名词解释;1.Rervation to treatioes:a unilateral statement ,howeverphrad or named,made by a state when signing,ratifying,accepting,approving or acceding to a sretay,whereby it purpots to exclude or to madify the legal effec of certain provisions of the treaty intheir in their application to that state。
2.the law of a:the law of the is that by which states regulate their relation in respect of the marine territory subject to coastal state jurisdiction and tho areas of the a and a bad beyond any national jurisdiction。
3.internal waters:internal waters are tho which lie on the landward side of the baline from which the territorial a andother martime zones are calculcoted。
4.treaty a treaty is an expression of concurring wills attributable to two or more subject of intnational law and intended to have legal effects under the rules of interational law
采用英文5.high a:all parts parts of the a that are not included in the EEZ,in the territoial a or in the intenal watets of a state ,or in the archipelagic waters of an archipelagic state 。滞后现象
6.baline:the baline is the line from which the outer limits of a state’s maritime zones are measured美丽如斯
爱情词语7.the right of hot pursuit:the right of hot pursuit allows a coastal state’s warships or military aircraft to pursue a foreign ship has violated the coastal state’s laws within internal or territorial wates and to arrest it on the high as.
8.ratification:ratification is the approval by the head of state or government of the signature to the treaty
9.the right of hot pursuit:the right of hot pursuit allows a coastal state’s warships or military aircraft to pursue a foreign ship which has violated the coastal state’s laws within internal or territorial waters and to arrest it on the high as.
一、What are the rights within the EEZ?
1.exploiting exploring conrving and managing the natural struct artificial island and other her states enjoy the right of free navigation overflight pipelaying and cable laying
二、What qualifications should the state posss as a person of international law?
1.a permanent population 2.a defined territory 3.a goverment 4. a capacity to enter into relations with other states
三、what are the means of acquiring title to territory?
1.occupation of terra nullius 2.quest-this method although of historical in terest is no longer a permitted way of obtaining title to territoty 4.accretion and ssion
名词解释;1.Rervation to treatioes:a unilateral statement ,howeverphrad or named,made by a state when signing,ratifying,accepting,approving or acceding to a sretay,whereby it purpots to exclude or to madify the legal effec of certain provisions of t
he treaty intheir in their application to that state。
2.the law of a:the law of the is that by which states regulate their relation in respect of the marine territory subject to coastal state jurisdiction and tho areas of the a and a bad beyond any national jurisdiction。
3.internal waters:internal waters are tho which lie on the landward side of the baline from which the territorial a andother martime zones are calculcoted。
4.treaty a treaty is an expression of concurring wills attributable to two or more subject of intnational law and intended to have legal effects under the rules of interational law
5.high a:all parts parts of the a that are not included in the EEZ,in the territoial a or in the intenal watets of a state ,or in the archipelagic waters of an archipelagic state 。
6.baline:the baline is the line from which the outer limits of a state’s maritime zones are measured
7.the right of hot pursuit:the right of hot pursuit allows a coastal state’s warships or military aircraft to pursue a foreign ship has violated the coastal state’s laws within internal or territorial wates and to arrest it on the high as.
8.ratification:ratification is the approval by the head of state or government of the signature to the treaty
9.the right of hot pursuit:the right of hot pursuit allows a coastal state’s warships or military aircraft to pursue a foreign ship which has violated the coastal state’s laws within internal or territorial waters and to arrest it on the high as.
一、What are the rights within the EEZ?
1.exploiting exploring conrving and managing the natural struct artificial island and other her states enjoy the right of free navigation overflight pipelaying and cable laying