1. robot
2. won't =will not
3. they'll (=they will)
4. everything
5. paper
6. u
7. less
8. fewer
9. pollution
10. tree
11. she'll
12. building
13. astronaut
14. rocket
15. space
16. space station
17. fly
18. took
19. moon
20. I'll =I shall
21. fall
22. fell
23. fall in love with
24. alone
25. pet
26. parrot
27. probably
28. go skating
29. suit
30. be able to
31. dress
32. casually
33. which
34. even
35. the World Cup
36. wrote
37. mylf
38. interview
39. predict
40. future
41. prediction
42. came
43. come true
44. sound
45. company
46. thought
47. fiction
48. unpleasant
49. scientist
50. in the future
51. however
52. hundred
53. hundreds of
54. already
55. made
56. factory
57. simple
58. such
59. bored
60. everywhere
61. human
62. shape
63. huge
64. earthquake
65. snake
66. look for
67. possible
68. electric
69. toothbrush
70. em
71. impossible
72. houwork
73. rating
74. keep out
75. play
76. loud
77. argue
78. wrong
79. What's wrong (with)
80. style
81. out of style
82. could
83. should
84. call sombody up
85. ticket
86. surpri
87. on the phone
88. What's the matter
89. pay for
90. part-time job
91. okay
92. either
93. bake
94. Teen Talk
95. tutor
96. original
97. the
98. in style
99. haircut
100. except 玲珑江湖
101. upt
102. fail
103. get on
104. didn't
105. couldn't =could not
106. football
107. until
108. fit
109. as... as possible
110. pressure
111. complain
112. include
113. pushy
114. nd
115. all kinds of
116. compare
117. crazy
118. themlves
119. adult
120. on the one hand
121. organized
122. on the other hand
123. freedom
124. UFO
125. barber
126. barber shop
127. bathroom
128. bedroom
129. kitchen
130. get out
131. cut
132. alien
133. bought
134. land
135. got
136. shirt
137. take off
138. while
139. experience
140. around
141. strange
142. follow
143. amazing
144. kid
145. scared
146. climb
147. jump
148. shout
149. rode
150. cat
151. train station
152. ran
153. run away
154. anywhere
155. met
156. come in
157. happen
158. accident
159. plane
160. Beijing International Airport
161. heard
162. modern
163. kill
164. Memphis
165. murder
166. hear about
167. bright
文明礼仪广播稿168. playground
男人的好歌词169. bell n.
170. rang ring
171. told
172. clo
173. silence
174. take place
175. recent
176. World Trade Center
177. destroy
178. terrorist
179. meaning
180. as... as...
181. became
182. flight
183. earth
184. hero
185. flew
186. tragedy
187. ever
188. mad
189. anymore
190. snack
191. direct speech
192. reported speech
193. first of all
194. message
195. pass on
196. suppo
197. be suppod to
198. hard-working
199. do well in
200. grandpa
201. in good health
202. report card
203. nervous
204. envelope
205. luckily
206. mester
207. wor
208. true
209. disappointing
210. lucky
211. copy
212. hers
213. own
214. get over
215. village
216. Peking University
217. graduate
218. volunteer
219. the Ministry of Education
220. pioneer
221. Chine Young Pioneer
222. rural
223. area
224. meter
225. a level
226. thin
227. ate
228. fortunately
229. decision
230. husband
231. dormitory
232. nior
233. open up
234. start
235. influence
236. hometown
237. greenpeace
238. care for
239. border
240. unicef
241. WWF
242. danger
243. jeans
244. organize
245. take away
246. clean-up
247. flower
248. agent
团结的名人名言249. around the world儿童画蛋糕
250. make a living
251. against
252. charity
253. chance
254. all the time
255. injured
256. sincerely
257. lawyer
258. tonight
259. mobile
260. mobile phone
261. What's the problem
262. fat
263. window
264. play football
265. conquence
266. explain
267. following
268. in order to
269. improve
270. collect
271. shell
272. marathon
273. skate
274. pair
275. since
276. Hilltop School
277. rai
278. veral
279. skater
280. stamp
281. kite
282. monster
283. globe
284. anyone
285. run out of
286. store
287. cake
288. particularly
289. collector
290. by the way
291. common
292. extra
293. coin
294. topic
295. been