International Trade 国际贸易
International trade is the exchange of commodities or rvices between different nations. Foreign trade is the exchange of goods or rvices between one nation or area with other nations or areas. All foreign trades together form international trade.
Export Mix 出口商品结构
鹿茸片食用方法Export mix means the composition of exported goods. From its export mix we can e the competitive advantages and disadvantages of a nation. For example, the export mix of the U.S.A. and China is quite different.
Free Trade Theory 自由贸易主义
Free trade theory advocates the free flow of goods and rvices between nations. Protectionism holds that governments should intervene in trade to prevent the free flow of foreign products into their domestic markets.
Quality of Commodity 商品的品质
The quality of commodity is a combination of intrinsic attributes and the outer form or shape of a commodity.
Sample 样品
A sample is a product, which is lected from a large consignment or which is specially designed and procesd.
Sale by Sample 凭样品买卖
Sale by sample means a sale made on the basis of a sample, that is the quality and condition of the bulk of the goods will be at least as good as that of the sample.
Sale by Seller’s Sample 凭卖方样品买卖
When the ller supplies the sample, it is sale by ller’s sample. When the buyer offers the sample, it is sale by buyer’s sample.
广州产假Duplicate Sample 复样
In the ca of a sale by ller’s sample, the ller should keep one or more equivalent samples for himlf when delivering a sample to the buyer. The sample kept by the ller is called a duplicate sample.
Confirming Sample 确认样品
In the ca of a sale by buyer’s sample, the ller will nd to the buyer a sample equivalent to that supplied by the buyer for the buyer’s confirmation and approval. When the buyer accepts the sample made by the ller, it will replace the buyer’s sample as the sample for sale. The sample made by the ller bad on the buyer’s sample is called a counter sample or confirming sample.
Quality Latitude 品质机动幅度
Quality latitude means that the ller and the buyer both agree that the quality of the goods delivered can vary within an agreed range.
Gross Weight沟通技巧和方法培训 毛重
Gross weight is the total weight of the commodity and the tare, i.e. the package weight.
Net Weight期货入门 净重
Net weight is the weight of the commodity excluding the tare. Unless otherwi specified the weight of commodity usually refers to the net weight of it.
Conditioned Weight医院编制怎么考 公量
Conditioned weight is the weight obtained by deducting the actual moisture content of a commodity and adding the standardized moisture content. Conditioned weight is applied chiefly to commodities that have a high unit value and tend to absorb moisture from the air.
Theoretical Weight 理论重量
If the weight of each item is approximately the same, the total weight of a consignment ca
n be considered as the product of the individual weight of one item times the number of items. The weight got in this way is called the theoretical weight.
Quantity Allowance 数量机动幅度
Quantity allowance is the allowed deviation in quantity on delivery from that stipulated in the contract. The quantity clau in a sales contract usually specifies the quantity allowance. The purpo of the quantity allowance is to convenience delivery, shipment or preparation of goods. We can stipulate the quantity allowance in two ways: the more or less clau or using approximate quantity.
More or Less Clau 溢短装条款
More or less generally includes: the quantity allowance percentage; which party determines the quantity allowance; and the price of the exceeding quantity.
Outer Packing 外包装
Outer packing or big packing is mainly employed against the shipping hazards.
Inner Packing 内包装
Inner packing, or immediate packing or packaging helps promote the merchandize, which is highly appreciated in the school of marketing.
Containers 集装箱
The practice of packing goods in large metal containers, although relatively expensive, has become increasingly popular. Advantages include the reductions in water damage, in handling damage, and in pilferage. And today most ports and ships are equipped to handle containers.
Shipping Marks 运输标记
The marks and numbers on a shipment identify the cargo in the same way an ID card identifies a person. The exporter, customs, carriers, and importers rely on them to distinguish one consignment from another. The marks and numbers identify the cargo, not the consignee, and they must be easily identifiable.
The INCOTERMS 国际贸易术语解释通则
The INCOTERMS (International Commercial Terms) is a universally recognized t of definitions of international trade terms, such as FOB, CFR and CIF, developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris, France. It defines trade contract responsibilities and liabilities between the buyer and the ller.