Subject-V erb agreement summary
3.Although a surge in retail sales have raid hopes that there is a recovery finally under way,
many economists say that without a large amount of spending the recovery might not last.
(A)have raid hopes that there is a recovery finally
(B)raid hopes for there being a recovery finally
(C)had raid hopes for a recovery finally being
(D)has raid hopes that a recovery is finally
(E)raid hopes for a recovery finally
Key:1.主语A surge 所以后面表语要用单数
2. a recovery is under way是最好的选择
for a recovery being under way(但这种表达略显冗杂)
选项中there is 的选项都没有体现主系表的结构
6.Diabetes, together with its rious complications,ranks as the nation's third leading cau of
death, surpasd only by heart dia and cancer.
(A)ranks as the nation's third leading cau of death, surpasd only
(B)rank as the nation's third leading cau of death, only surpasd
(C)has the rank of the nation's third leading cau of death, only surpasd
(D)are the nation's third leading caus of death, surpasd only
(E)have been ranked as the nation's third leading caus of death, only surpasd
Key:1.主语diabetes 是糖尿病,属于以s结尾却是单数的单词,要与单数verb相配
3.has the rank of =ranks..所以wordy..
学科名称:mathematics(数学)phonetics(语音学)physics(物理学)optics (光学)politics(政治)acoustics(声学)economics(经济学)electronics(电子学)
疾病名称:aids(艾滋病)arthritis (关节炎)appendicitis (阑尾炎)diabetes(糖尿病)mumps(腮腺炎)bronchitis(支气管炎)measles(麻疹)rabies(狂犬病)
rickets(佝偻病)shingles(带状胞疹)syphilis(梅毒)bends (潜水病)活动名称:news(新闻)
acrobatics(杂技)athletics (体育运动)billiards(台球)cards(打纸牌)(投票游戏)draughts(国际跳棋)skittles(撞柱游戏)其实如果记不住的话,可以考虑一下文中形容的是不是学科,疾病,活动这样子的单词,再来判断是不是单数或者双数
7.The intricate structure of the compound inct eye, having hundreds of miniature eves called
ommatidia, help explain why scientists have assumed that it evolved independently of the
vertebrate eye.
(A)having hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia,help explain why scientists have电路焊接
assumed that it简单笑话
(B)having hundreds of miniature eyes that are called ommatidia, helps explain why scientists
have assumed that they
(C)with its hundreds of miniature eyes that are called ommatidia, helps explain scientists'
assuming(assumption) that they
(D)with its hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia,help explain scientists' assuming
that it
(E)with its hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, helps explain why scientists
have assumed that it
2.having hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia形容的是the compound inct
eye,所以形容的是主语不行,要用with 结构
assuming[as'sum·ing || -mɪŋ]
adj.傲慢的; 僭越的; 不逊的
我认为他想表达的其实是assumption,然后that 做同位语。
4.it形容的是the compound inct eye是单数,所以要小心喔~
8.In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza were clod to
visitors for cleaning and repair due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raid its humidity to such levels so that salt from the stone was crystallizing and fungus was growing on the walls.园林生态
(A)due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raid its humidity to such levels so that salt
from the stone was crystallizing
(B)due to moisture that tourists had exhaled,thereby raising its humidity to such levels that
salt from the stone would crystallize
(C)becau tourists were exhaling moisture, which had raid the humidity within them to
levels such that salt from the stone would crystallize
(D)becau of moisture that was exhaled by tourists raising the humidity within them to
levels so high as to make the salt from the stone crystallize
兰味莲(E)becau moisture exhaled by tourists had raid the humidity within them to such
levels that salt from the stone was crystallizing
B选项,1.due to的话,插入其中会有一点点小误区
In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza were clod to visitors for cleaning and repair,due to moisture that tourists had exhaled, thereby rais ing its humidity to such levels that salt from the stone would crystallize and fungus was growing on the walls.
