
更新时间:2023-05-18 23:33:20 阅读: 评论:0

P21第⼀段的“procedure”:this is a proceeding upon writ of a death benefit award by the Industrial Accident Commission in favor of the widow and three minor children of Karl Lund, decead. petitioner State Employees' Retirement System eks an annulment of the award, on the grounds that respondent Commission had acted without and in excess of its power and that the evidence was insufficient to justify the fingdings of fact.
补硒的食物P22 倒数第⼀段:on the contrary, we are required to indulge all reasonable inferences which may be drawn legitimately from the facts in order to support the findings of the Commission ,and in doing so all that is required is reasonable probability; not absolute certainty.
所需的⼀切就是合理的可能性,⽽⾮绝对的确定性。P23 第⼀段neither may the award be annulled becau there are two conclusions which fairly may be drawn from the evidence, both of which are reasonable ,the one sustaining and other opposing the right to compensation.
P23 app 1:that Lund, as a fish and game warden, had no regular or fixed hours of employment ;that frequently he did patrol duty at night for the purpo of intercepting violators of the fish and game laws.隆德,是鱼类和游戏管理员,没有正规的或固定的⼯作时间,他经常夜间值班巡逻,拦截违反渔猎法的⾏为。
App2 :as to the place of his death, the evidence shows that he had stationed himlf in a territory which was under surveillance for the illegal spotlight killing of deer.在他死的地⽅,
App3 :while on such duty he was not only permitted to, but it was contemplated that he could convert the car into a bed(for it was so equipped,) and that he might retire thereon or sleep. there wa
s no rule that forbade his having company while on duty.⽽对这种责任,他不仅是被允许的,⽽且我们看到他可以将其转换成汽车床(因为它是如此装备,)这样他可以就寝。他的公司没有任何规则禁⽌在值班时找伙伴陪同。
P23 最后⼀段第⼀句:from this and other facts and circumstances in the record ,we cannot say there was not substantial evidence to support the findings of the Commission ,or that the findings were irrational.从这个地⽅和其他的事实和情况的记录来看,我们不能说这⾥没有实质性的证据⽀持委员会的调查结果,或者说结果是不合理的。
P25 第⼀段的procedure:this is an appeal from a decision of the district court dismissing a writ of habeas corpus suspending relator's
deportation . relator concedes that he illegally entered the united states in 1945 without an immigration visa and hence is deportable.这是⼀个关于区法院决定驳回暂停申请者驱逐出境的⼈⾝保护令的上诉。叙述者承认他于1945年没有移民签证⾮法进⼊美国以及他因此应该被驱逐出境。
P26 第⼆段第⼀句的rule:relator, not the Immigration Service, has the burden of proof on the issue of his good moral character.是叙述者,⽽不是移民规划局,对他的良好的道德品格负有举证责任。
P26还是第⼆段,issue:whether or not to allow a deportable alien to leave the country voluntarily is committed to the discretion of the attorney general and his subordinates。是否允许⼀个被驱逐的外国⼈⾃愿承诺离开该国,取决于司法部长和他的下属的⾃由裁量权。
P26 第三段第⼀句:there is no doubt of the difficulties both for the administrative agency and for the courts in the determination of questions of the kind, depending on nuances of impressions as to human behavior.毫⽆疑问,最困难的是在认定问题时依据⾏政机构还是法院,这些要依据⼈类⾏为的细微差别。
P26倒数第⼀段:actually the record indicates that avoidance of embarrassment was probably a stronger factor in her refusal than fear of lf-incrimination.实际上,记录表明,避免尴尬,可能是⽐拒绝⾃证其罪的恐惧感来得更强⼤的⼀个因素。
38 p2The Court of Appeals erred in holding that an agreement among competitors to fix maximum resale prices of their products does not violate the Sherman Act.
38 第⼆段倒数第三⾏:Under the Sherman Act a combination formed for the purpo and with the effect of raising, depressing, fixing, pegging, or stabilizing the price of a commodity in interstate or foreign commerce is illegal per .
38p3 The Court of Appeals also erred in holding the evidence insufficient to support a finding by the jury that respondents had conspired to fix maximum resale prices.
39 第三段第⼀句
Respondents also ek to support the judgment of reversal on other grounds not pasd on by the Court of Appeals but which have been argued here both orally and in the briefs.
39 第三段第四⾏
Respondents introduced evidence in the district court designed to show that petitioner had agreed with other Indiana wholesalers to t minimum prices for the sale of liquor in violation of the antitrust laws.
