♦ A
♦ 安全系数 safety factor
♦ 奥氏体 austenite
♦ B
♦ 拔管机 drawbench
♦ 板材 plate product
♦ 板料冲压 sheet metal parts
♦ 板坯 billet
♦ 半成品mifinished product
♦ 半导体元件 miconductor element
♦ 棒材bar
♦ 贝氏体 bainite
♦ 箅条grid
♦ 变速器 speed changer
♦ 变速箱 gearbox
♦ 变速箱体 gearbox casing
♦ 变形 deformation
♦ 变形力 deforming force
♦ 变压器 transformer
♦ 一百的序数词标准件 standard component
♦ 表面变形 surface deformation
♦ 表面硬化ca hardening
♦ 冰晶石cryolite
♦ 剥落 spalling
♦ 薄板plate, sheet
♦ 不定积分 indefinite integral
♦ 不锈钢stainless steel
♦ 步进电机 stepper motor
♦ 布氏硬度brinell hardness
♦ C
♦ 残余应力 residual stress
♦ 插齿 gear shaping
♦ 超声传感器 ultrasonic nsor
♦ 车床 lathe
♦ 车刀 lathe tool
♦ 车架 automotive chassis
♦ 车间 workshop
♦ 车削turning
♦ 成品 finished product
♦ 成型moulding, molding
♦ 成型辊- forming rolls
♦ 尺寸标注 size marking
♦ 齿轮 gear
♦ 齿轮加工 gear machining
♦ 赤铁矿haematite
♦ 齿轮齿条 pinion and rack
♦ 冲击韧性impact ductility ;impact toughness
♦ 冲压stamping, pressing
♦ 重熔 remelting
♦ 努力名言出铁 tapping
♦ 出铁口taphole
♦ 初轧方坯bloom
♦ 初轧机blooming mill
♦ 除尘器dust catcher
♦ 除垢descale
♦ 触发器 flip-flop
♦ 传动 drive, transmission
♦ 床式反射炉 hearth furnace
♦ 吹炬blowlamp
♦ 磁路 magnetic circles
♦ 伺服电机 actuating motor
♦ 粗糙 asperity
♦ 阿拉贡粗钢crude steel
♦ 粗加工 rough machining
♦ 脆性brittleness
♦ 脆性材料 brittleness material
♦ 淬火 hardening; quench, quenching
♦ 淬火层 quench hardened ca ; quenched ca
♦ 淬火冷却 quench
♦ 淬火深度 hardness penetration; depth of hardening
♦ 祖逖北伐淬水hardening
♦ 淬透性 hardenability; hardening capacity
♦ lol德莱文D
♦ 打桩锤pile hammer
♦ 带状薄板coiled sheet
♦ 挡板 orifice plate; baffle plate
♦ 刀尖 no of tool
♦ 刀具 cutter
♦ 导轨 lead rail
♦ 导数differential coefficient
♦ 导卫板 fore plate
♦ 倒角 rounding chamfer
♦ 低碳钢mild steel, soft steel
♦ 电动机 electromotor
♦ 电镀plating
♦ 电工钢electric steel
♦ 电弧焊arc welding
♦ 电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion
♦ 电火花加工 electric spark machining
♦ 电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting
♦ 电解electrolysis
♦ 电路 circuit
♦ 电冶金学electrometallurgy
♦ 垫片 spacer
♦ 垫圈 washer
♦ 定积分 definite integral
♦ 定径辊 size rolls
♦ 定位 allocation
♦ 定义域 definitional domain
♦ 锭模ingot mould
♦ 动力学 dynamic
♦ 动量 momentum
♦ 动能 kinetic energy
♦ 锻钢 forged steel; hammered steel; wrought steel
♦ 煅烧calcination
♦ 锻造forging
♦ 断裂 fracture
♦ E
♦ 二阶行列式 cond order determinant
♦ F
♦ 发黑black oxide coating
♦ 发生器 generator
♦ 阀门 valve
♦ 钒 vanadium
♦ 反馈 feedback
♦ 反射炉 reverberatory furnace
♦ 反应罐retort
♦ 范成法 generation method
♦ 放渣口 slag tap
