Unit 7 The Monste r
Key to the Exerci s
Text compre hensi on
I. Decide whichof the follow ing best states the author's purpos e of writin g.
II. Judge, accord ing to the text, whethe r the follow ing statem entsare true or fal.
1. T (Referto Paragr aphs2?.)
2. F (Referto Paragr aph 5, whichsugges ts he was emotio nally unstab le.)
3. F (Referto Paragr aph 7, whichstates he was respon sible for largesums of debt.)
4. T (Referto Paragr aph 8. A lot of womencame into his life as a result of his pursui t, and were abando ned by him in the end.)
5. T (Referto Paragr aph 12.)
III. A nswer the follow ing questi ons.
周计划小班1. Referto Paragr aph 1. He had a shortstatur e with a dispro porti onate ly largehead. And he had skin dias es.
2. Referto Paragr aph 2. He believ ed he was one of the greate st men in the world, a greatcompos er, a greatthinke r and a greatdramat ist combin ed into one. A man of such arroga nce cannot help but take himl f to be the center of conver satio ns.
3. Referto Paragr aph 3. If anyone showed slight disagr eemen t with him, he wouldmake a length y and aggres sivespeech for hoursto provehiml f to be in the right. This wouldforcehis dazedand deafen ed hearer to surren der.
4. Referto Paragr aph
5. He was emotio nally capric iouslike a child. Raptur e in him couldeasily turn into extrem e melanc holy. He was heartl ess and callou s to a fright ening degree on some occasi ons. Moreov er, his emotio nal states always foundoutwar d expres sion.
5. Referto Paragr aphs11 and 12. The author says that Wagner was amongthe greate st dramat ists,
the greate st thinke rs and the most tremen dousmusica l genius es in our world. His immort al worksfar exceed ed in valuethe tortur es his arroga nce inflic ted upon others and the debtshe owed.
6. Referto Paragr aph 13. The tremen douscreati ve power,whichpropel led him to produc e so many memora ble worksin his lifeti me, couldhave crushe d his poor brainand body. Howeve r, he miracu lousl y surviv ed and made all the immort al accomp lishm ents. In this nhe was a monste r rather than a humanbeing.
IV. Explai n in your own wordsthe follow ing nten ces.
1. He almost had no nof respon sibil ity.
2. He wrotelargenumber s of letter s beggin g for money. In some letter s he was rvil e withou t shame, and in otherletter s he loftil y offere d his target ed benefa ctorthe privil ege of contri butin g to his suppor t. If the recipi ent refuse d to accept his offer, i.e. refuse d to lend him money, he wouldfly into a rage.经济适用住房
3. He wouldu his influe nce on as many people as possib le in orderto meet some admire r of his who was only too glad to offerhim his help.
4. SinceWagner was driven by such tremen dousforces, it is no surpri that he didn't behave like a normal humanbeing.
Struct uralanalys is of the text
In the first10 paragr aphs,we can find the follow ing wordsand expres sions ud to descri be Richar d Wagner as a monste r of concei t: delusi ons of grande ur / a monste r of concei t / believ ed himl f to be one of the greate st dramat istsin the world, one of the greate st thinke rs, and one of the greate st compos ers / the most exhaus tingconver satio nalis t / proved himl f rightin so many ways / had theori es aboutalmost any subjec t underthe sun / almost innoce nt of any nof respon sibil ity / an endles s proces sionof women.
In the remain ing paragr aphs, we can find the follow ing wordsand expres sions ud to descri be him as a greatgenius: rightall the time / one of the world's greate st dramat ists/ a greatthinke r / one of the most stupen dousmusica l genius es / owe him a living.
Rhetor icalfeatur es of the text
The repeti tiveu of the thirdperson pronou n he create s suspen in the reader's mind. This is one of the effect ive ways to hold the reader's attent ion and make him read on.
Vocabu laryexerci s
I. Explai n the underl inedpart in each nten ce in your own words.
1. person with extrem ely excess ive lf-pride
2. with all theirtalent s combin ed in him
3. in a bad temper; unwell or annoye d
4. withou t
5. u as much influe nce of his as possib le (from behind the scenes)
