氨基三乙酸(NTA) aminotriacetic acid
胺基 amino
铵基 ammonium
安全地层 safe formation
安全试破 safe destruction
安全钻井 safe drilling
坳陷 down warping region
螯合 chelation
凹陷 sag
凹陷地层 subsidence formation
奥陶系 Ordovician system
API模拟法 API recommended method
矿山 英语 词汇 B
多靶点 multiple target point
白沥青 white asphalt
白油 mineral oil
白云母 white mica
半透膜 mipermeable membrane
包被絮凝剂 flocculant
包被 envelop
包被抑制性 encapsulating ability 中国思想史
饱和度 saturation
饱和度剖面图 profile map of degree of saturation
饱和盐水 saturated salt water
背斜 anticlinal
钡 barium
苯环 benzene ring
苯酚 phenyl hydroxide
本质区别 esntial difference
泵压过高 overhigh pumping pressure
比表面积 specific surface area
比吸水量 specific absorption
比重瓶法 density bottle method
避免 avoid
蓖麻油 ricinus oil
边界摩擦 boundary friction
扁藻(浮游植物) algae
变化趋势 variation trend
元宵的诗标准化 standardization
标准粘度测量 standard viscosity measure
表面粗糙度 roughness of the surface
游戏功能表面电位 surface electric potential
表面活性剂 surfactant ,surface active agent
表面能 interface energy
表面粘度 surface viscosity
表面抛光 sample surface
表面弹性 Aibbs surface elasticity
表面张力 surface tension
表明 verify /reveal
表皮系数(S) skin coefficient
憋钻 bit bouncing
宾汉方程 bingham equation
丙三醇 glycerine
丙烯情 acrylonitrile
丙烯酸 acrylic acid
丙烯酸盐 acrylate
丙烯酰胺 acrylamide
薄而韧的泥饼 thin, plastic and compacted mud-cake
薄片 flake
薄弱地层 weak formation
泊松比 Poisson’s ratio
剥离 peel off
补救 remediation
不分散泥浆 nondisperd mud
不干扰地质录井 play no role in geological logging
不均质储层 heterogeneous rervoir
不均匀 uneven
不可逆 irreversible
不同程度 inordinately
部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide
新年吉祥话参数优选 parametric optimization
残酸 reacted acid
残余饱和度 residual staturation
男女公关残渣 gel residue , solid residue
测量 measure
侧链 side chain
侧钻水平井 sidetrack horizontal well
层间 interlayer
层间距 the distance between the two crystal layer, layer distance
层理 bedding
层流 layer flow
差减法 minusing
尝试 trial
柴油 diel oil
长连缔合物 long chain associated matter
五年级下册语文课文操作方法 operation method
超伸井 high deep well
超深预探井 ultradeep prospecting well
超声波 ultrasonography
超高密度泥浆 extremely high density mud
超细碳酸钙 super-fine calcium carbonate
产层 production/pay zone
产层亏空 rervoir voidage
产量 production ,output
沉淀 precipitation
沉降 subside
沉降速度 ttling rate
沉砂 sand tting
衬套 sleeve
程序 program
成对水平井 paired parallel horizontal wells
成分 ingredient
成胶剂 gelatinizing agent
成膜树脂 film-forming resin
成岩性差 poor diagenetic grade
承压 bearing pressure
16482。46承压低 lower pressure resistance
承压能力 loading capacity
尺寸 dimension
斥力 repulsion
除硫效果 sulfur limitation effect
除硫剂 sulfur elimination
除砂器 desander
触变性 thixotropy
触变剂 thixotropic agent
垂沉 sag
垂直井 vertical well
充气钻井液 aerated drilling fluid
磁化 magnetization
次生有机阳离子聚合物 condary organic cationic polymer
冲砂 sand removal
冲蚀 flush
冲刷 washing out
冲洗 clean
冲洗效率 cleaning efficiency
冲洗液 washing fluid
从…角度 from the standpoint of
丛式井 cluster well
稠化剂 gelling agent
稠油区 viscous oil area
稠油藏 high oil rervoir
初步分析 preliminary analysis 做花灯
初始稠度 initial consistency
初始粘度 initial viscosity
初探 primary investigation
处理剂 additive ,treating-agent
粗分散泥浆 coar disperd mud
粗泡沫堵漏工艺 coar-foam plugging technology
促凝剂 accelerating agent
醋酸 acetate
醋酸钠 sodium acetate
窜流 fluid channeling
脆裂 embrittlement crack
脆性 brittle/crisp ,fragility
催化剂 accelerant , catalyst
萃取剂 extracting agent
达西定律 Darcy’s equation
大段水层 thick aqueous formation
大分子氢键络合作用 polycomplexation of hydrogen bond
大灰量 mass slurry
大井斜角 high deviation angle
大块岩样 big rock sample
大块钻屑 massive drilling cuttings
大类 genera
大理石 marble
大砾石层 large gravel bed
大量分析 quantitative analysis
大排量洗井 high flow rate washover
大排量循环 high flow rate circulation
大位移定向井 extended-reach directional well
大斜度钻井 big inclination/angle drilling
大直径井眼 large hole
代表性岩心 reprentive core sample
单宁酸 tannate
单体 monomer
单相关分析法 analyzing method of single correlation
单相关系数加权 coefficient weighted method of single correlation
单轴抗压强度 uniaxial compressive strength
氮 nitrogen
N-羟甲剂胺 N-hydroxymethyl amine
淡水 fresh water
单向压力暂堵剂 unidirectional pressure temporary plugging additive
导向螺杆钻具 stearable asmly
导向器 guider
等温曲线 isothermal curve
低毒油基 low toxicity oil bad
低返速 low return-velocity
低固相泥浆 low solid drilling fluid
低级醛 low-grade aldehyde
低粘土相泥浆 low clay content drilling fluid