
更新时间:2023-05-18 03:19:43 阅读: 评论:0

α-螺旋构象α-helix conformation
Z均分子量Z-average molar mass
λ/4波长λ/4 wave-length
HVI  High V olume Instrument
FOY fully-oriented yarn
Onion指数 Onion index
OFDA(optical fiber Diameter Analyzer)
Almeter  阿尔米特
AFIS (Advanced Fiber Information System)
凹凸组织  pique weaves
氨纶urethane elastic fiber/spandex
安全性  curity
巴厘纱  voile
白棉  white cotton
抱合力 cohesion force
巴布长度  Barbu length
包缠纱 fascinated yarn
包覆纱 covered yarn
包芯纱 core-spun yarn
半线织物  mi-thread fabric
伴纺 following spinning
伴生物 concomitant
比表面积 specific surface-area
比应力 specific stress
比热 specific heat
比电阻 specific resistance
胞壁  cell wall
保水率  water inhibition rate
变形丝  textured yarn
变形纱 texturized yarn
变色纤维  color change fiber
变异系数coefficient of variance
变化组织织物  fancy fabri薄膜法  membrane/film method
波长谱图 wavelength spectrum
波松分布 poission distribution
波松定律  Poisson law
波峰 wave peak
波谷 valley
波径指数 wave-diameter index
波动数 petal number
比表面积  specific surface area
表观厚度 surface/apparent thickness
表面结构 surface structure
表皮细胞 cuticlar cell
表面能 surface energy
表面积 surface-area
表面 surface
表面干爽性 surface dry touch
表面结构 suface structure
表面轮廓 surface profile
表面分析 surface analysis
表面性质 surface character
表面组份 surface component
表面比电阻surface apecific resistance
表面散射光surface scattered light
表层 surface layer
表面膜 surface membrane
表面张力 surface tension
表面能 surface energy
丙纶  polypropylene fiber
本色坯布  greige cloth
本构方程 intrinsic equation
编织物  braided fabric
编织加工  braiding process
编链组织chain stitch structure
标准线性固体力学模型 standard linear-solid model 并条 drawing
玻璃纤维  glass fiber
玻璃化温度  glass-transition temperature
玻璃态 glassy state
玻璃化转变 glass transition
倍克线 Beckeline
倍长纤维  multiple length staple fiber
不匀率  irregularity
彩色棉 color cotton
草棉 cotton
长度 length
长绒棉  long-staple cotton
长丝纱 filament yarn
长丝织物  filament yarn fabric
长度分布  length distribution
长度界限  length limit
长度整齐度  length evenness
缠贴性knob & sticking property
超细纤维  ultra-fine fiber
超细纤维 superfine fiber
超分子结构 supermolecular structure  超长纤维overlength staple fiber
次表皮层 exo-cuticle
差别化纤维  differential fiber
差微摩擦效应differential friction effect 初生层  primary layer
初始模量 initial modulus
醋酯纤维  acetate fiber
成熟度  maturity
csgo游戏成熟程度  maturity
成型性 formability/moldability
成形性 formability八卦门
成熟度系数  maturity coefficient
成形性  formation
沉降弧 sinker loop
扯边纱条样法raveled- strip method
产业用纺织品  industrial textiles
尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability
重组织  backed weaves
绸chou silk
抽拔法 pull-out method
纯纺织物pure raw fabric
纯纺纱线 pure yarn
刺激 stimulate
刺痒 scratchiness
刺扎 stinging/prickle
粗纺毛织物  woolen cloth
粗花呢  fancy woolens
粗糙度 roughness/asperity/harshness
触觉评价 touch evaluation
除杂 cleaning
除臭  deodorization
充满系数 filling coefficient
串套 ries loop
大衣呢  overcoating
大众呢  popular cloth
大麻  hemp
打成麻  swingled hemp
打结 knot strength
动物纤维  animal fiber
动态损耗模量 dynamic loss modulus
动态弹性模量dynamic elastic modulus
动摩擦 kinetic friction
动态磨dynamic abrasion
动压法  dynamic pressure method
涤纶  polyester fiber
导电纤维  conductive fiber;electrically conductive fiber 导水 wicking
