
更新时间:2023-05-18 13:08:30 阅读:24 评论:0

Take your time before yousign!
The purpo of this guidanceis to identify and highlight certain issues that should be taken intoconsideration by a vesl’s Master, its officers and/or its operators immediately prior to thesigning of any bills of lading.
The execution of bills oflading is crucially important in the context of every shipment becau the billof lading rves at least three major purpos.
cis策划1. First, the bill of ladingis a contract of carriage between the Member and cargo interests, i.e. oftenparate from and in addition to the charter party contract with the vesl’s charterers.
2. Second, the bill of ladingis proof of receipt of the shipment by the carrier of the cargo to one or more overasdestinations.
3. Third, the bill of ladingacts as a document of title, e.g., it is a document which gives legal ownershipof the cargo to the party having the original bill of lading in its posssion or to anamed consignee.
Becau of the multiple, esntial rolesthat a bill of lading rves, it is paramountthat the bill of lading ts forth informationthat accurately describes the nature of thecargo being carried, the quantity of such cargo, its condition,the loading port, the date of shipment, the dischargeport, the name of the vesl, the shippers or receivers,the incread value of cargo (if applicable), andany carriage terms regarding the shipment. Each pieceof information in the bill of lading is vital becauany inaccuracy or misdescription can have significant and potentiallycostly conquences. It can give ri toincread liabilities, and it may prejudice a Member’s Protection and Indemnity (“P&I”) coverage.
The fundamental rule that every Mastershould follow is to never sign a bill of lading which he or she knows or hasreason to believe to be inaccurate or untrue. Carefulthought an
d attention shouldbe given to all the information contained in a bill of lading. Whenever indoubt, the Master should contact the Member’s office for clarification andinstructions, and if this is not feasible or possible to do so, the Mastershould contact the nearest open P&I for assistance. If, for whateverreason, the Master is unable to contact the aforementioned parties, theMaster should bear in mind the following general principles prior to signingany bills of lading.
Bill of Lading Form
What to look for / Task:
Confirm that the bill oflading form ud for the voyage is the one provided for or prescribed by the charterparty. If unsure, the Master should check with the vesl’s owner/operatorbefore signing the bill of lading.
Confirm Vesl Name
What to look for / Task:
Ensure that the correct nameof the vesl is listed in the bill of lading.
Load Port and Discharge Port
What to look for:两人三足
Confirm that the bill oflading carefully describes the subject voyage, e.g., the port of loading andthe port of discharge. Incorrect descriptions may prejudice the Member’s P&Icoverage for cargo claims. Care should be taken to avoid any reference to afinal destination beyond the port of discharge mentioned in the bill of ladingand such a request, if made, should be referred to the Member’s office.
If the discharge port isoutside the charter party range, the Master SHOULD NOT sign thebill of lading.
Accurate Description ofGoods/Cargo as Shipped
What to look for:
Conditions of cargo, includingpacking condition, should all be accurately described.
The Master has a duty to checkthe “apparent” condition of the cargo being loadedand under no circumstances should the Master sign “clean” bills of lading when such a description is not supported by theobvious condition of the cargo being loaded. If the Master has any doubts inthis regard, he should contact the charterer’s /P&I. The Master should also make sure that any remarks from the Mate’s Receiptare inrted on the bill of lading, e.g., whether the bill of lading needs tobe claud.
Name of Shippers and/orConsignee(s)
What to look for / Task:
Account should be taken ofsanctions regulations and other due diligence requirements o
湖北竹溪县n vesl ownersand/ or operators. It is crucial that the correct name and style of theshipper(s), receiver(s) and/or consignee(s) are listed in the bill of lading.
Accuracy of Place/Date ofShipment
What to look for / Task:
The Master should also ensurethat the correct place and date of shipment (i.e., the date of loading) isinrted in the bill of lading. Bills of lading must not be ante-dated orpost-dated. If cargo is loaded over a period of veral days, the day ofcompletion of loading is the correct date to be inrted. Under nocircumstances should bills of lading be backdated and bear a date prior to theactual completion of loading.酒店设备
神奇的颜色Bill of Lading Copies
What to look for / Task:
All copies of the bill(s) oflading should be marked or stamped as “NON-NEGOTIABLE COPY”.

本文发布于:2023-05-18 13:08:30,感谢您对本站的认可!



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