
更新时间:2023-05-18 12:50:17 阅读:44 评论:0

1. WARRANTY-VOYAGE-CARGO.古埃及历史 The vesl, clasd as spcified in Part hereof, and to be so maintained during the currency of this Charter, shall, with all conveient dispatch, proceed as ordered to Loading Port(s) named in according with Clau 4 hereof, or so near thereunto as she may safely get (always afloat), and being aworthy, and having all pipes, pumps and heater coils in good working order, and being in every respect fitted for the voyage, so far as the foregoing condition can be attained by the exerci of due diligence, perils of the a and any other cau of whatsoever kind beyond the Owner's and/or Master's control excepted, shall load (always afloat) from the factors of the Charterer full and complete cargo of petroleum and/or its products in bulk, not exceeding what she can reasonably stow and carry over and above her bunker fuel, consumable stores, boiler feed, culinary and drinking water, and complement and their effects (sufficient space to be left in the tanks to provide for the expansion of the cargo), and being so loaded shall forthwith proceed, as ordered on signing Bills of Lading, direct to the Discharging Port(s), or so near thereunto as she may safely get (always afloat), and deliver said cargo. If heating of the cargo is requested by the Charterer, the Owner shall exerci due diligence to maintain the temperatures requested.
1.保证--航次--货物 本船具有第一部分所述船级,并应在本租船合同期间保持此种状态,本船将尽力以合理速度驶往按第4国际时事热点条指定的装货港或其附近本船所能安全抵达(始终处于浮泊状态)的地点。本船应适航,各种输油管、泵及加热管系处于良好工作状态,并在各方面适于航次。经谨慎处理能满足前述条件的范围内,海上风险及任何其他船东和/或船长无法控制的原因除外。本船应(在始终浮泊状态下)装载由承租人的代理人提供的满舱满载的散装石油和/或石油制品,但不超过除去燃油、应耗物料、锅炉用料、蔬菜及饮用水、船上定员及其财产(并为货物膨胀留出充分的货舱舱容)后本船所能合理载运的范围。如此装载后,本船应按所签提单规定的顺序,直接驶往卸货港或其附近本船所能安全抵达(始终处于浮泊状态)的地点,交付上述货物。如承租人要求对货物进行加温,船东应谨慎处理保持所要求的温度。
2. FREIGHT. Freight shall be at the rate stipulated in Part and shall be computed on intake quantity (except deadfreight as per Clau 3) as shown on the Inspector's Certificate of Inspection. Payment of freight shall be made by Charterer without discount upon delivery of cargo at destination, less and disburments or advances made to the Master or Owner's agents at ports of loading and/or discharge and cost of insurance ther
eon. No deduction of freight shall be made for water and/or diment contained in the cargo. The rvices of the Petroleum Inspector shall be arranged and paid for by the Charterer who shall furnish the Owner with a copy of the Inspector's Certificate.
2.运费 运费应按第一部分规定的费率,根据检验人员的检验证书上记载的装船数量问答题(不包括第3条规定的亏舱费)计算。运费应在卸货港交付货物时,由承租人无折扣地支付,但扣减在装货港和/或卸货港为船东或船东的代理人支付的任何费用或垫款及其保险费。运费不得因货物中含有水分和/或沉淀物而作扣减。油量检验人应由承租人安排并支付费用。承租人应向船东提供一份检验证书副本。
3. DEADFREIGHT. Should the Charterer fail to supply a full cargo, the Vesl may, at the Master's option, and shall, upon request of the Charterer, proceed on her voyage, provided that the tanks in which cargo is loaded are sufficiently filled to put her in aworthy condition. In that event, however, deadfreight shall be paid at the rate specified in Part hereof on the difference between the intake quantity and the quantity the Vesl would have carried if loaded to her minimum permissible freeboard for the voyage.
3.亏舱费 如承租人未提供满舱满载货物,由船长选择,经承租人要求,船舶可以开始其航次,只要载货油舱所装货物足以使本船处于适航状态即可。但在此种情况下,应按第一部分规定的费率,根据已装船数量与本船达到本航次最低允许干舷高度时所能载运的数量之差,支付亏舱费。
(a) The Charterer shall name the loading port or ports at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Vesl's readiness to sail from the last previous port of discharge, or from bunkering port for the voyage, or upon signing this Charter if the Vesl has already sailed. However, Charterer shall have the option of ordering the Vesl to the following destinations for wireless orders:
                          On a voyage to a port or ports in:
立体贺卡制作          SK. KITTS    Caribbean or U.S. Gulf loading port(s)
          PORT SAID    Eastern Mediterranean or Persian Gulf loading port(s)
                          (from ports west of Port Said)
(b) If lawful and consistent with Part I and with the Bills of Lading, the Charterer shall have the option of nominating a discharging port or ports by radio to the Master on or before the Vesl's arrival at or off the following places:
                Place        On a voyage to a port or parts in:
        LAND'S END    United Kingdom/Continent (Bordeaux/Hamburg range)早安英语怎么写
                          or Scandinavia (including Denmark)
        SUEZ            Mediterranean (from Persian Gulf)
        GIBRALTER    Mediterranean (from Western Hemisphere).
(c) Any extra expen incurred in connection with any change in loading or discharging p
ort(s) (so named) shall be paid for by the Charterer and any time thereby lost to the vesl shall count as ud laytime.
圣·肯茨                  加勒比海或美湾装货港
赛得港水肿怎么办                    东地中海或波斯湾装货港
地点        在前往位于下列区域的港口的航次中

本文发布于:2023-05-18 12:50:17,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:货物   承租人   航次   本船   船东   港口   下列   装货
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