RT Level II Specific Examination
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1. 射线照相时,应在胶片的背面放置一个高度不小于13mm,厚度不小于1.5mm的铅字B,
其目的是:( C )
A) 作为底片上识别标记的一部分
B) 防止散射线对胶片的影响,从而提高照相的质量
C) 监测背散射线的影响
D) 在正常拍片条件下,B的影像应出现在照相底片上
A lead symbol "B", with minimum dimensions of 13mm in height and 1.5mm in thickness, shall
be attached to the back of each film holder in radiography. The purpo of it is:
A) a part of identification on the radiograph
B) to protect from backscatter and to improve the quality of the radiograph
C) as a check on backscattered radiation
D) that symbol "B" shall be appeared on radiographic images in normal condition
2. 当用手不能将像质计置于源侧时,像质计应置于胶片侧并与被检验工件接触,铅字“F”
应放在:( A )
A) 透度计上面或旁边B) 焊缝上C) 尽可能远D) 以上均不正确
Where inaccessibility prevents hand placing the IQI(s) on the source side, it shall be placed on the film side in contact with the part being examined, a lead letter “F” shall be placed:
A) adjacent to or on the IQI(s) B) on weld
C) as possible as far D) none of above is correct
3. 如果底片上像质计处的黑度为2.5,下列哪组数据说明使用单壁透照射线照相技术的黑度是正
确的?( B )
A) D min2.13, D max4.00 B) D min2.13, D max3.25
C) D min2.00, D max3.25 D) 以上都不对
The film density through the radiographic image of the IQI body is2.5, which pair of data is correct when the single-wall technique be ud.
A) D min2.13, D max4.00 B) D min2.13, D max3.25
C) D min2.00, D max3.25 D) 以上都不对
4. 如果射线底片上被检区域任何部位的黑度变化超过像质计本体处的黑度达-15%或+30%以
上,但仍在标准规定的最小和最大容许黑度内,则:( B )
A) 此张射线照片合格
B) 对每个超过的区域应增加一个像质计,并重新拍片
C) 上述均不正确
If the density of the radiograph anywhere through the area of interest varies by more than minus 15% or plus 30% from the density through the body of the IQI, but varies the minimum/maximum allowable density ranges specified in code.
A) this radiograph is acceptable
B) an additional IQI shall be ud for each exceptional area or areas and the radiograph shall be retaken
C) none of the above is correct
5. 射线照相质量等级的一般要求为2-2T,那么射线底上必须显示出孔型透度计中的哪一个孔?( B )
A) 孔深和孔径均为2%t B) 孔深为2%t,孔径为4%t
C) 孔深和孔径均为2×2%t D) 孔深为4%t,孔径为2%t
* t--为透照厚度。
The quality level required for radiography is 2-2T generally, which hole on the penetrameter shall be appeared on the radiograph?
A) both depth and diameter of hole are 2%t
B) depth of hole is 2%t and diameter of hole is 4%t
C) both depth and diameter of hole are 2×2%t
D) depth of hole is 4%t and diameter of hole is 2%t
6. 对于单壁透照技术,下列哪一种情况标记应放在射线源一侧的工件上:( D )
形势政策A) 平面部件或圆柱形或圆锥形部件的纵向接缝
B) 曲面或球面形部件,其凹面一侧对着射线源,到材料的距离小于部件的内径
C) 曲面或球面部件,其凸面一侧对着射线源
D) A,B,C
Source side location markers shall be ud when radiographing:
A) joints of flat components or longitudinal joints in cylindrical or conical components
B) curved components who concave side is toward the source and when the source to material
distance is less than the inside radius of the component
C) curved components who convex side is toward the source
D) all of the above are correct
7. 用双壁单投影法透照φ325×16mm单面余高为2mm的环焊缝,要求EPS=2%,则选用的素炒藕片
像质计厚度和垫片厚度分别应为:( D )
A) 0.66mm和2.03mm B) 0.66mm和4.06mm
C) 0.36mm和4.06mm D) 0.36mm和2.03mm
With using double-wall technique and single-wall viewing, one weld in pipe with NPS
φ325×16mm and the single-wall reinforcement 2mm shall be performed radiography with EPS 2%. The thickness of IQI and shims should be:
A) 0.66mm and 2.03mm B) 0.66mm and 4.06mm
C) 0.36mm and 4.06mm D) 0.36mm and 2.03mm
8. 对于圆柱形容器,当射线源位于工件的轴线上,对整个圆周或部分圆周用一次曝光进行
射线照相时,则应至少使用:( C )
For cylindrical vesl radiography, where the source is placed on the axis of the object and a
complete circumference or portion of the circumference is radiographed with a single exposure, in this ca, how many IQIs shall be ud at least?
