Characteristics of product/rvice process and customer needs of geographical accessibility in
高中建electronic commerce
期刊名称: International Journal of Service Industry Management
钱学森蒋英作者: Cho, Sung‐Eui,Park, Kwangtae
年份: 2003年
期号: 第5期
本的组词关键词: electronic commerce; rvice industries
增强创新意识摘要:The necessity of geographical accessibility between rvice provider and the customer has been esntial for face-to-face contact in many rvice industries. However, the emergence of electronic commerce (EC) and new technologies has altered the concept of location and geographical accessibility of rvice industries in a traditional economy. This study developed factors reprenting c
haracteristics of product/rvice process and verified that tho factors are significantly related to customer needs of geographical accessibility in the transactions of EC. In addition, it investigated the relationships with the reasons for customer needs of geographical accessibility. Data for analys were collected through customer surveys and statistically analyzed through exploratory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, 语文课件ppt