1.Little donkey s make theirway amongthe pushin g crowdof people and go throug h them.
2.Then as you walk deeper into the market, the noiof the entran ce slowly disapp earsand you come to the quietcloth-market.
3.They reduce the number of theirchoice s and beginto bargai n with the ller riou sly in orderto lowerthe price.
4.He will ask higher pricefor the item than usualand refuse to reduce the priceby any signif icant amount in the bargai ning.
5. When you walk cloto the copper-smiths’market, you can hear distin ctlythe noiof ringin g, bangin g and clashi ng.
1.A zigzag path lositlf in the shadow y distan ce of the woods.
2.At the bazaar thereare many stalls wheregoodsof everyconcei vable kind are sold.
3.I reallydon’tknowwhatitisthathasmadehimsoangry.导购员是什么
4.The newlyuneart hed bronze va is pleasi ng in form and engrav ed with delica te and intric ate tradit ional design s.
5. Beyond the mounta ins thereis a vast grassl and that extend s as far as the eye can e.
6.They decide d to buy that houwith a garage attach ed.
7. The teache rs make a pointof beingstrict with the studen ts.
8. This little girl is very much attach ed to her father.
9. In orderto realiz e the four modern izati ons, we make a pointof learni ng the advanc ed scienc e and techno logyof foreig n countr ies.
10. As dusk fell, daylig ht fadedaway.
11. The appren ticewatche d his master carefu lly and then follow ed suit.
12.Frankoftentakesa hand in washin g dishes afterdinner.
1.The Japane men with riou s expres sions were so absorb ed in talkin g with each
otherthat they ignore d the otherpeople around then.
2.As soon as he saw the travel er, the taxi driver immedi ately opened his door.
3.The tradit ional floati ng hous amonghigh modern buildi ngs repres ent the
组成计算机主机的是consta nt strugg le betwee n old tradit ion and new develo pment.
4.Upon thinki ng of meetin g the mayorwearin g socksonly, I felt embarr asd.
5.The few Americ ans and German s emed just as restra inedas I was.
6.Afterthreedays in Japan, I get quiteud to bowing to people as a ritual to show
gratit ude.
7.I was on the pointof showin g my asnt by noddin g when I sudden ly realiz ed
what his wordsmeantwhichshocke d me out of my sad dreamy thinki ng.
8.I though t for some reason or otherno harm had been done to me.
5.老师用了个什么单词?我没太挺清楚。我也没听清楚,但听起来很像是preo ccupa tion.
1.Thereis not a soul in the hall. The meetin g must have been put off.
2.The book looksvery much like a box.
泡泡糖韩剧3.Sichua n dialec t sounds much the same as Hubeidialec t. It is someti mes
diffic ult to tell one from the other.
4.The very sightof the monume nt remind s me of my good friend who was killed in
the bottle.
5.He was so deep in though t that he was oblivi ous of what his friend s were
talkin g about.
6.What he did had nothin g to do with her.
7.She couldn’tfallasleep as her daught er’sillnes s was very much on her mind.
8.I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.
9.He lovessuch gather ingsat whichhe rubs should ers with youngpeople and
exchan ges opinio ns with them on variou s subjec ts.
10.It was only aftera few minute s that his wordssank in.
11.The soil smells of freshgrass.
12.Couldyou spareme a few minute s?
13.Couldyou spareme a ticket?
14.That elderl y grey-haired man is a copper smith by trade.
1.it was not at all possib le to catcha largeamount of fish
2.follow ing the layers of ice in the core sample, his finger came to the placewhere
the layerof ice was formed 20 yearsago
3.keepsits engine s runnin g for fear that if he stopsthem, the metalpartswouldbe
frozen solidand the engine s wouldnot be able to startagain
4.bit by bit treesin the rain forest are felled and the land is cleare d and turned
into pastur e wherecattle can be raid quickl y and slaugh tered and the beef can be ud in hambur gers
5.sincemilesof forest are beingdestro yed and the habita t for therare birdsno
longer exists, thousa nds of birdswhichwe have not even had a chance to e will become extinc t
6.thinki ng abouthow a ries of events mighthappen as a conq uence of the
thinni ng of the polarcap is not just a kind of practi ce in conjec ture(specul ation), it has got practi cal value
7.we are usingand destro yingresour ces in such a huge amount that we are
distur bingthe balanc e betwee n daylig ht and darkne ss
< we have been so accust omedto the bright electr ic lightthat we fail to
unders tandthe threat ening implic ation of theclouds
< put forwar d the questi on in a differ ent way
10.and greatl y affect the living places and activi tiesof humansociet ies
11.we em unawar e that the earth’snatura l system s are delica te
上学歌钢琴谱12.and this contin uingrevolu tionahs also sudden ly develo ped at a speedthat double d
and triple d the origin al speed
1.she thinks that her sister has a firm contro l of her life
2.she couldalways have anythi ng she wanted, and life was extrem ely genero us
to her
3.the popula r TV talk show star, Johnny Carson, who is famous for his witty
and glib tongue, has to try hard if he wantsto catchup with me
4.it emsto me that I have talked to them always readyto leaveas quickl y as
possib le
5.she impose d on us lots of falsit ies
6.impose d on us a lot of knowle dge that was totall y ules s to us
7.she is not bright just as she is neithe r good-lookin g or rich
8.Dee wore a very long dresseven in such a hot day
manage to push mylf up
10.soon as he knowsthatwon’tdoforMaggie, so he stopstrying to shakehandswith
11.as I e Dee is gettin g tiredof this, Idon’twanttogooneither. In fact, I could
have traced it far back before the CivilWar alongthe branch es of the family tree
13.if Maggie put the old quilts on the bed, they wouldbe in rags less than five years
14.sheknewthiswasGod’sarrang ement
1. A big fore burned more than 300 hous to the ground in the slum.
2.As long as you are uprigh t and not afraid of losing anythi ng, you can look
anyone in the eye.
3.Despit e the flood,the loss in agricu ltura l produc tionthis year were not that
riou s.
4.This blouse doesn’tmatcheither the coloror the styleof the skirt.
学困生辅导记录表5.Let’stalkaboutthe matter over a cup of coffee.
6.Ican’timagin e you doingdisgra ceful things.
7.He couldn’timagin e why people were oppose d to his opinio n.
8.Steppi ng out of the car, the offici al was confro ntedwith two terror ists,
9.As long as we stickto theprinci ples, we are sure to succee d.
10.She was extrem ely shocke d at the news, but she soon recomp odherl f.
11.It is very diffic ult to tracethis quotat ion to its source.
12.Theirway of life couldbe traced t the ancien t tradit ionspasd down to them
by theirancest ors over a thousa nd yearsago.
1.Hitler was hoppin g that he attack ed Russia; he wouldwin in Britai n and the US
the suppor t of thowho were enemie s of commun ism.
2.Winant said the United States wouldadoptthe same attitu de.
3.In this way, my life is made much easier in this ca; it will be much easier for me