航天梦 中国梦 征文演讲

更新时间:2023-05-18 06:48:35 阅读: 评论:0

中国日益强盛,而社会日益动荡,和平的海洋面下,各种暗流争相涌动。纵观中国历史,中国遭遇了数不清的困难,但是在中国人民不懈的努力下,我们越过了一座又一座高山,战胜了一个又一个困难,从而迎来了现在这样一个繁荣昌盛,文明和谐的具有中国特色的社会主义国家!      拥有自己的航母,是中国人民一直的梦想,为了这个梦想,许许多多的人前仆后继,终生奋斗,而这其中,航母团队为了这个远大的航母梦,更是付出了巨大的努力。从收购被废弃的“瓦良格”号航母到拖航母回归,这其中克服了太多太多的困难。从拖回大连港到十次出海试验,这其中又攻克着许许多多的技术难关。如今“辽宁号”航母的入列,歼-15舰载战斗机成功滑跃起飞,我们可以看到航母团队的这个梦想还在逐渐壮大,向海洋一样深邃,这也正是我们中国人民的自豪。  航天梦一直以来是中华名族最大的梦想之一。从东方红一号的成功升空到“神五”载人成功,到现在的神九起飞,与天宫成功对接。无不在逐步实现着航天梦,而在这背后总有追梦人。2012年6月16日,神州九号飞船成功发射,而这里面载着中国首位女航员刘洋。刘洋说过:“梦想有多远,探索的足迹就会有多远,当一个个梦想变成现实,新的梦想又将开始。”当她幸运的成为中国招收的第七批女飞行员时,她就开始为航天梦而奋斗。在航空航天这个特殊的纪律团队中,她艰苦奋
斗,小心谨慎地融入这个群体,终于圆了自己的航天梦,也为中国的航天奉献了自己的力量。  梦——可想而知是幻想,是不存在的,那是另一个空间。但我们却拥有梦想---梦想是什么?  在卖火柴小女孩眼里,梦想是飘香的烤鹅,是奶奶温暖的双臂。在邓亚萍眼里,梦想是坚持心中永不服输的信念,只要你肯努力,就一定能够成功。在杂交水稻之父袁隆平的眼里,梦想是“杂交水稻的茎秆像高粱一样高,穗子像扫帚一样大,稻谷像葡萄一样结得一串串”,梦想是不停地突破和探索,是丰富的想象和大胆的创造。在“千手观音”邰丽华的眼里,梦想是聋人可以“听”得到、盲人可以“看”得到、肢残朋友可以“行走”,梦想是从不言弃、努力拼搏的精神支柱。  梦想,伴随着我们每一个人。 梦想是美丽的,它是心底最美的期望,所以美梦成真也成了我们长久以来的信仰。  梦想是阳光的,它使人们由浮躁走向踏实,由彷徨走向坚定,并走向成功。梦想是有力量的,它是人生前行的动力之源;高远的梦想可以激发一个人生命中 所有的潜能。  上帝没有给我们翅膀,却给了我们一颗会飞的心,一个会梦想的大脑。于是让我们大家都拥有一双“隐形的翅膀”。  人生因梦想而高飞,人性因梦想而伟大。从小给自己一个梦想,一个人生的
点,走向优秀和杰出。  有梦想的人是幸福的,有梦想的人生是充满希望的。愿每一个孩子在他们的童年都能够拥有自己的梦想,无论这个梦想是什么,这个梦想有多大。我生在中国,长在中国,所以中国与我已经紧密的联系在了一起。中国好,则我好,中国不好,则我必然不好。当中国遇到困难时,我为中国伤心,当中国获得荣誉时,我为中国自豪。当我看到有老人摔倒,但是却没有人扶时;当我看到即使旁边有垃圾桶,但是人们还是将垃圾遍地丢时;当我看到人们不顾红绿灯的指示,一直向前走时„„这不是我所认识的中国。我所认识的中国是一个强大、团结、文明、温暖。和谐的中国。那个强大的中国,不需要有美国那般全球第一的强势,却有能保障人民安居乐业的刚强;不必太大富大贵,但至少能给中国人一个遮风避雨的家,能保证人民的温饱,人民安居乐业,让人在中国,活得幸福。  中国梦首先表现为国家梦、民族梦。但是,归根到底,最终要落脚,落到人民梦上去。而且国家梦、民族梦和人民梦三者是有机统一的,尽管从表面上看,好象我们的中国梦是总书记提出来的,其实我们仔细想想,为什么总书记提出来以后,确实引起中国社会如此高度的认同和拥戴呢?就是因为其实这个中国梦一直是中国人民百年以来追求的一种梦想,是我们自己近百年的每个人的夙愿。在这个意义上,总书记提出这个梦想,只不过是反映了人民的期待,顺应了人民的要求而已。中国梦确确实实是人民自己选择的一种梦
想,是人民自己的一种愿望,它是来自于人民。  更重要一点,我们的中国梦,之所以是人民梦,它最终着眼点要落脚到为了 人民的幸福,也就是什么叫中国梦?中国梦首先要体现在你要保证人民更加幸福,更加幸福最直接的是什么?要在生活上解决人民的民生梦,让我们的老百姓,上学能有学校,而且学费还不高,工作,能找到工作,而且收入还不低,我们生了病了,去医院看病去,还有医保给我们解决大部分药费;老了,社保养老,我们不用担心自己到了晚年没有地方住。这是什么?这就是我们每一个中国人实实在在的民生梦,这个民生梦是我们人民梦的第一个层面。如果我们的中国梦不能解决人民群众过得更好、吃得更好,能喝上干净的水,呼吸上清洁的空气,或者再说句最直白的话,在自己家门口就能买到放心的奶粉,不用跑到那么远去,还遭受别人白眼,这是什么?这就是实实在在的,与每一个人切身利益相关的生活品质的提高,这是我们的第一层的梦。但是,仅仅是这一层面还不够。随着中国经济社会发展,人民群众吃饱、穿暖,过上好日子,这是在经济方面获得温饱乃至小康,这是一件理所当然的事情,这也是件顺理成章的事情。甚至我们可以说,就像你刚才讲的的,在很多方面、很多老百姓,这个梦想已经基本实现了。我们要看到,我们还有第二个层面,人民梦还体现在人民的尊严上,让我们的人民群众生活得更加有尊严。我们的权利得到保障,我们的劳动是体面劳动,我们不需被迫每天加班七八个小时,我们就算出于工作需要,需要去加班,加了班之后,
能拿到三倍、四倍的工资,能够免受遭到恐惧的压力,我们现在发了工资了,就可以大大方方地把这钱花掉,不用担心将来没钱养老。  那个团结的中国,每个人、每个民族团结在一起,人人都真正有一颗坚守自己国家的心,坚守我们都是中国人,坚守一个中国的原则。不再是好的给外国,坏的留给自己,不再总是表面痛骂外国,实质却崇洋媚外。      那个温暖的中国,社会需要充满温暖,不会在出现流浪老人、孤寡老人、儿童等无人照料,不会在出现人于危难之时而无人相救的冷漠。人们不会因为自己的利益而失去道德底线,“三鹿“奶粉事件不会在出现。吃的放心,用的放心,能把心,安安稳稳的托付给我们的生产者。      那个文明的中国,中国不但是人口大国,更应该成为素质大国。俗话说“人无德不立,国无德不兴“。由此可知,行为品德无论对个人还是对整个国家、整个民族都是何等的重要。一个高素质、有教养的现代文明人,必须有良好的文明礼仪。所以人人都应该严格控制自己的行为,不要让自己的行为危害到自己,危害到国家。做一个文明的人,懂礼貌的人。    那个和谐的中国,我们现在的目标是建立一个和谐的社会。和谐的社会不仅包括人与人之间的和谐相处,也包括人与自然之间的和谐相处。所以这就要求我们要善待我们的朋友,善待动植物。不要再让践踏草坪的事件出现,不要再让花草流泪。不要再因为自身的一点蝇头小利,而去伤害我们的朋友,捕杀稀有动物!    中国梦,我的梦!中
