Being Gay in China
With the rapid development of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bixual经典段落, and transgender) movement, homoxuals in many countries like Netherland, Norway, Sweden, Demark, Finland, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, the U.S. and Canada have obtained social and civil rights like marriage and adoption as their heteroxual counterparts.
Following up with a report of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) documented violations of the rights of LGBT people, including hate crime, criminalization of homoxuality, and discrimination, the UNHRC adopted its first resolution on LGBT rights in 2011 and urged all countries to enact laws to protect LGBT rights.
Although China has a history of being tolerant to homoxuality捣练子令, the LGBT movement is developing relatively slowly. So far, no civil rights law is in place to protect from discrimination or harassment on the basis of xual orientation or gender identity and LGBT people are still facing social discrimination and pressures from different aspects, including the traditional culture and family.
Social Pressure to Marry
吊丧 and to Reproduce
The continuation of the family lineage is considered as a very important family duty. As a result, the opposite x marriage and begetting children become a moral duty and an inescapable obligation to each Chine. As a Chine saying goes, "Of all who lack filial piety, the worst is he who has no children”. Under this tradition, homoxuals are definitely under pressure to marry and to produce offsprings. In that n, it is considered that homoxuality interferes with the bloodline prervation.
In addition, like in many cultures, the Chine family structure is bad on the heteroxual partnership. Therefore, homoxuality is often regarded as “unusual” and even considered shameful to the family. "Traditional Chine culture defines a marriage as being between a man and a woman. When two men marry, it is regarded as immoral,
" Professor Zhang Beichuan (张北川) at Qingdao University said. Therefore海森堡测不准原理, many homoxuals are not willing to disclo their xual orientation to their parents and feel guilty coming out to their parents. And many parents with homoxual children never speak with anyone, especially other family members, about what puts them in shame.
With the one-child policy, a further pressure is added to Chine homoxuals as the child becomes the vesl of all of the hopes and dreams of two people. Many homoxual’s parents still hold out hopes that one day their children will marry the opposite x or pressure their children to marry the opposite x, becau they want to have grandsons and granddaughters. Therefore, it is uncommon to hear questions and comments like “what about marriage?” and “it is just not right to end up with the same x” in the family.
Chine society does not offer a harmonious environment for homoxuals to live freely. Many of them have to conform to the social expectations. As a result, a great number of homoxuals are forced to get married somebody from the oppod x. " Traditionally,南京的小吃 gay men will marry women to hide their xual orientation, which in many cas brings a lot of pain to the family," said Xiao Tie (小铁), a program direc
tor at the Beijing LGBT Center, an organization that provides social rvices and advocacy programs for local lesbian, gay, bixual and transgender communities.
In the end, many homoxuals are living a double life. According to Professor Wei Wei (魏伟), a sociologist from Shanghai’s East China Normal University, as many as 90% of Chine gays marry the opposite x,别墅空间设计 but in western nations very few homoxuals would enter into a heteroxual marriage, as many would remain single or live together or marry other homoxuals.
The “forced” marriages create a “tong qi phenomenon”. “Tong qi” or “homo wives” means the wife of any gay man. It is a unique social phenomenon, which is hardly found outside of China. Professor Li Yinhe estimated that 16 million women are stuck in fake marriages to gay men. In many cas, “tong qi” are unaware of their partner’s true xual orientation before getting married. “They have either become a tool for carrying on the family line, or become the protective umbrella to conceal their husbands' identity." Professor Zhang Beichuan explained.