CONGENBILL\'94 背面条款中文译意
(1) 所有背面所示日期的租约的条款和条件,自由和免责,包括法律适用和仲裁条款并入本提单。
(2) 首要条款
(a) 起运国订立的1924年布鲁塞尔关于统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约所包含的海牙规则知用于本提单。在起运国没有这种法规时,目的地国的相应法规应当适用,但对于没有此种法规强制适用的运输应当适用前述公约的条款。
红茶用英语怎么说(3) 共同海损
(4) 新杰逊条款
(5) 双方有责碰撞条款
Conditions of Carriage
(1) All terms and conditions, liberties and exceptions of the Charter Party, dated as overleaf, including the Law and Arbitration Clau, are herewith incorporated.
(2) General Paramount Clau.
(a) The Hague Rules contained in the International Convention for the Unification of certain rules relating to Bills of Lading, dated Brusls the 25th August 1924 as enacted in the country of shipment, shall apply to this Bill of Lading. When no such enactment is in force in the country of shipment, the corresponding legislation of the country of destination shall apply, but in respect of shipments to which no such enactments are compulsorily applicable, the terms of the said Convention shall apply.
(b) Trades where Hague-Visby Rules apply.
资助工作总结In trades where the International Brusls Convention 1924 as amended by the Protocol signed at Brusls on February 23rd 1968 - the Hague-Visby Rules - apply compulsorily, the provisions of the respective legislation shall apply to this Bill of Lading.
学术论文格式模板安全需要(c) The Carrier shall in no ca be responsible for loss of or damage to the cargo, howsoever arising prior to loading into and after discharge from the Vesl or while the cargo is in the charge of another Carrier, nor in respect of deck cargo or live animals
(3) General Average.
General Average shall be adjusted, stated and ttled according to York-Antwerp Rules 1994, or any subquent modification thereof, in London unless another place is agreed in the Charter Party.
Cargo's contribution to General Average shall be paid to the Carrier even when such average is the result of a fault, neglect or error of the Master, Pilot or Crew. The Charterer
s, Shippers and Consignees expressly renounce the Belgian Commercial Code, Part II