2021 年12 月大学英语六级考试真题(一)
Part I Writing (30 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay bad on the short passage given below. In your essay, you are to comment on the phenomenon described in the passage and suggest measures to
address the issue. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
Young people spend a lot of time on the Internet. However, they are sometimes unable to recognize f al information o n t he I nternet, j udge t he r eliability o f o nline i nformation s ources, o r tell real news stories from fake ones.
Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A
Directions: In this ction, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a
question, you must choo the best answer from the four choices m arked A), B), C), a nd D). T hen
mark t he c orresponding l etter o n Answer
Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
Questions 1 to 4 are bad on the conversation you have just heard.笑纹
1.A) H e w as e njoying h is h oliday. C) He was busy writing his essays.
B) He was recovering in hospital. D) He was fighting a throat infection.
2.A) H e b roke h is w rist. C) He slipped on ice and fell.
B) He lost his antibiotics. D) He was l aughed at by some girls.
3.A) T urn t o h er f ather f or h elp. C) Ask the manufacturer for repairs.
B) C all t he r epair s hop t o f ix i t. D) R eplace i t w ith a b rand-new o ne.
4.A) H elp D avid r etrieve h is e ssays. C) Offer David some refreshments.
B) I ntroduce D avid t o h er p arents. D) Accompany David to his home.
Questions 5 to 8 are bad on the conversation you have just heard.
5.A) S he i s a c ritic o f w orks o n m ilitary a ffairs. C) S he i s a r earcher o f l iterary g enres.
B) She i s a n a cclaimed hostess of B ook Talk. D) S he i s a h istorian o f m ilitary h istory.
6.A) It is about the military history of Europe. C) I t i s h er f ifth b ook o f military h istory.
B) I t i s s et i n t he 18th a nd 19th c enturies. D) It is a war novel t in the future.
7.A) She visited soldiers’ wives and mothers.
B)She conducted surveys of many soldiers.
C)She met a large number of soldiers in person.
D)She looked into the personal lives of soldiers.
8.A) She doesn’t have much freedom for imagination.
B)It is not easy to make her readers believe in her.
C)It is difficult to attract young readers.
D)She h as t o c ombine f act w ith f iction.
Section B
Directions: In this ction, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or f our questions. Both the passage and t he questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question,
you must choo t he best a nswer f rom the f our choices marked A), B), C) a nd D). T hen m ark t he
corresponding l etter o n Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
Questions 9 to 11 are bad on the passage you have just heard.
9.A) S anta C laus. C) Cocoa S eeds.
B) A p olar b ear. D) A glass b ottle.
10.A) T o a ttract c ustomer a ttention. C) To combat counterfeits.
B) T o k eep u p w ith t he t imes. D) To promote its sales.
11.A) It rembles a picture in the encyclopedia.
B)It appears in the shape of a cocoa ed.
C)It has the drink’s logo in the middle.
D)It displays the image of Santa Claus.
Questions 12 to 15 are bad on the passage you have just beard.
12.A) I t o ften o ccurs a mong c ommuters. C) I t i mproves t heir m ood c onsiderably.
B) It promotes mutual understanding. D) It takes a great deal of effort to sustain.
13.A) S ocial a nxiety. C) Lack of social skills.
B) Excessive caution. D) Preference for s olitude.
14.A) People usually regard it as an unforgettable lesson.
B)Human brains tend to dwell on negative events.
C)Negative events often hurt people deeply.
D)People generally rent being rejected.
15.A) C ontagious. C) Unpredictable.
B) T emporary. D) Measurable.
Section C
Directions: I n t his s ection, y ou w ill h ear t hree r ecordings o f l ectures o r t alks f ollowed b y t hree o r four questions.
The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must c hoo t he b est a nswer
from t he f our c hoices m arked A), B), C) a nd D). T hen mark t he c orresponding l etter o n Answer
Sheet 1 w ith a s ingle l ine t hrough t he c entre.
清宫后妃Questions 16 to 18 are bad on the recording you have just heard.
16.A) It depends heavily on tourism. C) It is mainly bad on agriculture.