导热系数 thermal conductivity
导热系数 thermal conductivity
单缝撕裂(舌形撕裂)single-rip or single-tongue tear
低弹丝 low- elastic yarn
滴定法 titration
电阻 electrical resistance
电阻测湿moisture measurement of electrical resistance
电磁屏蔽纤维  electromagnetism screen fiber
电容式测湿electrical capacity-type moisture measure
电磁屏蔽  electromagnetism shielding
电阻率 resistivity
电容式条干均匀度仪 capacitance evenness tester
电子织物 electronic fabrics
电磁辐射 electromagnetism radiation
点燃点  ignite point
点状 spot adherence
多孔结构 geometric porosity
多层多轴向针织物  multiplayer multiaxial knitted fabric  多轴向经编针织物multi-axial warp knitted fabric
带织物  narrow fabric
定点摩擦 fixed-point friction
定伸长弹性elasticity of constant elongation
定负荷弹性elasticity of constant load
定负荷 constant load
定应变 constant strain
顶破性质 bursting properties
顶破强力 bursting strength
缎 satin silks
缎纹组织 satin or sateen weaves
缎纹变化组织  satin derivative weaves
等加负荷constant rate of loading
等速伸长constant rate of elongation
等长化纤  cut-stable fiber
断裂比功specific work of rupture
断裂长度 breaking length
断裂功 work of rupture
断裂强度 tenacity;breaking tenacity
断裂强力 breaking strength
断裂伸长率extension at break ;tensility
断裂应力 breaking stress
端毛羽end hair
对称摩擦 symmetric friction
短纤维纱 staple fibre yarn;staple yarns
短纤维率  short fiber content
二醋酯纤维  diacetate fiber
二轴向斜交机织物  biaxial bias-interlaced woven fabric
富强纤维  polynosic rayon
翻动磨 tumble abrasion
复合磨 compound abrasion
复合纱 complex yarn;composite yarn
复合纤维  composite fiber
复合纱 composite yarn
复杂组织织物  compound-weave fabric
复合织物compound fabric
复模量 complex modulus
分束纺纱 solospun
缝纫线 wing thread
副皮质 para-cortex
防紫外线纤维ultraviolet resistant fiber
芳纶  aramid fiber
纺  plain habutai
纺丝  spinning
纺织纤维  textile fiber
纺丝成网法非织造布  spun-laid nonwoven fabric
仿麂皮织物suede fabric
仿旧整理织物  cond-hand effect fabric
防辐射纤维  anti-radiation fiber resistant finish
防霉整理  mildew resistant finish
防蛀整理  inct-proof finish
防污整理  stain resistant finish
防辐射整理radiation resistant finish
防水性 waterproof performance
防火 fire prevention
防火织物 fire-proof fabric
防火服  fire-fighting suit
防护服 protective clothing/suit
防污 anti-soil
防霉 mould proofing
防蛀 moth proofing
防霉剂 anti-mildew agent
防血液感染 blood-infectious protective
防晒因子(SPF) Sun Protection Factor
防紫外因子(UPF) UV Protection Factor
放湿  moisture liberation
放湿过程moisture desorption process
非洲棉  African cotton
非对称摩擦 asymmetric friction
非平衡态浸润 nonequilibrium wetting桩承台基础
非周期性不匀 aperiodic unevenness
非织造布  nonwoven fabric
非纤维类物质 non-fiber substance
飞数 step number
幅宽 breadth/width
浮线 welt/float鞋带太长怎么系
辅结构 auxiliary/condary structure
附加不匀 additional irregularity
凡立丁  valitin
分等assortment, grading, ranking
分子间结构the inter-molecule structure
分子内结构the inner molecule structure
分子结构 molecular structure
分解点温度  decomposition temperature
缝编法非织造布  stitch-bonded nonwoven fabric 3 蜂巢组织 brighton/honeycomb weave
浮松组织  huckback weaves
负荷-伸长load - elongation curve
府绸  poplin
辐射 radiation
公制支数  metric count

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标签:纤维   织物   表面   组织
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