The Joy Luck Club李安《喜福会》英文部分台词
【独白】The old woman remembered the swan ship bought many years ago in shanghai for fullish/foolish sum,’this bird’ boasted the market vander was once a duck which stretched its neck hopes to become a goo and now look it’s too beautiful to eat then the woman and the swan sailed across the ocean many thousand li wide stretching their necks her journey she cooed over the swan in America i’ll have a daughter just like me but over there nobody will say her worth is majored by the loudness of her husband but el. over there nobody will look down on her becau I’ll make her speak only perfect American English . and over there she’ll be always too full to swallow any sorrow.she’ll know my meaning becau I’ll give her the swan a creature that became more I was hoped for.but when she arrived the new country the immigration officials pulled the swan from her leaving the woman flidering her arms with only one swan feather for memory . for a long time now,the woman had wanted to give her daughter this single swan feather and tell her:this feather may look worthless,but it comes from a far and carries all my good intentions.
三年高中【君的独白】my mother died four months ago.i realized the first time that they wanted me to take my mother’s place,so I sat down on the east when the things began with my mother’s mother started to join the Joy Luck Club having met all the women in church,aunty Amei,aunty Lindo,aunty Yingying.for thirty years the women feasted forgot past wrongs,laughed and played,lost and won and told the best stories.each week they hoped to be lucky and that hope was their only joy their connection with each other had more to do with hope than joy or luck
Amei:you win like your mother
J:ah,I only played once with some jewish friends in the college
L:jewish mahjoong,not the w Chine mahjoong u have to watch what everybody threw out and you keep all this in your head,and if nobody play wel then it’s becoming u American girls think ‘chin,jewish,what’s the difference’
【】they’ll worried in me they e their daughters just ignorant of all the dreams and hopes they brought to this country双鱼座和巨蟹座
J:hey,hey,hey,no talking in Chine,how can I know that you are not cheating
L:you don’t know,but we are your aunties,and we are hone people,we’ll not cheat you.hey,Jun,why don’t you take the piano home?you are the only one who can play.
【】when I was nine years old,my mother’s version of believing in me was believing that I can be anything,anything she wanted,the best piano protigy this side of china . I never practiced.lucky for me old mr.qin couldn’t tell the difference.he gones on stone-deaf over the years.
Q:me and bethoven we put hearing in our head . hokey-pokey?now ,how many sharps?how many flats?what key are we in?
J:z major.z major
Q:good,now for the recital,more feeling,go stop.
捕蛇者说【】when I was young,auntry Lindo was my mother’s best friend and archenemy.their weapons of choice was comparing of was sick of aunty Lindo brag about her daughter Vinrolli,who’s the Chinatown chess champion.that night,mom figured I redeemed her with my international piano debut
L:I ask my daughter to help me carry to the roadstreet,she’s thinking this is too much ask.all day long,she play chess.i dust out all her trophy.appreciate me?no!you are lucky you don’t have the same problem.
M:my problem is worr than yours.if I tell Jun to wash dish,she has nothing but the’s like you can’t stop this natural talent伊利丹台词
【】until that night I don’t believe that I am a fact I ud to go out of my way to prove that my mother wrong but I wasn’t cut out of anything.i could only be was incredible,it’s like my hands are pret by Mozart and everybody could e and could hear this.i was a genius.i has been discovered.and then,I heard it.maybe,they didn’t notice
【】after the talent show ,I figured I don’t have to play piano again
M:four o’clock,turn off the tv,I guess it’s piano time
J:I couldn’t believe what she was saying,like I have to go back to the same torture again.forget it
M:hear what I say?four o’clock!
J:I am not play anymore,why should i?
M:What did you say?leaf的复数形式
J:I am not your isn’t china,you can’t u want me to become someone I am not,I’ll never become the same kind of daughter you want me to be.
There are two kinds of daughters,obedient or follow your mind.if you wanna be the daughter living in this hou,obedient kind.
Then I wish that I weren’t be your daughter.i wish you weren’t my mom.
Too late to change this
That’s when I remember that we can’t talk about
And I wish I were dead like them,the babies you killed in china