噢,原来你在这儿啊!我的小心肝儿!Oh, there you are, my lovely.
嗯,你说什么?Hmm! What's that?
把书拿走?Take the book?
我不会太客气的I don't mind if I do.
总算是 到手了At last, it is mine.
最终,你还是成了我的Finally, you are mine.
好吧,开打吧!只管放马过来!All right. Let's do this. Bare knuckles.
来吧小骷髅,你吓不到我的Bring it on, skinny. You don't scare me.
你们有没有 7 ?You got any vens?
去屎吧注:牌桌上称很弱的玩家为 FishGo fish.
就这么点儿本事?Is that all you got?
伙计,超期未还哦Man, this is way overdue.
“曾几何时,在大海的深处”"Once upon a time, under the a,
瑜伽热身 “有一个小镇,被称为:比奇堡”"there was a little town called Bikini Bottom.
“这个小镇里,有一个餐厅”"In this town, there was a place
“叫做:蟹堡王餐厅”"called The Krusty Krab,
“那里的居民都会去吃一种汉堡”"where folks would come to eat a thing
“叫做:蟹黄堡”"called the Krabby Patty.
“那么说到这里就不得不提一提”"Every greasy spoon has a fry cook,
“在这里工作的这个厨师了”"and the one who worked here
“那就是穿方裤子的:海绵宝宝”"was named SpongeBob SquarePants."
是谁住在水下的菠萝屋里? Who lives in a pineapple under the a?
海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!
都闭嘴,别唱了 黄颜色的他吸收又吐气!Just hold it. Hold it. Absorbent and yellow and porous is he
海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!
如果你想要打发航海的无趣!If nautical nonn be something you wish
姐弟恋好吗海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!
就趴在甲板上扑打像鱼!Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish
海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!
那唯一不爽的事There's only one thing wor
就是那些会说话的鸟……than talking birds, and that
太聒噪了!Singing birds!
好吧,我保证不太 噪~~Okay, I promi not to si-i-i-ng.
看看我们Take it from us.
他真的是很讨厌会唱歌的鸟He really does hate singing birds.
请继续讲吧,海盗先森Just keep weading. Pwea, Mr. Piwate, sir.
过来靠近点,我继续给你们讲故事Come clor while I tell you the tale.
-OK,开始吧-别那么近!!Okay, start reading. No. Not that clo!
嘢,嗯哼Yeah. Hmm.
好吧,开始了All right, here we go.
那么,海绵宝宝很喜欢Now, SpongeBob loved his job
他的厨师工作……as a
……爱的胜过任何事...more than anything.
那真的是真爱And that is saying a lot
因为他什么都喜欢becau he loved everything!
他喜欢他的宠物蜗牛,小蜗He loved his pet snail, Gary.
他喜欢他的朋友,派大星He loved his best friend, Patrick.
他喜欢吹泡泡He loved blowing bubbles
以及水母~and jellyfishing. Whee!
他喜欢做蟹黄堡He loved making Krabby Patties
给比奇堡的居民吃for the folks of Bikini Bottom
就如同他们爱吃蟹黄堡一样just as much as they loved eating them.
为什么?你可能会问……Why, you may ask,冲击波病毒
为什么他们这么爱这个油油的小三明治?do they love this greasy little sandwich so much?
为什么他们早上吃……Why did they eat them
晚上还吃and dinner,
甚至无视医生的警告despite their doctor's warnings?
他只剩一周的寿命了He'll be gone in a week.
噢,哈罗德!Oh, Harold!
八角马 喔,这是个秘密Oh. It was a cret.
什么是垃圾分类 没有人知道No one was sure what was
为什么这个汉堡如此好吃in the patties that made them so delicious.
甚至没人在意这一点And, frankly, no one cared,
除了痞老板except for Plankton. Meh.
痞老板在蟹堡王的街对面Plankton owned a restaurant right across the street
也有一家餐厅from The Krusty Krab,
但是没人去吃where no one ate
因为那里做的东西实在是烂becau the food was really bad.
有必要这么说吗?Now, is that really necessary?
痞老板穷尽了他的一生Plankton had made it his life's work
都想要偷取配方to steal the recipe.
海绵宝宝,别这样,我们谈谈吧SpongeBob, plea, let's talk about this!
而海绵宝宝永远都会守护这个配方And SpongeBob was always there to protect it.
但是今天,事情……But today, things
就完全不同了would be different.
早上好,海绵宝宝Good morning, SpongeBob!
好啊,派大星Morning, Patrick!
你的餐前蟹黄堡吃过了吗?You here for your pre-lunch Krabby Patty?
我今天吃了两个I'm getting two today.
你个我吃,一个给了我朋友One for me and one for my friend.
噢,我见过你的朋友吗?Oh. Have I met this friend?
“当然认识了,海绵宝宝”"You know me, SpongeBob."