B) I t i s f lourishing i n f oreign t rade. D) It relies chiefly on mineral export.
17.A) T obacco. C) Coffee.
B) B ananas. D) Sugar.
18.A) T hey t oil o n f arms. C) T hey l ive i n S panish-style h ous.
B) They live a poor life. D) They hire people to do houwork.
Questions 19 to 21 are bad on the recording you have just heard.
19.A) They will be more demanding of their next generation.
B)They will end up lonely, dependent and dissatisfied.
C)They will experience more tbacks than success.
D)They will find it difficult to get along with others.
20.A) Failure to pay due attention to their behavior.
B)Unwillingness to allow them to play with toys.
C)Unwillingness to satisfy their wishes immediately.
D)Failure to spend sufficient quality time with them.
21.A) It will enable them to learn from mistakes.
B)It will help them to handle disappointment.
C)It will do much good to their mental health.
D)It will build their ability to endure hardships.
Questions 22 to 25 are bad on the recording you have just heard.
22.A) F ailing t o m ake s ufficient p reparations. C) S aying t he w rong t hing a t t he w rong t ime.
B) Looking away from the hiring manager. D) M aking a w rong j udgment o f t he i nterview.
23.A) C omplaining a bout t heir p revious j ob. C) E xaggerating t heir a cademic b ackground.
B) I nquiring a bout t heir s alary t o b e p aid. D) U nderstanding t heir p revious a chievements.
24.A) Tho who have both skill and experience.
B)Tho who get along well with colleagues.
C)Tho w ho t ake i nitiative i n t heir w ork.
D)Tho w ho a re l oyal t o t heir m anagers.
25.A) Ability to shoulder new responsibilities. C) R eadiness t o w ork t o f lexible s chedules.
B) Experience of performing multiple roles. D) S kills t o c ommunicate w ith c olleagues.
Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A
Directions: In this ction, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to lect one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read
H)noteworthy A)plausibly
D)s pan
the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a
letter. Plea mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line
through t he c entre. Y ou m ay n ot u a ny o f t he w ords i n t he bank more than o nce.
If y ou t hink l ife i s w onderful a nd e xpect i t t o s tay t hat w ay, t hen y ou m ay h ave a g ood c ha
nce of l iving t o a r ipe o ld age, a t l east t hat i s w hat t he f indings o f a n ew s tudy s uggest. T hat s tudy f ound that p articipants w ho r eported t he h ighest levels o f o ptimism w ere f ar m ore l ikely t o l ive t o a ge 85 or 26 . This w as c ompared t o t ho p articipants w ho r eported t he l owest l evels o f o ptimism. I t is 27 that the findings held even after the rearchers considered factors that could 28 the l ink, i ncluding w hether p articipants h ad h ealth c onditions s uch a s h eart d ia o r c ancer, o r whether t hey e xperienced depression. T he r esults a dd t o a g rowing b ody o f e vidence t hat c ertain psychological f actors m ay predict a l onger l ife
29 . F or e xample, p revious s tudies h ave f ound that more optimistic people have a l ower risk of developing chronic dias, and a l ower r isk of
30 death. H owever, t he n ew s tudy a ppears t o b e t he f irst t o 31 look at the relationship between optimism a nd l ongevity. T he r earchers 32 that t he l ink f ound i n t he n ew s tudy w as not a s s trong when t hey f actored i n t he e ffects o f c ertain h ealth b ehaviors, i ncluding e xerci l evels, sleep h abits a nd d iet. T his s uggests that t he b ehaviors m ay, a t l east i n p art, e xplain t he l ink. I n other w ords, o ptimism m ay 33 good habits that bolster health. It is also important to note that the s tudy f ound o nly a34 , a s r earchers d id n ot p rove for c ertain t hat o ptimism l eads t o a longer life. However, if the findings are true, they suggest that optimism could
rve as a psychological 35 that promotes health and a longer life.
Section B
Directions: In this ction, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains i nformation g iven i n o ne o f t he p aragraphs. I dentify t he p aragraph from which the
information is derived. You may choo a paragraph more than once.
猫智商排名Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding
letter on Answer Sheet 2.