39 第三段第六⾏
it is now contended that the trial court erred in charging the jury that petitioner's part in such a conspiracy, even if proved, was no defen to the prent cau of action。徐有庆
39 第三段第⼋⾏
We hold that the instruction was correct. Seagram and Calvert acting individually perhap might have refud to deal with petitioner。
我们认为指令是正确的,Seagram和calvert 各⾃的⾏为可能会拒绝和原告的交易。
39p4Respindents next suggest that their status as mere instrumentalities of a single manufacturing—merchandising unit’makes it impossible for them to have conspired in a manner forbidden by the Sherman Act.But this suggestion runs counter to our past decisions that common ownership and control does not liberate sorporations from the impact of the antitrust laws…..The rule is especially applicable where, as here,respondents hold themlves out as competitors.
76P1 This is an appeal from an order of the Municipal Court of Minneapolis denying the motion of the defendant for amended findings of fact,or ,in the alternative,for a new trial.The order for judfment awarded the plaintiff the sum of 138.5 as damages for breach of contract.
雌二醇高76倒2L3how much less being speculative especially in view of the price for which they were offered for sale.
77P3There are numerous authorities which hold that a particular advertiment in a newspaper or circular letter relating to a sale of articles may be construed by the court as constituting an offer,acceptance of which would complete a contract.
市场需求调查95P5 person is tuilty of escape in the cond degree when…Having been arrested for ,charged with or convicted of a class C,classD or class E felony,he escapes from custody.
95P5倒4Defendant argues that in order to be convicted of the crime of escape under Penal Law 205.10(2),he would have had to make it past the hospital exit doors.Anything short of leaving the
96P2L2Hence, once the People show that a defendant broke free or got away from the restraint or control of the officer,as defendant did here by physically removing restraints to free himlf from the controls impod and running away,sufficient evidence exists to support the crime of escape.
96P2L8here it was he point when defendant was no longer under the control of the officer and had removed himle from her custody without authorization—when she had to give cha,placing herlf and the public at rick—that the elements of Penal Law 205.10(2)were sufficiently met.
P4L4Their claim was rejected by the district court,which granted the cretary’s motion for summary judgment,and the court of appeals for the sixth circuit affirmed. 他们的请求被区法院驳回,并准予秘书长及时审判的请求,⽽且第六巡回上诉法院维持了判决。After oral argument,this court granted a stay that halted construction and,treating the application for the stay as a petition for certiorari,granted review.经过⼝头的辩论,本法院同意暂停施⼯,把申请暂停的请求作为司法审查的上诉状,准予司法审查。400 U.S.939. We now rever the judgment below and remand for
further proceedings in the district court..我们现在撤销原判决,并要求区法院进⼀步进⾏诉讼。120P2Although the route through the park was approved by the Bureau of Public Roads in 1956 and by the Federal Highway Administrator in 1966,虽然1956年Bureau公路管理局道路和1966年联邦铁路⾏政机构均批准从公园通过,the enactment of §4 of the Department of Transportation Act prevented distribution of federal funds for the ction of the highway designated to go through Overton Park until the Secretary of Transportation determined whether the requirements of §4 had been met..交通部制定的⾏动计划§4阻⽌为公路通过欧弗顿公园分配联邦资⾦,直到交通部部长确定§4计划是否得到了实现。
120P3 Petitioners conte nd that the Secretary’s action is invalid without such formal findings,and that the Secretary did not make an independent determination,but merely relied on the judgment of Memphis City Council.
120P4 Respondents argue the it was unnecessary for the Secretary to make formal findings,and that he did, in fact ,exerci his own independent judgment ,which was supported by the facts.被告辩称秘书长进⾏正式调查是不必要的,实际上他也没有这么做,他进⾏了独⽴的审查,这是事实证据的⽀持.In the district court ,respondents introduced affidavits,prepared specifically for the litigation,which indicated that the Aecretary had made the decision and that the decision was supportable.在区法院审理阶段,被告为了诉讼介绍了已准备好的详细书⾯证⾔。
121P2We agree that formal findings were not required.But we do not believe that,in this ca,judicial review bad solely on litigation affidavits was adequate.我们认同正式调查是不必须的。但是我们相信这个案⼦的司法审查仅仅基于诉讼中单纯的书⾯证⾔是不充分的。
121P3 A threshold question—whether petitioners are entitled to any judicial review---is easily answered.⼀个⾸要的问题是——原告是否被授予任何司法审查的权利——这是很容易回答的。Section 701 of the Administrative Pro cedure Act,5 U.S.C.
