AB InBev Product Integrity Program
Table of Contents目录
1. General概要
2. Raw Materials 原材料
2.1 Water水
2.2 Malt 麦芽
2.3 Cereals谷类(辅料)
2.4 Hops 酒花
2.5 Soft Drink Ingredients软饮料配料
2.6 Other Ingredients / Process Aids 小剧院其他配料和加工助剂
3. Production Process 生产过程
3.1 Production areas 生产场所
3.2 Product integrity 秀秀网产品完整性
3.2.1 Cleaning agents 清洗剂
3.2.2 Cooling agents 冷媒
3.2.3 Gas气体
3.2.4 Steam蒸汽
3.2.5 Hazardous Materials危险品
3.2.6 Food Contact materials接触材料
3.2.7 Filter aids过滤助剂
3.2.8 Alcohol in non-alcoholic beers 无醇啤酒中的酒精(检测)
3.2.9 Micro stability of products highly susceptible to spoilage微稳定的产品很容易受到损坏
3.2.10 Road tankers槽车
3.2.11 Recovered product小肚子痛是怎么回事回收品
3.2.12 Brewing Co-Products酿造副产物
4. Packaging六勾玉轮回眼包装
4.1 Bottles玻璃瓶
4.2 Cans 易拉罐
4.3 Kegs 桶
4.4 PET Bottles 塑料瓶
4.5 Tamper Evidence 破坏证据
Table of Contents (continued)
5. Traceability可追溯性 Now part of VPO QUAL 3 1 50 5 Traceability
6. Warehousing仓储
7. Pest Control虫害控制
8. General Hygiene and Houkeeping整体卫生和内务处理
9. Site Security现场安全
10. Supply Chain供应链
11. Analytical Detection 分析检测
12. Product Recovery 产品回收
关于榜样的作文13. QMS and Management Responsibility质量管理体系和管理职责
14. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) HACCP
15. Document History 历史记录
2.Pest Control
2.1.To ensure that all AB InBev plants are free of vermin, defined pest control measures must be taken. 应确保所有英博产品没有虫害,也就是说必须采取虫害控制措施
2.1.1.Any deviation from the recommended minimum pest control requirements requires a completed risk asssment on file at the plant with approval from the Zone Food Safety Coordinator and the Zone Quality Director. 任何低于最低虫害控制要求的差异工厂需要一个完整的风险评估报告,并且由大区食品安全协调员和大区质量总监批准。
2.1.2.Each plant’s pest control program is bad on the same premi of “tiers of defen” to prevent infestation within the plant walls. Bait stations attract pests along plant perimeter and building perimeters while traps capture pests if they breach the outer walls of the plant. The tiers provide protection for the entire site, starting at the cure
perimeter fence.每个工厂的虫害控制程序基于同样的“层级防护”前提,避免工厂围墙内的虫害袭击。如果害虫从工厂外墙进入,工厂周围和建筑周围用诱饵站吸引害虫和捕鼠(虫)器抓住害虫。这些开始与周边安全的层级为整个现场提供防护。
NOTE: Each country/zone must review legislation to determine if bait stations along the plant perimeter are permitted. A stated in 7.1.1, a risk asssment is needed to deviate from the pest control requirements.注:每个国家/大区必须回顾当地法律法规,确定工厂周围放置诱饵站是被允许的。需要按照7.1.1要求在与虫害控制要求存在差异时进行风险评估。
2.1.3.Plant perimeter fence bait stations are REQUIRED as the first tier of pest defen. It is recommended that bait stations be placed every 30 meters (100 ft) along plant perimeter. 工厂周围围墙的诱饵站被要求是虫害防护的第一个层级。建议工厂周围每隔30米(100ft)放置一个诱饵站。
学生综合素质评价系统2.1.4.The building perimeter bait stations are REQUIRED as the cond tier of pest defen. It is recommended that bait stations be placed every 30 meters (100 ft) along A
LL building perimeters. 工厂建筑周围诱饵站被要求是虫害防护的第二个层级。建议所有建筑周围每隔30米(100ft)放置一个诱饵站。
2.1.5.The building interior traps (rodents/pheromone traps/EFK’s) are REQUIRED as the final tier of pest defen. It is recommended that rodent traps (without bait) are located inside the building on both sides of all external doors (roll up doors, maintenance access doors, as well as people doors).建筑内部的捕鼠/虫器(龋齿动物/信息素/电子杀虫器)被要求是虫害控制的最后一个层级。建议龋齿动物捕捉器(不放诱饵)放置在建筑内与外部链接的门口两侧(出口门,维护进入的门,人员走动的门)
2.1.6.Increasing protection (number of bait stations or traps) may be necessary when an infestation occurs. 当虫害泛滥时,不断增加防护(诱饵站和抓捕器数量)可能是必要的。
2.1.7.Reference: 参考:/?func=ll&objId=87103337&objAction=Open&viewType=1
2.2.Pest control products and guidelines:虫害控制产品和要求
梦见自己很生气2.2.1.All pest control products ud must be officially approved for that purpo by the relevant local authorities.所有使用的虫害控制产品必须经过当地相关部门的官方批准用于此功能。
2.2.2.Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all the pest control products must be included in the plant's pest management registry, up-to-date, and readily available工厂虫害管理登记必须包括所有虫害控制产品的安全数据表,并且最新且容易找到。
2.2.3.All the pest control products, including glue traps, must be listed on a positive list which is maintained up-to-date in the plant's Pest Management Registry.所有虫害控制产品,包括粘鼠板,必须在工厂虫害管理登记簿中明确登记,且保持最新。
2.2.4.All pest control products must be stored outside of the plant's premis (i.e. under the control of the pest management company).所有虫害控制产品必须在工厂外存放(即由虫害管理公司控制)。
2.2.5.Pest control products must be transported in cured vehicles to prevent unauthoriz
ed access while in the plant's premis.虫害控制产品必须使用安全的车辆运输,防止在工厂内的非授权的接触。
2.2.6.All applications of pest controlled products must be recorded in the plant's pest management registry, detailing the location of the application, date/time, pesticide name, lot number, quantity, concentration and name of the control company technician.所有的虫害控制产品的领用必须在工厂虫害管理登记簿中记录,详细描述使用的位置,日期/时间,杀虫剂名称,批次号,数量,浓度和虫害控制公司的技术人员姓名。
2.2.7.Bait boxes must be numbered and labelled with the appropriate health warnings (toxic, hazardous, poison, etc). If they contain poison, they must be anchored.诱饵箱必须进行编号,并且贴上适当健康警示的标签(有毒、有害等)。如果含有毒物品,必须进行锚定。