Chine dream - space dream my dream
一指遮三点China has become increasingly strong, and increasing social unrest, marine peace, various undercurrent to surge. Throughout Chine history, China suffered untold difficulties, but in China People's unremitting efforts, we are over a tall mountain, overcome one difficulty after another, which ushered in the now such a thriving and prosperous, civilized and harmonious socialist country with Chine characteristics! Have its own aircraft carrier, is the Chine people's dream, in this dream, many people fought, life-long struggle, and this one, the aircraft carrier team to this great dream aircraft carrier, is to pay great efforts. From the acquisition of abandoned "Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier to drag regression, which overcomes the too many difficulties. Ten a trials to from the bac
k to Dalian Port, which overcome many technical difficulties. Today, the "Liaoning" aircraft carrier into the column, annihilate -15 carrier-borne aircraft successfully ski-jump takeoff, we can e that this dream is still the aircraft carrier team expands gradually, to the a as deep, this is our Chine people's pride. Dream of flying in space has been one of the biggest dream of the Chine nation. Lift off from Dongfanghong's success to "Shenzhou" manned success, until now the God nine off, docking with the Tiangong success. Are gradually realize a dream of flying in space, and in this there is the dreamer. In June 16, 2012, the Shenzhou nine spacecraft was successfully launched, which carrying China's first female astronaut Liu Yang. Liu Yang said: "the dream has far, explores the footprint will have how far, when a dream into a reality, a new dream will start again." When she was lucky to be in China for the venth batch of female pilots, she began to struggle for the dream of flying in space. She work hard and perveringly in aerospace this special discipline team, circumspect, into this group, finally fulfilled his dream of flying in space, but also devoted themlves to Chine space. Dream -- one can imagine is a fantasy, is not exist, it is another space. But we have a dream - the drea香水多久过期
m is what? In the little match girl's eyes, dream is the fragrance of the roasted goo, grandma warm arms. In the eyes of Deng Ya Ping, the dream is to adhere to the hearts of unyielding faith, as long as you work hard, you are bound to succeed. The father of hybrid rice "in Yuan Longping's eyes, the dream is as high as sorghum hybrid rice stalk, rice ears as big as brooms, like strings of grapes", the dream is constantly break and exploration, is rich in imagination and bold creation. "A Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva" in