A) one B) two C) three D) none is correct
9. 用射线源内置法透照环缝时,若(1)F>R;(2)F<R,则标记的放置规则应遵循下列哪一条?( B )
A) (1)射源侧,(2)胶片侧 B) (1)胶片侧,(2)射源侧
C) 射源侧和胶片侧均可D) 以上都不对
* F---射线源至胶片的距离; R---被检工件的外半径。
For cylindrical girth welds radiography with source inside the object, if (1)F>R; (2)F<R, which one is correct in accordance with the rule of the location markers placement:
A) (1) source side (2) film side B) (1) film side (2)source side
C) either side D) none is correct
* F=distance from source to film. R=outside diameter of the weld to be examined.
10. 下列哪句叙述是正确的?( B )
A) 射线底片上长度不等于宽度的显示称为线状缺陷
B) 射线底片上长度大于宽度三倍的显示称为线性缺陷
C) 射线底片上长度大于宽度二倍的显示称为线性缺陷
D) 射线底片上长度比宽度大得多的显示称为线性缺陷
Which ntence in the following is correct:
A) indication with a length not equal to the width on the radiograph are defined as linear indication
B) indication with a maximum length of three times the width or more on the radiograph is defined
as linear indication
C) indication with a maximum length of two times the width or less on the radiograph is defined as
linear indication
D) indication with a length of many times the width on the radiograph is defined as linear indication
11. 板厚为48mmA类焊缝的射线底片上发现焊缝中有长度分别为14mm和13mm,间隔为70mm
的条状夹渣两个,此焊缝是否合格?(底片长度300mm)( A )
A) 合格B) 不合格
On a radiograph of type A weld with thickness 48, there are two defects (14and 13mm long)
parated by 70mm. Is this weld acceptable or not? (The length of radiograph is 300mm)
A) acceptable B) unacceptable
12. 在我们公司可以使用什么型号的X射线设备?( D )
A) 300EG-S3 B) 250EG-S3 C)RIX-300MC D) 上述A和B
In our company, what type X-ray equipment may be ud?
A) 300EG-S3 B) 250EG-S3 C) RIX-300MC D) A and B of the above
13. 按照规程CXZJ-NDE07-02,识别和定位标记应放在焊缝旁边,但至少离焊缝:( B )
A) 3mm B) 5mm C) 10mm D) 15mm
According to the procedure MR/QP004, identification and location markers shall be placed
adjacent to the weld but away from it at least:
A) 3mm B) 5mm C) 10mm D) 15mm
14. 胶片系统的选择应按照SE-1815,我们公司推荐使用哪一类胶片?( D )
A) Kodak R,SR B) Kodak AA,B C) Agfa M,T D) 上述全部
Film system should be lected in accordance with SE-1815. In our company, which class film system is recommended to u?
A) Kodak R,SR B) Kodak AA,B C) Agfa M,T D) all of the above
15. 对厚度为20mm的焊缝进行射线照相时,几何不清晰度应不超过:( D )
A) 1.02mm B) 1.78mm C) 0.76mm D) 0.50mm
For radiographing a weld of 60mm thickness, geometric unsharpness shall not exceed:
A) 1.02mm B) 1.78mm C) 0.76mm D) 0.50mm
16. 按照规程CXZJ-NDE07-02 ,射线照相中使用什么金属增感屏?( A )
A) 铅屏B) 钢屏C) 铜屏D) 上述全部
According to the procedure MR/QP004, what metallic foil screens are ud in radiographing?
