Online dating
Love at first byte
Online-dating sites have made it easier for people to click with one another. But they still leave something to be desired
Dec 29th 2010 | SAN FRANCISCO | from PRINT EDITION
FOR the lovelorn, the new year can be an unhappy time, as they cast envious glances in the direction of lovey-dovey couples at the ason’s parties. For online-dating agencies, it is a golden opportunity, as people who have spent the holidays ruminating over unsatisfact
ory or non- existent love lives log on in their thousands, hoping to find romance—ideally before February 14th. “The period between New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day is our busiest six weeks of the year,” explains Sam Yagan, the boss of OkCupid, a big American dating site.
对于失恋者,元旦节可不好过,他们在这时节的聚会上看着缠绵的恋人时,定是满眼的羡慕嫉妒恨。成千上万的人整个假期苦于不如意的爱情或不曾拥有爱情,希望最好能赶上情人节,这对于网络婚介企业,却是个绝好商机。“元旦至情人节期间这六周是我们一年最忙的时候”,美国某大型婚介网站OkCupid老板Sam Yagan说。
Once en as the last resort for a bunch of lonely geeks, online-dating rvices have gradually shed much of the stigma formerly associated with them. Although they are still popular with tech types—Julian Assange, the mercurial co-founder of WikiLeaks, reportedly once maintained profiles on dating sites under the name “Harry Harrison”—they now attract millions of people from many walks of life. ComScore, a rearch firm, says Match and Zoosk, two large dating rvices bad in the United States, saw 4.6m a
nd 4.8m unique visitors respectively come to their American sites in November 2010. Meetic, Europe’s biggest dating rvice, also boasts millions of urs.
曾几何时网络婚介服务被认为是那些独身技术控的最后一招,如今已逐渐摆脱曾被他们“污染”的气息。尽管这些服务仍然受到技术派的亲睐(阿桑奇,维基解密的联合创始人,被报道曾在某婚介网站上用化名“Harry Harrison”注册个人信息),现在已成功吸引了上百万各行各业人士。调查公司ComScore称美国婚介公司Match 和 Zoosk的美国网站,在2010年11月里分别有460万和480万的访问量。欧洲最大的婚介公司Meetic的用户也有数百万之众。
Blowing cyberkiss has become a popular pastime in emerging markets too. In countries and cultures in which arranged marriages are common, sites such as India’s Shaadi and BharatMatrimony, which boast many millions of clients, are a big hit with young people who want to influence how their marriage partners are chon. And a number of sizeable digital matchmakers, including Jiayuan and Zhenai, have rin to prominence in China. Deepak Kamra of Canaan Partners, an American venture-capital fir
m that has backed veral dating rvices, including Zoosk and BharatMatrimony, estimates that the industry’s revenues from membership fees and advertising now amount to $3 billion-4 billion a year.
唐山海怎么死的网络交友的风潮也刮至新兴国家。在那些国家和文化里包办婚姻是非常普遍的,如印度的Shaadi 大树林怎样搞好人际关系和 BharatMatrimony等网站自称已有数百万客户,很受那些欲自主择偶的年轻人欢迎。在中国一些初具规模的婚介网站也小有名气了,如珍爱和佳缘。美国风险投资公司 Canaan Partners凝视的近义词的Deepak Kamra已投资好几个婚介公司包括Zoosk和dirty BharatMatrimony,估计该行业每年从会费和广告获取的利润约有30-40亿美元。
Searching for that special someone
In addition to broad-bad matchmaking sites such as Match and Zoosk, the online-dating world has also spawned thousands of niche ones. Some, such as JDate, which is designed for Jewish lonely hearts, and Ave Maria Singles, which focus on Catholics,
乌龙院吴孟达rve specific religious or ethnic niches. Others appeal to rather less conventional interests. Vampire lovers can sink their teeth into the profiles on offer at Vampire Passions, while tho obsd with iPads and iPhones can hunt for their iBeloveds at Cupidtino, a dating site for fans of Apple’s products.
除了大众的婚介网站如Match 和 Zoosk之外,也涌现了上千个小众婚介网站。一些针对特定的宗教或种族,如专为单身犹太人而设的JDate要之,针对天主教徒的Ave Maria Singles。另外一些网站吸引那些不那么传统的人,吸血鬼迷可以在Vampire Passions提供的个人信息来寻找同好,那些ipad和iphone的用户可以上Cupidtino寻觅,该网站是苹果迷的婚介网站。
The ri of the and other dating sites has been driven by veral trends in society. One of the is that people now move around more often for work, distancing themlves from friends and family members who could play matchmakers. Another is that they are living longer, and hence more likely to look for new love later in life. The spread of fast broadband connectivity in many countries has also encouraged people to dabble in online dating.
Academics who have studied the industry believe that it and other forms of electronic communication such as e-mail and social networks are starting to have a significant effect on the ways in which people find love. In a study prented at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting in August, Michael Ronfeld of Stanford University and Reuben Thomas of the City College of New York reviewed data from a survey of more than 3,000 Americans with romantic partners. They concluded that among heteroxual couples who met in 2009, the internet had become the third most common way of making initial contact—behind introductions from friends, but almost on a par with encounters in bars and restaurants.