音乐的术语大全(Glossary of musical terms)
1. slow type
About Lento = 52.
About Adagio = 56 Adagio
Often ud for the sonata, the middle movement and the romantic music
2. medium speed class
About Andante = 66 Andante
Moderato = 88 medium speed
Often ud for the sonata, the middle movement and the romantic music
3. fast class
Allegretto = 108, Allegro
Allegro = 132 Allegro
About Presto = 184 Presto
Ud in Sonatas, 1.3 movements and Etudes
4. speed change class
RIT rit
Tempo rubato free speed, but the total time value conforms to the basic speed (which is the most difficult thing in Chopin's works)
A tempo return speed
PIU, mosso, a little bit faster
Meno mosso is a little slow
Two. Dynamics
1. strong and weak
PP is weak
P weak
MP weak
Moderately strong in MF
F strong
FF is very strong使字组词
SF protrusion (typical symbol of Beethoven)
2., intensity changes
Morendo gradually disappeared Cresc. crescendo
Sempre always keeps
Three. Expression园丁的意思
Dolce softly
Espress. has an expression
Cantabile sings
Grazioso elegant and elegant
Mesto sadly. Sadly
Brillante brilliant, ostentatious Appass. passionately and passionately Scerzando humorously and humorously
Leggiero deftly
Playing method,
Legato legato
Non legato non legato年谊
Stace. staccato staccato.
Gliss scraping
Ped pedal
Senza ped doesn't need pedals
U.C. left pedal
The pedals in the trec. (only the middle pedal of the piano are uful in play)
Major major
Minor minor
Tema theme
M.D. right hand
M.S. left hand
Tr. vibrato
Tremolo tremolo
D.C. starts over and over again (Li Chade's more) Solo solo
CLS Cadenza
Accelerando (accel.) is getting fast
A cappella unaccompanied Chorus
Absolute music pure music, non title music Absolute pitch absolute pitch (hearing)
Abstract music Abstract Music
Accent stress
Accidental (s) diacritical mark
Accordion accordion
Acoustics acoustics