国际结算英文术语国际结算(International ttlement) 贸易(Trade Settlement) 非贸易(Non-Trade Settlement) EDI (Electro nic Data In tercharge )电子数据交换,控制文件(Control Documents ) 有权签字人的印鉴(Specimen Sig natures ) 密押(Test Key) 费率表(Terms and Condition )
货物单据化,履约证书化,(cargo documentation , guarantee certification)
权利单据(document of title )
流通转让性(Negotiability ) 让与(Assignment) 转让
(Transfer ) 流通转让(Negotiation ) 汇票的定义
是: A bill of exchange is an uncon diti onal order in writ ing, addresd by one person to another,
signed by the
pers on giv ing it, requiri ng the pers on to whom it is addresd to pay on dema nd or at a fixed or determ
in able future time a sum certa in in money to the order or specified pers on or to bearer.
“汇票” (bill of exchange , exchange 或draft) 无条件支付命令(unconditional order to pay) 出票条款(drawn clau )
利息条款(with interest )
普陀山景点分期付款(by stated instalment)
支付等值其它货币(pay the other curre ncy according to an indicated rate of exchange) 付款人(payer) 受票人(drawee) 付款期限(time of payment )或(tenor) 即期 (at sight, on dema nd, on pre ntati on )付款。
法桐树远期(at a determinable future time , time/ usa nee / term bill ) 付款。
①见票后若干天(月)付款(bills payable at days/ mon ths after sight )
②出票后若干天(月)付款(bills payable
at days/ mon ths after date )
③预定日期后若干天(月)付款( bills
payable at _______ d ays/ mon ths after stated
④板期付款(bills payable on a fixed
future date)
⑤延期付款(bills payable at days/m on ths after shipme nt/ the date of B/L) 收款人名称(payee) 同样金额期限的第二张不付款"〔pay this first bill of excha nge ( c ond of the same tenor
and dated being un paid )
需要时的受托处理人 (referee in ca of need) 出
(1)制成汇票并签字(to draw a draft and to sig n it);
(2)将制成的汇票交付给收款人(to deliver the draft
to payee)
(1)特别背书(special endorment ),又称为记名背书或正式背书
(2)空白背书(blank endorment ),又称不记
(3 ) 限制性背书(restrictive en dorme nt)
(4 ) 有条件的背书(conditional en dorme nt)
(5 ) 托收背书 (endorment for collecti on ) 提示(prentation ) 承兑(acceptanee )
(1)普通承兑(general acceptanee )
(2) 保留承兑(qualified acceptanee ) 付款(payment) 退票(dishonor )
退票通知(notice of dishonor)
拒绝证书(protest )
追索(recour )
追索权(right of recour ) 保证(guarantee/aval ) 本票所下的定义是: A promissory n ote is an uncon diti onal promi in writi ng madeby one person to another signed by the maker, en gagi ng to pay, on dema nd or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in mon ey, to, or to the order, of a specified pers on or to bearer.
本票(promissory note ) 银行本票(Banker' s Note ) 商业本票(Trader ' s Note) 或一般本票(Gen eral Promissory Note) 即期本票(Sight Note/Demand Note ) 远期本票(Time Note/Usanee Note)
本币本票(Domestic Money Note )
外币本票(Foreign Money Note )
国内本票(Domestic Note)
国际本票(International Note ) 旅行支票(traveler's cheque ) 支票所下的定义是:Briefly
speaking, a cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a bank payable on dema nd. Detailed
speak ing, a cheque is an unconditional order in writing addresd by the customer to a bank sig ned by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demanda sumcertain in moneyto or to the order of a specified person or to bearer. 支票(cheque)
非划线支票(open cheque ),
新来的李老师戈U线支票(crosd cheque ),
普通戈U线支票(general crossing cheque) 特别戈U 线支票(special crossing cheque) 保付支票(certified cheque )即由付款行在支票上加盖“保付(CERTIFIED
“Orders not to pay ” (奉命止付)摇晃的反义词