1. 明喻(simile)
少年强则国强演讲稿将具有某种共同特征的两种不同事物连接起来的表明本体与喻体关系的修辞手法。表达方法是:A像B。明喻的本体、喻体和比喻词都出现。常见喻词有like , as , as if, as though , a is to b what c is to d等。
2. 暗喻(metaphor)
党员民主评议个人小结3. 换喻(metonymy)
4. 讽喻(allegory)
A figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another, in such a way as to clarify and enhance an image. It is explicit comparison (as oppod to the metaphor where comparison is implicit) recognizable by the u of words “like” or “as”1.For example:
1) Spend money like water. 花钱如流水
Example 1 belongs to the type of “like”. The tenor is the way of spending money and the vehicle is the way that water flow.
Time and tide wait for no man. 时间像潮流,不等任何人。
The pen is to a writer what the gun is to a fighter. 作家的笔犹如 战士的枪。
大黄 In a word, it us two kinds of different things that have some common characteristics to show the relationship of the tenor and the vehicle. As if, as though, a is to b what c is to d, and, so/as…as and so on also ud in simile.
A figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. In other words, it doesn’t express a similarity of one thing to another in some of aspects, but express an association between the things spoken of and thing meant------the mention of one suggests the other2. 1) No cross, no crown. 不经磨难,就没有成功.
Example 1 belongs to the type of the interchange of concrete and abstract. Cross and crown are real things that suggest hardship and success parately.
2) There are other fish in the a. 海里的鱼是取之不尽的。(人外有人,天外有天)
3) Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一日建成的。(伟业非一日之功)
4) The pen is mightier than the sword. 文比武强
The word “metaphor” drives from the Greek word “metaphora”, which means “transference, carrying over”. Metaphor u words to indicate something different from their literal meaning—one thing is described in terms of another so as to suggest a likeness or analogy between them. [1]
For example
(1)Love is fire.爱是一把火
The love is compared with the fire. As we all know, the fire's strength is in accordance with the strength of the love. The fiercer the fire of heart burns, the stronger the feelings of love is. Understanding the love conception with the conception of fire is appropriate an
d vivid. 把爱比喻成火,火的强度与爱的强度相适应,内心之火烧得愈烈,爱的感情就越强,用火的概念理解爱的概念既贴切又形象
(2) Knowledge is power(知识就是力量)
(3)Money is the root of all evil.(金钱是万恶之源止于至善的意思)
(4)The path of poetry is the direct road to love.(诗歌之路直通爱情)
In conclusion, metaphor is a kind of rhetoric that we u another thing to express one thing. It suggests comparison but will not fully pick out this comparison. In Metaphor, the noumenon and the vehicle should be consistent. It doesn’t need connective, but it can u be verbs ,commas or dashes to contact the noumenon with the vehicle.将某一事物以另一个与其相似的事物来表达。暗示有比较但又不充分说出这种比较。暗喻将本体与喻体说成是一致的。它不用比喻词,但可用be动词或者只用逗号、破折号将本体和喻体连起来。
The word “allegory” is from the Greek word “allegoria”, which means “speaking otherwi”. Allegory is a story in ver or pro with a double meaning: a primary or surface meaning, and a condary or under—the—surface meaning.[1]
For example
美丽的造句(1) There is no garden without its weed.(没有不长草的花园)
The surface meaning of the ntence is that all garden have weed. It indicates that nothing is perfect.
(2)Change of scene is not change of nature.( 江山易改,本性难移)
The surface meaning of the ntence is that to change the nature of man is more difficult than to change the natural appearance. It shows that it’s difficult to change people’s nature, especially bad nature.
(3)Jade cannot be made into anything without being cut and polished.(玉 不琢,不成器)
The surface meaning of the ntence is that the jade without carving can't become implements. It hints that打屁股作文男打女 people who are apart from education cannot be successful.
(4)Cut your coat according to your cloth.(量布裁衣,量入为出)
The surface meaning of the ntence is that when you are cutting your coat, you should do it with the cloth you own. It refers that you should do anything according to the actual condition.