Unit 1
1、“I was beside mylf with excitement: my imagination fuelled by glamorous shots of the popular Hollywood temptress.”
I was extremely excited when I imagined mylf in attractive pictures like tho of popular actress in Hollywood. 淡淡的微笑
2、Tears of frustration threatened to break fee as I wondered for the umpteenth time why the unfeeling teacher couldn’t look past my clothes for once and e the obedient and eager-to-participate young girl beneath.
I could hardly hold back my tears becau of frustration as I wondered, as I had many, many times before, why the unsympathetic teacher couldn’t overlook my clothes for once and notice How submissive and eager I was to participate.
Unit 2
1、. writers compo in a kind of collaborative heat, knocking ideas against one another until they spark.”
... writers work in a kind of cooperation by engaging themlves in heated discussions and arguments about different ideas until they come up with really brilliant ones.
2.Unless they adjust to the new medium, professional writers can come across as lf-important blowhards in debates with more nimble networkers.”
If they do not adjust themlves to the medium of netwriting, they can make themlves look conceited and lf-important in online debates with more quick-witted and flexible networkers.
Unit 3
1、ever the learned say about a book, however unanimous they are in their prai of it, unless it interests you, it is no business of yours.” 脐带绕颈一周怎么办
新生儿男女比例Even though many scholars highly prai a book, you don’t have to read it at all if you don’t find it interesting.
2、when my work is done and I feel at ea, but not inclined for mental exerci of a strenuous character, I read history, essays
when I finish my work, and I feel relaxed, and don’t want to beat my brains, I usually read history, essays
Unit 4
1、…curing admission to a top-flight university provides a child with an irrevocable passport to success, guaranteeing a life of uninterrupted economic mirth.
…entering a first-rate university will certainly put children on the road to success and promi a wealthy life.
2.Here it is never entirely clear what parents are looking for, particularly in high-profile institutions who renown has in some way preceded them. 胸部肌肉
核桃的种类Given that the parents are already familiar with the achievements of the college. It is not clear what the parents come to arch.
Unit 5
1. The more the teaching of formal religion declines, or takes a sociological form, the less God appears to great numbers of people as a God of Love, resuming his older form of a watchful, minatory power, to be placated and cajoled.
Religion ems to be a watchful dog with a threatening appearance and becomes less comforting when it los its credibility or when it distances itlf from people by taking a sociological form.
2. Superstition in general is linked to man’s yearning to know his fate, and to have some hand in deciding it.
Generally, superstition has something to do with man’s strong desire to know what will happen to him in the future and his wish to have some control over his fate.
Unit 6
卡那瓦罗1. When we travel, we put aside our defens, our anxiety, and invite regression. We go backward instead of forward. We cultivate our hysteria.
When we travel, our alertness is slackened and our anxiety relieved; we turn our eyes to the past, to what once happened instead of to what will happen in the future. We do not try to control ourlves or suppress our desires any more.
2. The centrifugal tendency turns centripetal, and modern travel books may be about the abnce of things just as the classic books are about their prence.
The tendency to travel in order to e the exotic world has become one to examine ourlves, and modern travel books may focus on what we have “eliminated or edited out” of our culture, just as the classic travel books focus on what is still there.
Unit 7
1.The best any of them can hope for is the honor of being a district or county vice-chairman, a kind of parate-but-equal position which a woman is rewarded for yea
rs of faithful envelope stuffing and card-party organizing.
After years of devoted rvice, the highest position a woman can expect to get is county vice-chairman ----an auxiliary and subordinate position which can be regarded as an extension of the “parate-but-equal” doctrine to the nation’s political life concerning x differentiation.