No One in Fashion Is Surprid That Burberry Burnt £ 28 Million of Stock
A)Last week,Burberry’s annual report reveal2e8d.6t m h i a l l t ion worth of stock was burnt last year. The news has left investors and consumers outraged but comes as little surpri to tho in the fashion industry.
B)The p ractice of destroying unsold s tock, and e ven r olls of u nud f abric, is c ommonplace f or luxury labels. Becoming too widely available at a cheaper price through discount stores discourages full-price s ales. S ending p roducts f or r ecycling leaves t hem v ulnerable t o b eing s tolen a nd s old o n the black market. Jasmine Bina, CEO of brand strategy agency Concept Bureau explains, “Typically, luxury brands rally around exclusivity to protect their business interests, namely intellectual property a nd p rervation o f b rand equity (资产).” She s tated s he h ad h eard r umors o f s tock burning but not specific cas until this week.
武汉华中科技大学C)Another reason for the commonplace practice is a financial incentive for brands exporting goods to A merica. U nited States C ustoms s tates t hat i f i mported m erchandi i s u nud a nd d estroyed under their supervision, 99% of the duties, taxes or fees paid on the merchandi may be recovered. It i s i ncredibly d ifficult t o c alculate h ow m uch d ead s tock currently g oes t o w aste. W hile t here a re incentives to do it, there’s no legal obligation to report it.
D)A s ource, w ho c ho t o r emain a nonymous, s hared h er e xperience w orking i n a B urberry s tore
in New York in October 2016. “My jobwas t o t oss i tems i n b oxes s o t hey c ould b e s ent t o b e
b urned. It w as killing me i nside becau a ll t hat l eather and f ur went t o w aste and a nimals had d ied for nothing. I couldn’t stay there any longer, their business practices threw me off the roof .” In May this year, Burberry announced it was taking fur out of its catwalk shows and reviewing its u elwhere in the business. “Even though we asked the management, they refud to give us detailed answers a s t o w hy they w ould d o t his w ith t heir c ollection,” continued t he s ource, w ho l eft h er r ole within t wo w eeks. S he h as s ince worked w ith a nother h igh-profile, l uxury l abel.
E)In a n o nline forum p ost, w hich asked i f i t ’s t rue t hat Louis V uitton b urned i ts b ags, A hmed Bouchfaa, who c laimed t o w ork f or L ouis V uitton, r esponded t hat t he b rand h olds s ales o f o ld s tock for s taff members twice a year. Items which have s till n ot s old a fter s everal s ales are destroyed. “Louis Vuitton doesn’t have public sales. They either ll a product at a given price or discontinue it. This is to make sure that everybody pays the same price for an item,” he says. He goes on to disclo the strict guidelines around the employee sales: “You may buy gifts for someone, but they track e ach i tem, a nd i f y our g ift e nds u p o nline t hey k n ow who t o a sk.”O ne i nvestor c ommenting on t he B urberry f igures w as r eportedly o utraged t hat t he u nsold g oods w ere not e ven o ffered t o investors before they were destroyed.
F)Richemont, w ho o wns s everal l uxury b rands, h it t he h eadlines i n M ay f or t aking b ack £437 million o f w atches f or d estruction i n t he l ast t wo y ears t o a void m ark- down prices. It’s not just luxury b rands e ither. I n O ctober l ast y ear, a D anish T V s how e xpod H&M f or b urning 12 t onnes of u nsold c lothing since 2013. I n a s tatement, t he h igh s treet r etailer d efended i tlf b y s aying t hat the b urnt c lothing h ad f ailed s afety tests: “The p roducts to w hich the media a re r eferring have b een tested i n e xternal l aboratories. T he t est r esults show t hat o ne o f t he p roducts i s m old i nfested a nd the other product contains levels of lead that are too high. Tho products have rightly been stopped in accordance with our safety routines.”In March,a report revealed
that H&M w ere struggling with
$ 4.3 b illion w orth o f u nsold s tock. T he b rand t old The New Y ork Times t hat t he p lan w as t o r educe prices to move the stock, arguably encouraging consumers to buy and throw away with little thought.