我们将B项代入原文,会发现raising 会像是在修饰的主句主语chamber,而非moisture。
2.Would crystallize与后文fungus was growing 不相匹配
C 选项,would crystallize与后文fungus was growing 不匹配,如果which从句
中没有对应找得到的主语,就去上一级的找,上一级是becau ..,因为moisture是状语修饰部分,所以不会指代,指代的是主
D 选项,make the salt from the stone crystallize与后文fungus was growing
不匹配,而且becau of 是接简单句不会接长难句,所以排除虞山桥
E 选项,tourists做的是定语部分,所以不能找,那么moisture也不行,因为是
单数,所以只能去上一级主语the chambers来指代了
14.Ri si ng i nventori es, when unaccompanied correspondi ngly by i ncreas i n sal es, can l ead to
producti on cutbacks that woul d hamper economic growth.
(A)when unaccompanied correspondi ngl y by i ncreas i n sal es, can lead
(B)when not accom pani ed by correspondi ng i ncreas i n sales, possi bl y leads
(C)when they were unaccom pani ed by correspondi ng sal es i ncreas, can l ead
(D)if not accompanied by correspondi ngl y i ncread sal es, possi bl y leads
(E)if not accompanied by corresponding increas in sales, can lead
Key:1.考点主谓一致inventories 和lead的主谓一致,所以排除BD选项
2.存货的增长没有伴随着销量的相应增长,correspondingly所以应该形容increa in sale,这
16. A surge i n new home sal es and a drop i n weekl y unempl oyment cl aim s suggest that the economy might not
be as weak as som e anal ysts previ ousl y thought.
海南经贸职业技术学院(A)claim s suggest that the economy m ight not be as weak as some analysts previously thought
(B)claim s suggests that the economy might not be so weak as som e anal ysts have previ ousl y thought
(C)claim s suggest that the economy mi ght not be as weak as have been previ ousl y thought by som e
anal ysts
(D)claim s, suggesti ng about the economy that i t might not be so weak as previ ousl y thought by som e
anal ysts
(E)claim s, suggesti ng the econom y mi ght not be as weak as previ ousl y thought to be by som e anal ysts
Key:1.这里是用and连接,所以是复数(and 表示的是复数,但是对于additive phra便可以删除)所以排除掉B。
3.C后面的have been previously thought by some analysts没有了主语。
30.Paleontologists believe that fragments of a primate jawbone unearthed in Burma and estimated at
40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of a crucial step along the evolutionary path that led
to human beings.
(A)at 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of
(B)as being 40 to 44 million years old provides evidence of
(C)that it is 40 to 44 million years old provides evidence of what was
(D)to be 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of
(E)as 40 to 44 million years old provides evidence
Key:1.fragments 是主语,所以排除BCE三项
2.estimated to be 是固定搭配,不能用at \as being\that it..\as...替代
61.Whil e all states face similar i ndustri al waste probl em s, the predominati ng i ndustries and the regulator y environment of the states obvi ousl y determines the types and amounts of waste produced, as well as the cost of di sposal.
(A)all states face similar i ndustri al waste probl em s, the predominati ng i ndustri es and the regul atory
environment of the states obvi ousl y determines
(B)each state faces a similar i ndustrial waste probl em, their predominant i ndustri es and regul atory
environment obvi ousl y determi ne
(C)all states face a similar i ndustri al waste probl em; thei r predominati ng i ndustri es and regul atory
environment obvi ousl y determi nes
(D)each state faces similar i ndustri al waste probl em s; the predominant i ndustri es and the regul atory
environment of each state obvi ousl y determi nes
(E)all states face sim ilar industrial waste p roblem s, the predominant industries and the regulatory
environment of each state obviously determ ine
1.the predominating industries and the regulatory environm ent of the states 主语为复数,所以
2.根据文中意思,while表示虽然,所以All states 比each state表达更具有逻辑性
67.The 32 species that make up the dol phi n family are cl ol y related to whal es and i n fact i ncl ude the animal
known as the kill er whale, which can grow to be 30 feet l ong and i s famous for i ts aggressi ve hunti ng pods.
