主厂房 main power building
设备缺陷 equipment defect 缺陷处理 defect treatment
设备规范 Specification of equipment
铭牌 nameplate
接线盒 terminal box
烤松茸热网 heating network
电网 network
供货范围 scope of supply
参数 parameter
停机, 停运 outage
皮带速度 belt velocity 皮带传输 belt conveyor
蒸汽参数 steam condition 蒸发量 generation rates
功率因素 power factor 输出负荷 continuous rating output
额定蒸汽流量 Max. continuous rating(MCR)
额定电压 rated voltage
额定电流 rated current 运行工况 operation condition
值班员 attendant
工日 man-day
工时 man-hour
抱团游戏规则事故甩负荷 emergency load dump
京词语四班三倒 three shift by four teams
白班 day shift
长白班 regular shift
小休 short-time off
大休 long time-off
行灯 safety lamp,
手锤 hand hammer,
钢丝 reinforcing wire
螺丝刀 screw driver
测厚仪 pachometer,
电筒 electric torch
卡尺 Sliding caliper
撬棒 crowbar
手拉葫芦 hand chain block
梯子 Ladder,
扳手 spanner
安全帽 safety helmet
手套 gloves家政合同
分包商 sub-contractor
承包商 contractor
土建 civil work
工作票 work order
特色菜谱大全做法操作票 operation order