Vertical Wicking Test Method
1. Purpo and Scope
Moisture wicking is one of veral factors that determine the suitability of a fabric for a particular u, as in the ca of sportswear and apparel in general where rapid transport of moisture away from the skin is important. Where fabrics are to be given specialized finishes and fibers, the degree of moisture wicked may change significantly. This test is only intended for the evaluation of fabrics and not for fibers or yarns.
2. Principle
The fabric specimen is hung vertically with one end immerd in distilled water and the water is allowed to wick through the fabric vertically against gravity through capillary action. After the specified intervals of time, the height of water wicked through the fabric is recorded as the wicking height.
3. Terminology
3.1 vertical wicking, n. – the propensity of a material to absorb water through
capillary action against the direction of gravity.
3.2 Wicking length, n. – the distance of water travel through the fabric for a given
time interval.
3.3 Wicking speed, n. – the rate at which water is wicked through the fabric,
normally expresd as cm./min.
4. Safety Precautions
NOTE: The safety precautions are for information purpos only. The precautions are ancillary to the testing procedures and are not intended to be all-inclusive. It is the ur’s responsibility to u safe and proper techniques in handling materials in this test method. Manufacturers MUST be consulted for specific details such as material safety data sheets and other manufacturer’s recommendations. All OSHA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed.
4.1 Good laboratory practices should be followed.
5. Apparatus
5.1 150 x 20mm Pyrex Petri Dish or suitable vesl
5.2 Distilled water
古风男动漫图片5.3 Food color
5.4 Laboratory stand
5.5 Calibrated ruler
碓氷拓海5.6 Stopwatch
5.7 Indelible ink pen
5.8 Specimen clip (paperclip)
6. Test Specimen
6.1 Two (2) test specimens measuring 25 cm by 2.5 cm (10.0” x 1.0”) need to
此生不负be cut from both the length and width direction before laundering/cleaning. 6.2 Two (2) test specimens measuring 25 cm by 2.5 cm (10.0” x 1.0”) need to be
cut from both the length and width direction after laundering/cleaning.
6.3 Specimens should be cut at least 10 cm from the fabric edge.
6.4 Mark one-centimeter distances beginning at 0.5 cm from one end of the
longest direction using an indelible ink pen. NOTE: SEE ILLUSTRATION简短的表白情话
6.5 Identify odd numbered centimeter values to 20 cm next to the individual
7. Procedure
7.1 Pour approximately 100 ml of tinted distilled water in to a 150 x 20 mm Petri
蒙古歌曲大全7.2 Place a small paperclip to the end of the specimen that is to be submerged
in order to assure that the fabric remains submerged once the test begins. NOTE: The weight of the clip must be small enough to ensure that the fabric is not stretched or distorted during testing.
7.3 Be sure that there is a gap between the clip and the starting benchmark. 7.4 Vertically hang the cut strips by any convenient means so the end with the
marked distance of 0.5 cm just touches the surface of the tinted distilled
NOTE: DO NOT allow the 0.5 cm mark to be below the water surface. NOTE: SEE ILLUSTRATION
7.5 Begin timing with a stopwatch as soon as the specimen is submerged in the
water surface.
7.6 Read and record the water ri every minute to and including five minutes.
绿草茵茵7.7 Continue to read and record water height at 5-minute intervals for a total of
thirty minutes. (Direct water height readings can be made by estimating
distance between ink marks without removing the specimen from the water surface.)
黄花梨鉴定8. Report
8.1 Calculate and report the average wicking length for the length direction (cm.)
面朝大海8.2 Calculate and report the average wicking length for the width direction (cm.)