(A)include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and is
(B)i ncl ude the animal known as the killer whal e, growi ng as bi g as 30 feet l ong and
(C)i ncl ude the animal known as the killer whal e, growi ng up to 30 feet l ong and bei ng
(D)i ncl udes the animal known as the kill er whale, whi ch can grow as bi g as 30 feet l ong and i s
(E)i ncl udes the animal known as the kill er whale, whi ch can grow to be 30 feet l ong and i t i s
KEY:1.主语是the 32 species 所以谓语与are并列的应该是include 排除DE
2.which短语修饰的是killer whale,所以如果用growing这个的话修饰的是主语the 32 sp ecies所以不
3.Grow as big as 30 feet long也是一个不准确的表达
70. The first trenches that were cut i nto a 500-acre si te at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, have yi el ded strong evi dence for
centrall y admini stered com plex soci eti es i n northern regi on of the Mi ddle East that were ari si ng
sim ul taneously wi th but i ndependentl y of the m ore celebrated ci ty-states of southern Mesopotamia, i n what
i s now southern Iraq.
(A)that were cut i nto a 500-acre si te at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, have yi elded strong evi dence for centrall y
admi ni stered com plex soci eti es i n northern regions of the Mi ddl e East that were ari si ng simul taneousl y
wi th but
(B)that were cut i nto a 500-acre si te at Tell Hamoukar, Syri a, yiel ds strong evi dence that centrall y
admi ni stered compl ex societi es i n northern regi ons of the Mi ddle East were ari si ng simul taneousl y
wi th but al so
(C)havi ng been cut i nto a 500-acre si te at Tell Ham oukar, Syri a, have yi el ded strong evi dence that
centrall y admini stered compl ex soci eties i n northern regi ons of the Mi ddle East were ari si ng wi th
sim ul taneousl y but
(D)cut i nto a 500-acre si te at Tell Hamoukar, Syri a, yi el ds strong evi dence of centrall y admi ni stered
com pl ex societi es i n northern regions of the Mi ddl e East ari si ng simul taneousl y wi th but al so
(E)cut into a 500-acre site at T ell Hamoukar, Syria, have yielded strong evidence that centrally
administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle E ast aro simultaneously
with but
2.simultaneously with 和independently of并列表示的是同时但却相互独立的意思所以排除掉
3.A有两个部分太冗杂了,第一个that were 和第二个that were arising..
Were doing的形式表示的是在那个时间点上这件事情正在进行,但是过去式直接表达的是这
79.R yunosuke Akutagawa's knowledge of the li teratures of E urope, Chi na, and that of Japan were i nstrum ental
i n hi s devel opment as a wri ter, i nforming life li terary style as much as the content of hi s fi cti on.
(A)that of Japan were i nstrumental i n hi s devel opment as a wri ter, i nforming hi s literary styl e as m uch as
(B)that of Japan was i nstrum ental i n hi s devel opment as a writer, and i t i nformed both hi s literary styl e as
well as
(C)Japan was instrum ental in his development as a writer, inform ing both his literary style and
(D)Japan was i nstrumental in hi s devel opment as a writer, as i t i nformed hi s li terary styl e as m uch as
(E)Japan were i nstrumental i n hi s devel opment as a wri ter, i nformi ng both hi s li terary styl e i n addi ti on to
Key:1.并列的部分是E urope,China,and Japan,不需要that of 所以去除AB选项。
2.然后主语是knowled ge去除掉AE
3.OG上对于D的解释。首先是as much as 强调的是一种程度,但是原文作者仅仅想强调的是inform
style 和content 并不强调这个程度。其次,是指knowledge对style的影响和knowledge对content影响是一样的,还是指knowledge对style的影响和content对style的影响是一样的,我只想说。。我只是觉得as it 有点多余然后就删了,真的没想这么多~OG编辑君想的好多