北 為 vi/mf
运输 tran sportati on | | tran sit | | con veya nee
运送 to tran sport | | to carry | | to con vey
运输业 tran sportati on bus in ess | | forward ing bus in ess | | carry ing trade
运输代理人 a forward ing age nt
承运人 a freight age nt | | a carrier
船务代理人 a shipp ing age nt
陆上运输 transportation by land
海上运输 transportation by a
货物运输 goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods
货轮 cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier
火车 goods-tra in | | freight-tra in
卡车 goods-va n | | goods wago n | | freight car | | truck
货运办公室 goods-office | | freight-department
运费率 freight | | freight rates | | goods rate
运费 carriage charges | | shipp ing expe ns | | express charges
车费 cartage | | portage
运费预付 carriage prepaid | | advanee freight| | freight prepaid
运费到付 carriage forward | | freight forward | | charges forward
运费已付carriage paid
收取运费 charges collect
运费免除||免费carriage free
协定运费 conference freight | | freight rate
运费清单 freight account
托运单 way-bill | | in voice
运送契约 contract for carriage
装运 shipme nt | | loadi ng
装上货轮 to ship || to load | | to take on a ship
装运费 shipp ing charges | | shipp ing commissi on
装运单||载货单shipp ing in voice
装运单据 shipping documents
大副收据 mate's receipt
装船单 shipping order
提货单 delivery order
装船通知 shipping advice
包裹收据 parcel receipt
准装货单 shipping permit
租船契约 charter party
北 為 viZmf-
程租船||航次租赁voyage charter
期租船 time charter
允许装卸时间 lay days | | layi ng days
工作日 working days
连续天数 running days | | concutive days
滞期日数 demurrage days
速遣费 despatch money
空舱费 dead freight
退关 short shipme nt | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs
赔偿保证书(信托收据)letter of indemnity | | trust receipt
装载 load ing
卸货 uni oadi ng | | discharg ing | | landing
装运重量 shipping weight | | in-take-weight
卸货重量 landing weight
压舱 ballasti ng
压舱货in ballast
舱单 man ifest
船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry
航海日记 ship's log
(船员,乘客)健康证明bill of health
光票 clea n bill
不清洁提单foul bill
有疑问提单suspected bill
1CFR( costa nd freight) 成本加运费价
2T/T(telegraphic tran sfer) 电汇
3D/P(docume nt aga inst payme nt) 付款交单
4D/A(docume nt aga inst accepta nee) 承兑交单
5C.O(certificate of origi n) —般原产地证
6G.S.P.(ge neralized system of prefere nces) 普惠制
7CTN/CTNS(carto n/carto ns) 纸箱
8PCE/PCS(piece/pieces) 只、个、支等
9DL/DLS(dollar/dollars) 美元
10DOZ/DZ(doze n) —打
11PKG(package) 一包,一捆,一扎,一件等
北 為 viZmf-
13G.W.(gross weight) 毛重
14ps动画制作N.W. (n et weight) 净重
15C/D(customs declaratio n) 报关单
18w/o(without) 没有
19FAC(facsimile) 传真
21EXP (心情的成语export)出口
25M/V ( mercha nt vesl) 商船
27MT 或 M/T(metric ton) 公吨
29INT ( in ternatio nal) 国际的
30P/L(packi ng list) 装箱单、明细表
31趣味脑筋急转弯INV( in voice) 发票
32PCT(perce nt)百分比
33REF ( referenee)参考、查价
34EMS ( express mail special) 特快传递
35STL.(style) 式样、款式、类型
36T 或 LTX或 TX(telex) 电传
37RMB 魔鬼式训练( renminbi)人民币
38S/M ( shippi ng marks)装船标记
39PR 或 PRC(price)价格
41S/C ( sales con tract) 销售确认书
42L/C ( letter of credit) 信用证
43B/L ( bill of ladi ng) 台词练习提单
44FOB ( free on board) 离岸价
45CIF ( cost, i nsura nee & freight) 成本、保险加运费价
船名(VES): vesl name
航次(VOY): Voyage
提单号(B/L NO): Bill of Ian di ng NO.
装货港(POL): port of loading
卸货港(POD): port of DISCHARGE
北 為
目的港(DES): port of destination
传记文学的特点定舱单Booking doc :是指客户或者partner向我司递交的定舱单
远洋航路、海上线:ocean line:
已装船提单(Shipped on borad B/L )
人力资源管理做什么备用提单(Receivedfor Shipment B/L )
清洁提单(Clean B/L)
不清洁提单(Unclean or Foul B/L )
直达提单(Direct B/L )
转船提单(Transhipment B/L )
联运提单(Through B/L )
联合运输提单(Combi ned Tran sport B/L )
记名提单(Straight B/L )
不记名提单(Bearer B/L )
指示提单(ORDER Order B/L)
航空运单(Airwaybill ,简称AWB
集装箱(container )
集装箱租赁 (container leas ing)
集装箱装卸区(container term in al)
空箱堆场(van pool )
中转站或内路站( container depot or inland depot )
集装箱货运站(con tai ner freight station 简称:CFS是处理拼箱货的场所,它办理拼箱货的交接,配载积
人.同时也可按承运人的 委托进行铅封和签发场站收据等业务 .二.集装箱外尺寸(con tai ner's overall external dime nsio ns )包括集
集装箱堆场(container yard 简称:CY):指办理集装箱重箱或空箱装卸 ,转运,保管,交接的场所.集装箱前方堆场
(marshalli ng yard ); 集装箱后方堆场( container yard )
托运人责任(shipper's liabilities )
责任限制(limits of liability )