作者:张雪 方璇
摘 要:随着社会经济文化的迅速发展,女同性恋现象在中国也屡见不鲜。本文拟从以采访、随谈、调查问卷的方式,对中国女同性恋现状及其所产生的原因进行分析。
烤饭 Homoxuality as a social phenomenon becomes more and more popular. Even though the homoxual is not an open talk, the social attitude became much more tolerant to it. The lesbian is the minority of the society and they bare great pressure from society and family.
财税网官网 The most of lesbians are affected by the environments that include the unhappy family 山水画儿童
life and unfortunate personal experience. Especially, the hurt by the opposite x relationship often caus the lesbian.
This paper made an interview of a lesbian named Yuer. She is 22 years old and has lesbian experience for five years. She was hurt once by the opposite x. In the interview, she tells us what she encountered and must face to in the society.