A) lead screen B) steel screen C) copper screen D) all of the above
17. 按照规程CXZJ-NDE07-02,至少哪一级别的无损检测人员能够评定射线照相底片?
( B )
A) I级B) II级C) III级D) 上述全部
According to the procedure MR/QP004, which level of NDT personnel can interpreter radiograph at least?
A) Level I B) Level II C) Level III D) all of the above
18. 对管子外径>89mm的焊缝进行,射线检验时,如果不能使用单壁技术则应采用哪种技术?( A )
A) 双壁曝光单壁观察B) 双壁曝光双壁观察C) A、B都可以
For welds of pipes with outside diameters greater than 89mm, which technique shall be ud if single-wall technique can not be ud in radiographic examination?
A) double-wall exposure and single-wall viewing
B) double-wall exposure and double-wall viewing
C) both A and B
19. 按ASME规范,按照其它国家标准设计和制作的像质计能否被使用?( C )
A) 能使用B) 不能使用C) 如果一些要求得到满足可以使用D)上述都不对
According to ASME code, whether or not IQIS designed and manufactured in accordance with other national standards can be ud?
A) can be ud B) can not be ud C) may be ud if some requirements are met
D) none of the above is correct
20. 按ASME规范,哪个文件可被接受作为射线源尺寸的证明?( D )
A) 技术手册B) 衰减曲线C) 书面声明D) 上述都可以
According to ASME code, which document could be acceptable as source size verification?
A) technical manuals B) decay curves C) written statements D) all of the above
21. 密度计在使用过程中至少应多少时间校验一次?( B )
A) 30天B) 90天C) 半年D) 一年
How many times shall densitometers be calibrated at least during u?
A) 30 days B) 90 days C) half a year D) one year
22. 射线照相时( A )
A) 位置标记应放在工件上,而不能放在曝光暗袋或暗盒上
B) 位置标记应放在曝光暗袋或暗盒上
C) 位置标记可放在工件的任何一侧
郑重其事D) 上述都不对
When radiographing:
A) Location markers shall be placed on the part, not on the exposure holder/castte梅尼尔综合症
B) Location markers shall be placed on the exposure holder/castte
C) Location markers shall be placed on either side of the part
D) none of the above is correct
23. 为了吸收原始辐射中较软的成分,通常在射线源与胶片之间放置一种均匀的材料即滤板,
滤板应( A )
我是大熊猫A) 尽可能接射线源,这样能使滤板尺寸最小,并且也能使滤板本身造成对胶片散射辐射的
B) 尽可能远离射线源,接近试样,这样能使效果更佳
C) 在试样与胶片之间,以最优先吸收来自试样的散射辐射
D) 上述A和C
In order to absorb the softer components of the primary radiation, an uniform layers of material as usual are placed between the radiation source and the film. This material is called filter.
A) As clo as possible to the radiation source, which minimizes the size of the filter and also the
contribution of the filter its lf to scattered radiation to the film
B) As far as possible to the radiation source and clo to the part, thus the radiographic quality to
be better
C) between the part and film in order to absorb preferentially the scatted radiation from the part
D) above A and C
24. 正常的显影温度和时间应分别为( A )
A)20℃,5-8min B) 25℃,10min C) 20℃,15min D) 15℃,2min
Normal development temperature and time are:
A)20℃,5-8min B) 25℃,10min C) 20℃,15min D) 15℃,2min
25. 胶片的定影时间( A )
A) 至少为达到底片透明所需时间的两倍B) 至少为达到底片透明所需时间的一倍
C) 尽可能地长D) 无具体规定
Time of fixation
A) should be at least twice the clearing time B) should be at least one time the clearing time
C) should be longer as possible as it can D) no time restriction