ab initio (自始,例:void ab initio 自始无效)from the beginning
ad hoc (特别;特定;为某一目的特设,例:ah hoc committee 特设委员会;临时委员会;专门委员会)for this purpo
ad litem (专为某一诉讼目的;例:agent ad litem诉讼代理人)for the lawsuit
a fortiori (更加,更不必说) according to Webster: "with greater reason or more convincing force -- ud in drawing a conclusion that is inferred to be even more certain than another." Example: If it is a violation of the nding state's rights to arrest its consular official, then a fortiori it would be a violation to arrest its ambassador.
最绅士a posteriori (经验的;归纳的;后验的) from effect to cau; from particular to general; in国家级论文
ductive (bad on obrvation or experience).
春风化雨什么意思a priori (先验的;演绎的) from cau to effect; from generalization to particular; deductive; presuppod by or reasoning from lf-evident propositions (bad on theory rather than practice).
amicus curiae (法庭之友) "friend of the court"; a person with a strong interest in or views on the subject matter of a given legal action may petition the court for permission to file a brief, ostensibly on behalf of a party but actually to suggest a rationale consistent with its own views. Such amicus curiae briefs are commonly filed in appeals concerning matters of a broad public interest. Example: NPC of Iran v. M/T Stolt Sheaf ca
bona fide:acting in good faith
contra legem (违反法律) "against the law" (term ud to describe an equitable decision of a court or tribunal that is contrary to the law governing the controversy. Such a decision would not normally be permitted unless the tribunal had been empowered to act ex aequo et bono). As oppod to intra legem.
de facto (事实;事实上) in fact (as oppod to in law, de jure)
de lege ferenda (根据拟议法) what the law ought to be (as oppod to what the law is, lex lata).微信男士头像
de lege lata (根据现行法)what the law is (as oppod to what the law ought to be, de lege ferenda).
de jure (法理上;法律上) in law (as oppod to in fact, de facto).英语家庭树
dolus specialis (特殊目的)special intent. In international humanitarian law, genocide is considered unique becau of the special intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.
运动会贺词erga omnes (对所有国家;普遍适用;对国际社会整体。例:obligation erga omnes 对国际社会整体的义务;对世义务)"toward all" wrongful acts that harm everyone and not simply one injured party)
ex aequo et bono (根据公允及善意原则;本着公平与正义的精神) a judgment bad on considerations of fairness, not on considerations of existing law. Such a judgment is rendered "beside" or "against the law" (praeter legem or
contra legem), not within the law (infra legem or intra legem). Example: Article 38(2) of the I.C.J. Statute permits the Court to render a judgment on the grounds
ex proprio motu (出于自愿的;出自本意的) on its own accord.
ex proprio vigore (由于本身的力量)by its own strength / of its own force. A law or a treaty may be binding ex proprio vigore, or on its own. If an international law is not binding ex proprio vigore in domestic law, then legislative action is needed. A treaty that requires domestic legislation is referred to as a non-lf-executing treaty.
forum conveniens (便利法庭;合适的裁判地)convenient forum. The court is convenient to hear a ca and has jurisdiction. The doctrine of forum non conveniens ("inconvenient forum") allows a court to refur to adjudicate a ca on grounds of inconvenience.
forum non conveniens(不便利法庭;非方便裁判地) inconvenient forum.
in pari delicto (同等过错;互有过失)equally wrong. One party is as much at fault as the opposing party.
in pari materia (以相同方式)on like subject matter; same manner. typically ud in regards to statutes which relate the same thing or person.
in personam (对人)against the person. Jurisdiction over the person of an individual.
in rem (对物) “in a thing”. In a lawsuit, an action in rem is directed towards some specific piece of property,
in statu nascendi (在新生状态/初始状态/原初状态中)in its original form / in birth status / being just born. Under international law, this term generally is ud to refer to a nascent state or a political entity eking recognition of statehood. It also is ud to refer to emergent laws, rules, or principles of customary international law.