散装货物运输名称(BCSN): | |
托运人: 盛开的花园(Shipper) | 运输单证编号: (Transport document Number) |
收货人(Consignee): | 承运人(Carrier): |
运输工具的名称/方式: (Name/means of transport)稀字开头的成语 出发港口/地点:电信光猫超级密码 (Port/place of departure) | 指南或其他事项 (Instructions or other matters) |
目的港口/地点: (Port/place of destination) | |
货物的一般性描述: (货物种类/颗粒尺寸) General description of the cargo (Type of material/particle size) | 总重(千克/吨): Gross mass (kg/tonnes) |
如适用,散装货物的特殊说明(Specifications of bulk cargo, if applicable:): 积载因数(Stowage factor): 离职手续办理流程如适用,静止角(Angle of repo, if applicable): 平舱程序(Trimming procedures): 如有潜在危险性,其化学特性(Chemical properties if potential hazard*): * *例如:类别和联合国编号或仅在散装运输时具有化学危险的物质(* e.g., Class & UN No. or “MHB”) | |
货物组别(Group of the cargo) □庞统当知县 A和B组*( Group A & B*) □ A组*( Group A*) □ B组(Group B) □ C组(Group C) * 易流态化货物(A组和A及B组货物) * For cargoes which may liquefy (Group A and Group A and B cargoes) | 适运水份极限: (Transportable Moisture Limit) 运输时的水份含量: (Moisture content at shipment) 斗艳争芳的近义词 |
货物相关特殊性质 (例如可快速溶于水) Relevant special properties of the cargo (e.g., highly soluble in water) | 额外证书*Additional certificate(s)* □ 水份含量和适运水份极限证书Certificate of moisture content and transportable moisture limit □ 风化证书(Weathering certificate) 结婚纪念日送什么花□ 免除证书(Exemption certificate) □ 其它(需说明)Other (specify) *如需要(* If required) |
声 明(DECLARATION) 兹声明:托运货物已完全并准确地予以说明。据我所知并相信所给出的试验结果和其它说明准确无误,可被视为拟装货物的代表。 (I hereby declare that the consignment is fully and accurately described and that the given test results and other specifications are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and can be considered as reprentative for the cargo to be loaded.) | 签字人姓名/身份,公司/组织名称 Name/status, company/organization of signatory 地点和日期 Place and date 代表托运人签字 Signature on behalf of shipper |
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