Unit 1 T ext A Winston Churchill –His other life
I. Teaching Objectives
1.Understand the audio materials of this unit.
2.Grasp the key words, Phras and structure.
3.Master the skills of writing and reading in this unit: major event and then briefly outline what led up to it or how it happened
II. Teaching Content
1.Lead-in activities
2. Text Organization
3. Skill learning in writing and reading
4. Language points ( key words, phras and difficult ntences)
5. Grammar Focus (1.Past participial phra ud as adverbial 2.The adverb so ud for emphasis and agreement)
6. Guided Practice (exercis, oral practice and group work)
III .Teaching Process
1.W arm-up Questions / Activities:
1). Ask Ss what they know about Winston Churchill and the two World wars--- they may say anything that pops into their minds;
2). Put what they‟ve mentioned on the blackboard;
3). Then provide the following text-related information (all or part) and ask them to take brief notes; and
4). Check their comprehension with the following questions related to the information provided. Introduction remarks:
What is it that makes someone great? Why do certain people go down in history as outstanding characters, admired by millions? Are heroes and heroines truly different from other people —more intelligent, more courageous, stronger and better? Or is their fame just a matter of chance? The article takes a clor and more personal look at Winston Churchill, the greatest figure from modern history: As you read the text, you‟l l consider the acts he was famous for; his strength of will, warm spirit and love of life; as well as the difficulties his personalities and his human nature —the “other side” of what made him special.
1).Who was Winston Churchill? What positions did he hold in the British government? (Winston Churchill was a British Conrvative statement, orator, and writer noted for his leadership during World War Ⅱ.He held various positions in the government, including First Lord of the Admiralty and Prime Minster.)
2).During World War Ⅰwhich countries were the main Allies, and which, the main Central Powers?(The main Allies were France, Russia, Britain, Italy and the US, while the main Central Powers, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey.)
3).What was the direct cau for the Allies‟---Britain and France‟s ---declaration of war against
Germany that started World Ⅱ?(The direct cau was the German invasion of Poland on Sept 1, 1939)
4).What happened to Winston Churchill as a result of the loss of the Dardanelles campaign in 1916?( He was removed from the Admiralty.)
2.Text Organization
This passage can be divided into 5 parts:
Part One: (Para1-3) Churchill began his love affair with painting amid disastrous circumstances. Part Two: (Para4-8) The process of Churchill‟s learning painting, which showed his gift for painting.
Part Three: (Para9-10) The deaths of his mother and 3-year-old daughter gave him another great grief. It was painting that rescued him.
Part Four: (Para11-12) Churchill achieved great success in painting.
Part Five: (Para13) Conclusion: Painting brought joy, peace, and hope to Churchill.
3. Skill learning in writing and reading
1). major event and then briefly outline what led up to it or how it happened;
12个月份的英文4. Language Points
1) love affair
— romance between two people who love each other but who are not married to each other; great enthusiasm or liking (for sth.)
< The girl’s love affair with the 60-year-old man worries her parents..
2) circumstances n. (pl.)在线营销
—conditions of a situation which has an effect on what is done or on the way sth. is done
< In some circumstances it may be necessary for the manager to come here in person.
3) overwhelm vt.
—make (sb.) feel completely helpless, astonished, or embarrasd.
< At the age of forty, he was overwhelmed with work, illness and family problems.
4). come/go to the/one’s re scue
— help sb. when they are in danger or difficulty
< We were about to clo down the business, but the bank came to our rescue.
5). chance upon/on
— meet or discover unexpectedly
6). try one’s hand (at/doing sth.)
—try a new activity to test one‟s ability; make an inexperienced attempt
7). plunge into
1)push (sth.) suddenly and deeply into (sth.el)
2)get involved in (sth.) suddenly, without thinking carefully or preparing for it
•Heather plunged her hands deep into her pockets.
•She plunged bravely into the debate.
8). before sb. know it
— (informal) very quickly and suddenly
< At this time of the year, you could catch cold before you know it.
9). fall upon
— attack suddenly and violently
< Terrorists were falling upon men and women in the street.
10). overcome vt.
— overpower or overwhelm in body or mind
Receiving the prize in honour of her dead father, she was overcome with emotion.
11). take refuge in
系统英文—find protection, help or relief in a place, person, action, etc.
odd a.
—(ud after a number) with some extra; or so
<•twenty odd years ago •six hundred odd children
•thirty-odd years
12). keep sb. company
5. Grammar Focus
1) Past participial phra ud as adverbial
Explain that a past participial phra, usually that of transitive verb, can function as an adverbial modifying the main verb of the ntence to indicate cau, time, condition, concession, etc. For example:
Overwhelmed by the disaster, he retired with his family to a country retreat in Surrey.
Greatly interested, Ben‟s father began to ask him to play this computer game.
2) The adverb so ud for emphasis and agreement
A)Tell Ss that so can be ud after a clau or statement, and before a subject and auxiliary verb,
to express strong emphasis or agreement with that clau or statement. For example:
I said I would come, and so I will.
“ You’ve forgotten your hat”--- “Ah, yes, so I have”
B)Compare this u with the u of so to me an …likely‟ or …also‟ in saying that something that has工地标语
just been said about one person or thing is also true of another, usu. Followed by “auxiliary verb. + Subject” in the inverted word order. For example:
His shoes are brightly polished; so is his suitca.
John buys his drinks at the local supermarket, so do lots of people.
C) Do Structure Ex.Ⅷ attached to the text.
6. Guided Practice (exercis, oral practice and group work)
1) Summary
A. Ask veral students to retell the text by using their own words.
B. Talk about the main idea or theme of the text.
2). Exercis
A. Comprehension of the text(During the period of preview or discussions in class).
B. vocabulary (homework)
C. Translation( on exerci-book)
7. After-class Assignments
Practice writing a paragraph that starts with a main event and goes on to describe what led up to it.
T ext B Little Sister of the Poor
Language Points
1.street people---people living in slums who, esp. during the summer, spend much of their time
sitting on building steps, standing on the sidewalk talking, or visiting neighbors and local stores; the local people of a crowded neighborhood.
2.By blood and origin I am Albanian---I come from an Albanian family.
3.minister to ---give help to or care for (people, esp. ill people)
e.g She had spend her life ministering to the needs of her husband.
4.And to that end, she gathtered a small group of nuns around her.---and for that goal, she
called together a small group of nuns to work with her.
5.signature rvice--- typical or characteristic rvice.
6.give way to ---make concession to; yield to结婚誓词
e.g The chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee gave to his opinion.
7.skip the usual lavish dinner--- do not hold the extravagant dinner that is usually given.
8.Mother T ersa lit a path to saintliness and invited others to follow it.--- Mother Teresa
opened the way to holy business ( of taking care of the poor and the disabled) and t an example that made other people to follow.
invite--- tempt; attract.
e.g If you don‟t maintain the car regularly, you are just inviting trouble.
His proposal invited great interest.