§701,provides the the action of “each authority of the Government of the United States,”⾏政诉讼法的701章5 U.S.C. §701授予“美国每个政府权⼒部门”实施⾏动的⾃由which includes the Department of Transortation ,is subject to judicial review except where there is a statutory prohibition on review or where “agency action is committed to agency discretion by law.”这包括交通部门,收到司法审查的制约,除⾮有⽴法禁⽌审查的规定或者机构⾏动在于法律授予机构的⾃由裁量权的范围之内。In this ca ,there is no indication that Congress sought to prohibit judicial review,and there is most certainly no “showing of clear and convincing evidence of a…legislative intent”to restrict access to judicial review.这个案⼦⾥,⽬前没有迹象表明美国国会试图禁⽌司法审查,⽽且肯定没有“明确和令⼈信服的证据……⽴法意图”去限制进⾏司法审查。
121P4Similarly,the Secretary’s decision here does not fall within the exception for action ” committed to agency discretion.”This is a ve ry narrow exception.相同地,这⾥秘书长的决定不属于例外⾏为”这是⼀个范围⾮常狭窄的例外。
121P5L4 requires the u of any public park land unless(1)there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the u of such land,and(2)such program includes all possible planning to minimize harm to such park.This language is a plain and explicit bar to the u of federal funds for construction of highways through parks—only the most unusual situations are exempted.需要使⽤任
何公园的⼟地,除⾮(1)没有可⾏的、慎重的替代性的可利⽤⼟地,⽽且(2)这样的程序包括所有可能的计划,尽量减少对公园的损害。这句话清楚并明确的限制⽤联邦资⾦来建设穿越公园的公⽤道路——除⾮⼀些极具特殊的情形出现。121P6Despite the clarity of the statutory language,respondents argue that the Secretary has wide discretion. 尽管有明确的法定条款规定,被告认为,秘书长有⼴泛的⾃由裁量权。They recognize that the requirement that there be no
“feasible”alternative route admits of little administrative discretion他们认识到需要在没有“可⾏的”替代路线的情况下才承认较⼩的⾏
政⾃由裁量权……Respondents argue ,however ,that the requirement that there be no other”prudent”route requires th e Secretary to engage in a wide—ranging balancing of competing interests.然⽽,被告认为,这⼀要求没有其他“考虑周全”的路线,需要秘书长参与到⼴泛的利益平衡竞争中。They contend that the Secretary should weigh the detriment resulting from the destruction of park land against the cost of other routes, safety considerations,and other factors,and determine on the basis of the importance that he attaches to there other factors whether, onbalance, alternative feasibleroutes would be “prudent”.他们认为,秘书长应权衡破坏公园所造成的损害和使⽤其他路线的成本,包括安全的考虑和其他因素,确定重要性的基础上,他需重视是否有其他因素,总⽽⾔之,替代可⾏的路线将是“谨慎”。
122p2最⾼法意见:But no such wide –ranging endeavor was intended.it is obvious that, in most cas, considerations of cost,directness of route, and community disruption will indicate that park land should be ud for highway construction whenever possible但没有如此⼴泛的——努⼒的范围是明显的,从各个⽅⾯出发,成本的考虑,直接的路线,和公共的破坏将表明,只要有可能公园的⼟地应当⽤于公路建设…….Such fa ctors are common to substantially all highway construction.实际上,对于所有的公路建造这些因素都是常见的。Thus,if Congress intended there factors to be on an equal footing with prervation of park land, there would have been no need for the statutes.
因此,如果国会意图的因素是在平等的基础上保护公园⼟地,法规也就没有存在的必要了。122p4l4which provides that a “rev iewing court shall…hold unlawful and t aside agency action,findings,and conclusions found”not to meet six parate standards.它提供了⼀个“复审法院应当……持有⾮法⽽且置机构⾏为,结果和结论于不顾,并发现结论“不满⾜六个单独的标准。
123p5 the court is first required to decide whether the Secretary acted within the scope of his authority. 法院⾸先需要决定是秘书长的⾏为权限范围内。
124p2倒3 Although this inquiry into the facts is to be arching and careful,the ultimate standard of review is a narrow one.the court is not empowered to substitute its judgment for that of the agency.
124p3 The final inquiry is whether the Secretary’s action follow ed the necessary procedural requirements.最后的审查是秘书的⾏动是否遵循必要的程序要求。
126p3l4If the district court decides that additional explanation is necessary ,that court should consider which method will prove the most expeditious so that full review may be had as soon as possible.如果该地区法院认为,更多的解释是必要的,法院应考虑哪些⽅法的证明是最有效率的,促使全⾯审查了尽可能快的完成。

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标签:法院   被告   审查   认为   没有   公园   秘书长
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