend in high jumping technique was: scissors--eastern cut-off—western roll—straddle (occationally called the belly roll)—fosbury flop. The eastern cut-off was a modified scissors technique in which the trunk was horizontal and more or less perpendicular to the bar during the bar clearance. In the western roll the athlete went over the bar on his/her side, while in the staddle the athlete went over the bar on his/her stomach. In fosbury flop the athlete clears the jump facing upwards, with the back to the bar, and lands with the back on the mat.
跳高技术主要的变化趋势:跨越式-东方剪式-滚式-俯卧式(有时也称为belly roll-背越式。东方剪式是一种改进的剪式方法,按照这种方法,在通过横杆事躯干是水平的和或多或少
4. Shot put techniques mainly include two kinds: Glide technique, Spin(or Rotational) technique. Smaller throwers may benefit from the Spin technique, which compensates for the lack of long levers with superior speed generated by the spinning motion. Throwers who are adept at pivoting or spinning may be candidates for the Spin technique. The Glide technique is usually favored by larger throwers tho have trouble spinning within the small shot circle. They also benefit from the longer pull gained from the power position of the Glide technique. Long throws have been achieved with both styles.
5. Tactics when it comes to attack in table tennis center around the application of offensiv
estrokes ud almost without interruption from the very first stroke to the end of the point. The aim of such tactics in offen, through acceleration of the rhythm, changing of the rhythm and of the ball rotation, is to dictate the pace of the game and culminate in the achievement of the winning point.the main purpo of offensive tactics is to force the opponent to change his position and to make his strokes unstable.
6. Loop is an attacker’s favorite weapon to t up for a smash. Executed by whipping the wrist and arm to quickly rai the paddle from around the knee to about forehead leavel, just skimming the ball on the way up. Sice this shot generates more topspin than any other, the oppponent often blocks the ball back high enough for the attacker to kill. Also very effective in turning an underspin in to a topsin one.