" fine cargo","精细货物"
" Fire point","燃点"
" Flash point","闪点"
" FONASBA","英国船舶经纪人和代理人协会联盟"
" foodstuffs","食品"efrigerated ship","冷藏船"
" Multi-propo ship","多用途船"
" dry bulk carrier","干散货船"
" coal carrier","运煤船"
" bulk grain carrier","散粮船"
官换新机 " ore carrier","矿石船"
" full container ship","全集装箱船"
" panama","巴拿马型船"
" panamax","巴拿马极限型船"
" post-panamax","超巴拿马型船"
" super post-panamax/Extra post-panamax","特超巴拿马型船"
" liquified gas carrier","液化气船"
" Tanker","油船"
" liquified natural gas carrier,LNG carrier","液化天然气船"
言简意赅是什么意思 " Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier","液化石油气船"
" chemical tanker","液体化学品船"
" Cargo or Goods","货物"
房地产老板 " packed cargo","包装货物"
" unpacked cargo or nonpacked cargo","裸装货物"
" unitized cargo","成组化货物"
" containerized cargo","集装箱货物"
" solid bulk cargo","干质散装货"
" liquid bulk cargo","液体散装货"
" general cargo ","普通货物"
国家大全 " special cargo","特殊货物"
" clean cargo","清洁货物"
" For Transportation of Chemicals in Tank Vesls,BIMOHEMVOY","化学品航次租船合同"
"*foul receipt ","不清洁收货单"
" fragile cargo","易碎品"
" frat rack container","框架集装箱"
"*free In and out,FIO","舱内收交货条款"
为了和平纪录片 "*free In and out,stowed and trimmed,FIOST","舱内收交货和堆舱,平舱条款"
"*free in,FI","舱内收货条款"
"*free out,FO","舱内交货条款"腾讯人工服务电话
"*freight manifest","载货运费清单"
" freight rate ","运价"
" freight ton ,FT; W/M(weight/measurement)","运费吨"
" fron cargo","冷冻货物"
"*full container (cargo) load,FCL","整箱货"
" full container ship","全集装箱船"
" gas","气体"
" GASVOY,1972","气体航次租船合同,1972"
" GCBS","英国航运总工会"
" general average and New Jason clau","共同海损和新杰森条款"
" general cargo ","普通货物"
" general cargo vesl","件杂货船"
" general inquiry ","一般询盘"
" general propo container,GP","通用集装箱"
" general rate increa,GRI","整体费率上调"
" gross load and discharge,or gross load,or gross discharge","总装卸费,或总装货费,或总卸货费条款"
"*Hague Rules","《海牙规则》"
" half-lethal concentration","半数致死浓度"
" Half-lethal do","半数致死量"
"*Hamburg Rules","《汉堡规则》"
" hand-written clau","手写条款"
" heavy and lenghthy cargo list","重大件清单"
" heavy lift additional","超重附加费"
"*home booking","卸货地订仓"
"*hou B/L","仓至仓提单"
" IMCO","政府间海事协商组织"
" Indeminity","赔偿条款"
" Inflammable liquids","易燃液体"
" Inflammable solids","易燃固体"
" inspection certificate for damage & shortage","货物残损检验证书"
" Inter-government Organization,IGO","政府间国际组织"
" intermediate clau,in nominate clau","中间性条款"
" International Chamber of shipping,ICS","国际航运工会"
"*International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Bills of lading","《关于统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约》"
"*International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code,IMDG code","国际海运危险货物规则"
"*International Maritime Organization,IMO","国际海事组织"
" interpellation clau ","询问条款"
" INTERTANKVOY,1976","油船航次租船合同,1976"
"*lawful deviation ","合理绕航"
" lawful merchandi clau","合法货物条款"
" laydays","受载期"
" laytime","在港装卸货物的时间"
"*lea purcha","光船租购"
" leasing with option to purcha","购买选择权租赁条件"
"*less than container (cargo) load,LCL","拼箱货"
" limit of liability","承运人赔偿责任限制条款"
"*Liner B/L","班轮提单"
"*liner conference","班轮公会"
" liner schedule","班轮船期表"
"*liner shipping","班轮运输"
"*liner terms","班轮条款"
" liquid bulk cargo","液体散装货"
" liquid cargo","液体货物"
" liquified gas carrier","液化气船"
"*liquified natural gas carrier,LNG carrier","液化天然气船"
"*Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier","液化石油气船"
" livestock and plants","活的动植物"
" loaded container","重箱"
"*loading list","载货清单"
"*Long form B/L","全式提单"
" long length additional","超长附加费"
"*long ton","长吨"
"*Maritime Code of People's Republic of China","《中华人民共和国海商法》"
"*mate's receipt,M/R","收货单"
"*Memo B/L","交接提单"
"*metric ton,M/T","公吨"
" Minimum Rate/Minimum Freight","起码运费"
" Miscellaneous dangerous substances","杂类危险物质和物品"
" mislanded","误卸"
" MSDS","危险货物安全资料卡"
" Multi-propo ship","多用途船"
" N.Y. maritime exchange","航运交易所"
" name of vesl","船名"
" nationality of vesl","船籍"
" negligence clau","疏忽条款"
" New York market","美国纽约租船市场"
" Non-government Organization,NGO","非政府间国际组织"
" non-negotiable","禁止流通"
"*non-vesl operating (common) carrier","无船承运人"
" North American Fertilizer Charter Party,1978","北美化肥航次租船合同"
" North American Grain Charter Party,1973","北美谷物航次租船合同,1989"