第二节 SOLAS公约的有关内容
0010. A flooded lifeboat on board a vesl would adverly affect the vesl's stability by ___D___.[102]
A.森马加盟increasing the righting moment 增大扶正力矩
B.decreasing the vesl's displacement 减少船舶排水量
C.increasing the rerve buoyancy 增加剩余浮力
D.shifting the CG(成功之路center of gravity)off center 使重心偏离中心线
0011. A life line must be connected to the liferaft ___D___.
A.at the bow 船艏B.at the stern 船艉C.in the middle 船舯D.all around 四周
0022. According to the regulations,the capacity of a liferaft is required to be marked __B____.
A.On the Muster List 创办网页应急部署表中B.At the liferaft stowage location 救生筏存放位置
C.On the Certificate of Inspection 在检查证书中
D.In the Operations Manual 在操作说明书中
0029. After the boat is at the top of the davit heads,the davit arms begin moving up the tracks and are stopped by the ___B___.
A.hoist man 吊艇人员B.limit switch 限位开关C.brake handle 刹车控制手柄
D.preventer bar 防护条
0032. An inflatable liferaft is hand-launched by ___D___.
A.pulling a cord 拉动一根细绳B.cutting the wire restraining bands 解开固定钢丝
C.removing the rubber packing strip 解开橡胶包装带
快速打嗝排气法D.throwing the entire container overboard 把整个包装箱抛入海中
0033. An inflatable liferaft should be manually relead from its cradle by ___D___.[356]
A.cutting the straps that enclo the container 砍断包住包装箱的带子
B.removing the rubber aling strip from the container 长篇文章从包装箱上解开橡皮绑扎带
C.looning the turnbuckle on the curing strap 松开绑扎带上的花篮螺丝(松紧螺
D.pushing the button on the hydrostatic relea 按下静水力释放器上的按钮
0034. An on-load relea system on a survival craft means the cable can be relead ___D___.[363]
A.only when the load is taken off the cable 仅当钢丝绳不受力时
B.only when there is a load on the cable 仅当钢丝绳受力时
C.only when activated by the controls at the lowering station仅当在下降位置由控制手柄启动
D.at any time 形容品质的成语任何时候
0307. ___C___ is not the information necessary for the master to obtain guidance as to the stability of the ship.
A.a curve of minimum operational metacentric height(GM)versus draught
B.instructions concerning the operation of cross-flooding arrangements
C.the signals or lights being exhibited or sounded 显示或鸣放的信号或灯光
D.all other data and aids which might be necessary to maintain stability after damage
0308. ___D___ should be consulted to obtain the information concerning port documents required by the port Authority.
A.Admiralty Notices to Mariners 英版航海通告B.SOLAS
C.Admiralty Sailing Directions 英版航路指南D.Guide to Port Entry 进港指南
0309. ___D___ should not be considered as components as fire installations.
A.fire pumps 消防泵B.fire mains 主消防管C.hydrants and hos 消防栓和消防皮龙
D.closing appliances which are kept permanently clod at a 要求在海上永久关闭的关闭装备
0310. A documented vesl operating over 50 miles offshore must carry an inflatable liferaft with a ___A___.[82]
A.SOLAS A pack B.婴儿耳屎怎么清理SOLAS B pack C.Coastal pack D.Small vesl pack
0320. A vesl cannot comply with all of the SOLAS requirements due to its construction.Where will this be indicated ___C_____.
A.Nowhere;the vesl must comply to engage in international trade
B.On the rever of the SOLAS certificate 在SOLAS证书的背面
古诗背景音乐C.On the Exemption Certificate 在证书的例外条款中
D.On the Certificate of Inspection 在安全检查证书中
0327. At least ____A__ radar transponder shall be carried on each side of every cargo ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards.
A.one B.two C.three D.four
0330. Goods of an inflammable,explosive or dangerous nature to the shipment whereof the carrier,master or agent of the carrier,has not connted,with knowledge of their nature and character,may at any time before discharge,___B___ at any place or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without compensation.
A.Be loaded 装B.Be landed 卸岸C.Be lended 借出D.Be loaned 贷款
0332. How many operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974 ___D