6. make conces sion
II. Fill in the blankin each nten ce with a phrase from the box in its approp riate form.
1. pulled wires
2. be conten t with
3. rolled into one
4. betwee n the linesof
5. sink into
6. innoce nt of
7. out of sorts
8. lay my handson
III. Fill in the blanks with the approp riate formsof the givenwords.
1. callou sness快捷方式图标
2. tormen tor
3. inconc eivab le
4. arroga ntly秀发图片
5. gloomy
6. traged y
7. delusi on 8. lofty
IV. Choose the word that can replac e the underl inedpart in each nten ce withou t changi ng its origin al meanin g.
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. D
V. Give a synony m or an antony m of the word underl inedin each nten ce in the nit is ud.
1. Antony m: humble ness(modest y)
2. Synony m: amazin g (stunni ng, miracu lous)
3. Synony m: cold-bloode d (inhuma ne, mercil ess)
4. Synony m: void
5. Antony m: ethica l (moral, princi pled, scrupu lous)
6. Synony m: parody (carica ture)
7. Antony m: exhila ratio n (bliss, ecstas y)
8. Synony m: proudl y (lf-import antly)
VI. Explai n the meanin g of the underl inedpart in each nten ce.
1. compan y
2. contro lled
3. imprec i
4. out of fashio n
5. immedi ately
6. cover
Gramma r exerci s
I. Comple te the follow ing nten ces with prepos ition s.
1. at
2. on
3. to
怎么收缩毛孔4. at
5. from
6. of
7. in, for, at 8. on, of, of
9. over 10. on, under, out of
II. Fill in the blankin each nten ce with the choice you thinkthe most approp riate.
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. D
III. R ewrit e the follow ing paragr aph, usingapprop riate coordi nator s so as to make it more concis e.
Both John and I wanted to go to the movies, but we couldnot agreeon whichpictur e we should go to e. A new pictur e was showin g at the Palace and anothe r at the Globe. Neithe r John nor I had en either of thepictur es. I wanted to e the one at the Globe, but John didn't.
IV. Join the nten ces in each groupinto one withou t usingand, but or so.
1. My cousin, John, who has a beauti ful tenorvoice, is appear ing at the RoyalFestiv al Hall, whereI am goingto meet him afterthe concer t.
2. The roller coaste r, whichmade its appear ancein 1884, is stillone of the most exciti ng ridesin an amum ent park.
3. As I couldnot find a Britis h-made ballpo int pen, I bought a French one, whichwas expens ive althou gh it was an extrem ely simple pen.
4. Everyb ody who is intere stedin brassrubbin gs should visitour villag e church becaus e it contai ns some beauti ful brasse s whichdate from the 14th centur y.
5. Despit e free medica l treatm ent beingavaila ble to everyb ody in the countr y, thereare stilla number of privat e hospit als, whichare mostly patron izedby foreig n visito rs who do not want to wait for a bed in a Nation al Health Servic e hospit al.
6. Croche t, whichud to be a favour ite pastim e in Victor ian times, is back in fashio n becaus e clothe s have become so expens ive that it is worthw hileto make them.
7. Clangi ng its bell, the emptycablecar approa ches, swayin g as though slight ly drunk.
8. We arrive d by planefrom Denver, a 16-minute flight that culmin atedin a breath takin g touchd own at a tiny airpor t tucked in amongthe RockyMounta ins.
V. Replac e the underl inedpartsby infini tivephrase s.
1. The childis lonely; he wouldbe happie r if he had someon e to play with.
2. I have some letter s to write.
3. He was the firstman to leavethe burnin g buildi ng.
4. The pilotwas the only man to surviv e the crash.
5. The last one to leavethe room must turn out the lights.
6. That is the larges t ship to be built.
7. My filesare all over the place. I wish I had a box to keep them in.
8. I don't much care for cookin g for mylf; if I had a family to cook for I'd be more intere sted.
VI. Make nten ces of your own afterthe nten ces givenbelow, keepin g the underl inedstruct uresin your nten ces.
(Refere nce versio n)
1. Work intere sts him to such a degree that he thinks aboutnothin g el.
2. What if they do not come?
Transl ation exerci s
I. Transl ate the follow ing nten ces into Chines e.
1. 任何人只要有一丝半点的不同意见,即使再微不足道,也足够让他高谈阔论几个钟头,用他那十分累人的雄辩从多方面论证自己是正确的,结果是他的听众听得目瞪口呆,两耳震聋,为了息事宁人,只好顺从他。
2. 他发出了几十封哀求信,甚至不知廉耻地向人献媚,有时他又会将对自己的支持作为某种特权高傲地赏赐给他希望得到的资助人,一旦这份荣耀被人拒绝,他又会深感被人冒犯。
3. 如果有人仰慕他的作品,能够并且愿意为他所用,他就会动用各种关系,想尽办法见上一面;可是他又会因为表示出某种愚蠢的、毫无意义的傲慢和无礼而树立死敌。
4. 这简直就是一个让人难以言表的奇迹,他那可怜的大脑和身体竟然没有在如此强大的创造力的折磨下崩溃,这个恶魔挣扎着,抓挠着要挣脱出来,撕扯着,尖叫着,想要他把内心的音乐谱写出来。
II. Transl ate the follow ing nten ces into Englis h, usingthe word and phrase s givenin bracke ts.
1. For the sake of your family, you should look before you leap and not take so many risks.
2. I feel a bit out of sortsafterlast night's heavydrink.
3. His father pulled endles s wiresand got him a positi on in an inflat ed govern mentdepart ment.
4. If you read his letter carefu lly, you can find his real intent ion betwee n the lines.
游戏主机推荐5. I knew I was downri ght rude to him, but I foundexcuse s for mylf.
6. Many of the outsta nding figure s of the past were except ional ly versat ile men. Leonar do da Vinci, for instan ce, rolled a painte r and an invent or into one.
7. He finall y killed himl f afterbeingunderthe tormen t of insomn ia for many years.
8. He was dumb with amazem ent.
III. T ransl ate the follow ing passag e into Chines e.
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