♦ 废铁scrap iron
头发头发♦ 分析力学 analy mechanics
♦ 粉化 pulverization
♦ 粉末冶金学powder metallurgy
♦ 风口tuyere, nozzle
♦ 浮选 floatation, flotation
♦ 腐蚀 rust
♦ G
♦ 概率 probability
♦ 坩埚钢cast steel
感应淬火 impedance matching;induction hardening
♦ 钢steel
♦ 钢厂steelworks, steel mill
♦ 钢带metal strip, metal band
♦ 钢锭steel ingot
♦ 刚度 rigidity
♦ 刚度准则 rigidity criterion
♦ 钢坯billet
♦ 钢铁工业iron and steel industry
♦ 高铬辊high chromium roll
♦ 高铬滚轮 high chromium wheel
♦ 高铬合金矫直辊 high chromium alloy leveling roll
♦ 高铬合金轧辊high chromium alloy roll
♦ 高速钢high-speed steel
♦ 镉 cadmium
♦ 铬 chromium
♦ 功率 power
♦ 工程技术人员 engineer
♦ 工件 workpiece
♦ 攻丝 tap
♦ 工业造型设计 industrial moulding design
♦ 工作层 working face; working lining
♦ 汞齐化amalgamation
♦ 共轭曲线 conjugate curve
♦ 鼓风炉blast furnace
♦ 固溶处理 solution treatment
♦ 固溶体solid solution
♦ 固态相变 solid state pha changes
♦ 光谱分析spectrum analysis
♦ 硅silicon
♦ 辊 roller
♦ 滚齿 hobbing
♦ 滚动轴承 rolling bearing
♦ 过盈配合 interference fit
♦ H
♦ 含碳量carbon content
♦ 焊 weld
♦ 焊接钢管welded steel pipe,welded steel tube, welding steel tube
♦ 合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed
♦ 合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting
♦ 合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting
♦ 合成纤维 synthetic fibre
♦ 合金alloy
♦ 合金钢alloy steel
♦ 合金化 alloyage; alloying
♦ 宏观硬度 macro hardness
♦ 后角 clearance angle
♦ 滑动轴承 sliding bearing
♦ 划痕 scuffing
♦ 化铁炉cupola
♦ 画法几何 descriptive geometry
♦ 还原reduction
♦ 黄铜brass
♦ 回火temper
♦ I
♦ J
♦ 机床 machine tool
♦ 机床夹具 jig
♦ 机电一体化 mechanotronics; mechanical-electrical integration
♦ 机加工machining
♦ 机械加工余量 machining allowance
♦ 机械零件 mechanical parts
♦ 机械能守恒 conrvation of mechanical energy
♦ 机械制图 mechanical drawing
♦ 基体 matrix
♦ 基体硬度 matrix hardness
♦ 基准 benchmark
♦ 集成电路 integrate circuit
♦ 几何形状 geometrical
♦ 挤压extrusion
♦ 挤压辊 squeeze roll; squeezing roller
♦ 技术要求 technical requirements
♦ 加工machining, tooling
♦ 加工中心 machining center
♦ 加热heating
♦ 夹砂 sonim
♦ 夹杂物inclusion
♦ 夹渣cinder inclusion
♦ 剪切 shear
♦ 键 spline
♦ 交流电路 AC circuit
♦ 焦炭coke
♦ 角钢angle iron
♦ 绞孔 fraising
♦ 绞刀 reamer
♦ 搅炼puddling
♦ 搅炼熟铁 puddled iron
♦ 矫直 straighten
♦ 结合剂 bonding agent
♦ 截面 ction
♦ 介质 medium
♦ 金属工艺学 technology of metals
♦ 金属切削 metal cutting
♦ 金相试验metallographic test
♦ 金相组织 metallurgical structure; metallographic structure
♦ 进给方向 direction of feed
♦ 进给运动 feed movement
♦ 进行退火process anneal
♦ 精度 precision
♦ 精加工 finish machining
♦ 晶格lattice