Arizona, Texas Head List Of Best States For Expected Job Growth
The Great Recession had devastating effects across the U.S. and few places were as hard hit as Arizona. The state was booming on the strength of its tourism and real estate markets during the 2000s. Median home prices jumped 70% between 2003 and 2006—only Nevada had bigger gains—fueling more building and construction jobs. Monthly unemployment was at 3.5% through much of 2007. But then the bottom fell out. Home prices plummeted more than 50% from their peak and 6% Arizona properties received foreclosure filings in 2009. Unemployment stubbornly remained in double-figures for most of 2009 and 2010 and only Nevada lost a higher percentage of jobs over the last five years. Houhold incomes declined at the fastest rate in the country since 2008.
But the economic picture has brightened considerably in Arizona, as the housing market stabilized and unemployment hit a post-recession low of 7.8% in May. As part of Forbes’ annual Best States for Business, we look at 35 factors to determine the best and worst states, including projected employment. Arizona is expected to have the fastest job growth at 3% annually over the next five years, according to Moody’s Analytics. The job gains are projected to boost houhold incomes 3.6% annually through 2017, which ranks cond best in the U.S. after Illinois. The added jobs also go hand-in-hand with the state’s economic growth, which Moody’s forecasts to expand at a U.S.-best 4.6% annually.
但是亚利桑那州的经济前景现在已经大为好转,随着住房市场的稳定,失业率在5月份降至7.8%,创下经济衰退后的新低。为了评选今年的美国最适宜经商的州,我们评估了35项指标以判断哪些州的经商条件最佳,哪些最差,这些指标中就包括就业预期。根据穆迪分析公司(Moody’s Analytics)的统计,在今后五年中,亚利桑那州的就业增长速度预计将达到每年3%。到2017年,亚利桑那州增长的就业岗位预计每年将把家庭收入提高3.6%,在全美各州中位居第二,仅次于伊利诺伊州。亚利桑那州的就业增长和经济增长保持同步,穆迪预计该州的经济增长速度为每年4.6%,达到美国的最佳水平。
The big winners over the past year in Arizona were the construction and leisure/hospitality industries, which both added more than 10, 000 jobs. Other fast-growing ctors include business rvices, financial activities and education and health rvices.
General Motors is helping fuel the improved jobs outlook in the Grand Canyon State. In M
恐龙电影大全免费arch, the automaker announced plans to build the company’s fourth Information Technology Innovation Center in Phoenix suburb Chandler. GM is expected to hire 1, 000 workers, mainly consisting of software developers, databa administrators and systems analysts for the new center. “The greater Phoenix area is a fantastic hub of emerging technical talent – from university graduates to working professionals, ” said GM CIO Randy Mott in a relea announcing the move.
通用汽车公司(General Motors)帮助改善了大峡谷州的就业前景。今年3月,这家汽车制造商宣布,计划在凤凰城郊区钱德勒建设该公司的第四座信息技术创新中心。通用汽车预计将雇佣1,000名员工,主要包括为这座新中心效力的软件开发人员、数据库管理员和系统分析师。通用汽车公司首席信息官兰迪•莫特(Randy Mott)在新闻稿中宣布了这个举措,他表示,“大凤凰城地区是出色的枢纽,吸引了新兴技术人才——从大学毕业生到职场专业人士。”
30岁前别结婚In addition to a large, educated workforce to choo from, companies are also attracted to Arizona’s pro-business regulatory climate, which ranks No. 13 in the Mercatus Center’s
Freedom in the 50 States. The study cites Arizona’s right-to-work law, liability laws and eminent domain reform.
除了众多受过教育的劳动力可供选择,企业也被亚利桑那州的亲商监管环境所吸引,在莫卡特斯中心(Mercatus Center)发布的美国50个州商业自由度排行榜上,亚利桑那州排名第13位。这项研究援引亚利桑那州的劳动权利法、责任法和土地征用权改革作为有利条件。
虎落平阳歇后语Domain name registrar GoDaddy, which is bad in Scottsdale, Ariz., broke ground in May on its new Global Technology Center in Tempe. GoDaddy already employs 2, 600 people in the Greater Phoenix area and the new facility is expected to add 300 more. Other companies expanding in Arizona include Asurion, a leader in technology protection rvices. They opened a new technical support center in Phoenix and want to fill 500 jobs by the end of the year. Energy provider Direct Energy opened a new call center in Tempe this year and is looking to fill as many as 300 openings.
设新的全球技术中心。GoDaddy公司已经在大凤凰城地区雇佣了2,600名员工,新工厂预计将增加300多个工作岗位。其他在亚利桑那州扩大规模的公司包括领先的技术保障服务公司 Asurion。这家公司在凤凰城开设了新的技术支持中心,将在今年年底招聘500多个职位。能源供应商Direct Energy今年在亚利桑那州坦佩开设了新的呼叫中心,需要招聘300多名员工。
亲不待Texas was one of the first states to emerge from the recession and it continues to attract companies on the basis of its low tax burden, predictable regulatory environment and skilled labor force. Texas employment is expected to expand 3% annually through 2017, according to Moody’s. (Arizona’s forecasted rate is a microscopic 0.04% better). Texas has attracted a lot of attention from California companies and Governor Rick Perry has not been shy about contrasting the business climates of the two states. California firms EBay and Electronic Arts have both chon Texas for large expansions in recent years. Austin has been a hotbed of activity this year with Accenture