Tai Lihua's eyes, the dream is the deaf can "listen", blind people can "e" is obtained, the disabled friends can "walk", the dream is the spiritual pillar and never give up, hard work. Dream, with every one of us. Dream is beautiful, it is the heart of the most beautiful expectation, so the dream also became our long-standing belief. Dream is the sun, it makes people by impetuous to practical, from wandering to the firm, and success. The dream is powerful, it is the life ahead of the power source; lofty dreams can inspire potential all one's life. God did not give us wings, gave us a flying heart, a dream of brain. So let us all have a pair of invisible wings. "". Becau the dream of life and goofy, human nature is great becau of dream. I give you a dream, a life
9宫格输入法Ambitious goals, so as to let the dream with his fly freely in the sky of life. Dream is the life of a pair of invisible wings, only the power of dreams to motivate and inspire us to life, to get rid of the mediocre and vulgar, overcome the weakness of human nature, toward excellence and outstanding. A man with a dream is happy, a dream in life is full of hope. Let every child can have their own dreams in their childhood, no matter what it is a dream, the dream is much. I was born in China, long in China, so Chine and I have been cloly linked together. China is good, I good, China is not good, I will not. When China encounter difficulties, I was sad when China, China win honor, I am proud to china. When I saw the old man fell down, but no one help; when I e even next to the trash, but people still throw rubbish everywhere; when I e people ignore traffic lights, walked along the text need not I know china. I know China is a strong, United, civilization, warm. Harmonious china. The powerful Chine, do not need to have that sort of global the first strong American people live and work in peace, but can guarantee the strong; not too rich, but at least give the Chine a shelter home, to ensure the people's food and clothing, people live and work in peace, let a person in China, live a happy life. Chine d
ream performance for the first national dream, people dream. However, in the final analysis, finally ttled, to people's dream. And the state, nation and people's dream dream dream three is organic and unified, although on the surface, it ems we Chine dream is propod to the general cretary, we think carefully, after why general cretary propod, indeed caud Chine society so highly recognized and supported them? Becau the Chine dream is always a dream of Chine people for centuries to pursue, is one of our own for nearly a hundred years

本文发布于:2023-05-18 06:48:35,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:中国   梦想   人民   需要   航母   社会
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