1. Surname (Family name) (x) 姓 | For official u only 签证机关专用 | |||||
2. Surname at birth (Former family name (s) (x) 出生时姓氏 | Date of application: | |||||
3. First name (s) (Given name (s) (x) 名 | Visa application number: | |||||
4. Date of birth (day-month-year) 出生日期 (日-月-年) | 5.Place of birth / 出生地 6.Country of birth / 出生国 | 7. Current nationality / 现国籍 Nationality at birth, if different: 出生时国籍,如与现国籍不同 | Application lodged at Embassy/Consulate CAC Service provider Commercial 怎样钓鲤鱼intermediary | |||
8. Sex / 性别 Male / 男 中国结的由来Female / 女 | 9. Marital status / 婚姻状况 Single / 未婚 Married / 儒道释已婚 Separated / 分居 Divorced / 离异 Widow (er) / 丧偶 Other / 其它 ……………………………. | Border Name: Other | ||||
10. In the ca of minors: Surname, first name, address (if different from applicant’s) and nationality of parental authority / legal guardian / 未成年申请人 须填上合法监护人的姓名、住址(如与申请人不同) 、及国籍 | File handled by: | |||||
11. National identity number, where applicable 身份证号码,如适用 | Supporting documents: Travel document | |||||
12. Type of travel document 护照种类: Ordinary passport / 普通护照 Diplomatic passport / 外交护照 北京的英文Service passport / 公务护照 Official passport / 因公护照 Special passport / 特殊护照 Other (plea specify) / 其它旅行证件(请注明):…………………………………… | Means of subsistence Invitation Means of transport TMI Other: | |||||
13. Number of travel document 旅行证件编号 | 14. Date of issue 签发日期 | 15. Valid until 有效期至 | 16. Issued by 签发机关 | |||
17. Applicant’s home address and e-mail address 申请人住址及电子邮件 | Telephone number(s) 电话号码 | Visa decision: Refud Issued A C LTV | ||||
18. Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality 是否居住在现时国籍以外的国家 No 否 Yes. Residence permit or equivalent …………………… No ………………… Valid until..………………………….. 是。 居留证 编号 有效期至 | ||||||
*19. Current occupation 现职业 | ||||||
*20. Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For students, name and address of educational establishment. 工作单位名称,地址和电话,学生填写学校名称及地址 | Valid From ……………………… Until ……………………… | |||||
21. Main purpo(s) of the journey: 旅程主要目的 Tourism / 旅游 Business / 商务 Visiting Family or Friends / 探亲访友 Cultural / 文化 Sports / 体育 Official visit / 官方访问 Medical reasons / 医疗 Study / 学习 Transit / 过境 Airport transit / 机场过境 Other (plea specify) / 其它 (请注明) | Number of迎新海报 entries: 1 2 Multiples Number of days: |
22. Member State (s) of destination / 申根目的地 | 23. Member State of first entry / 首入申根国 | |
24. Number of entries requested 申请入境次数 Single entry / 一次 Multiple entries / 多次 Two entries / 两次 | 25. Duration of the intended stay or我是大一新生 transit Indicate number of days 预计逗留或过境日数 | |
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