Unit 11 illness
Lesson 1 My tummy hurts
2.学习”What’s the matter?” “Can you walk?”句型,并理解其在日常生活中的意义。
1.Introduce /w/ and /i/
•Write the letter w on the board. Explain that you are going to say a word with the letter w in it (watch). Ask the children to listen and watch as you model /w/ and then have them repeat the sound after you.
•Turn to Uncle Booky’s ABC at the back of the Student Book and point to the /w/ word. Say the word and model the sound.
2.Sounds and letters
• Draw the children’s attention to the pictures at the top of the page. Play the tape and have the children say the words aloud.
什么是包容•Check that the children’s pronunciation is correct by asking individual children to repeat the季布一诺千金的故事
words after you or after the tape.
•Repeat the procedure for the cond row of pictures.
3.Match the sounds
Have the children open their books at page 56. Draw their attention to the pictures at the middle part of the page. Show your copy of the page. Point to the picture of waterfall. Ask, “What’s this?” Elicit the word from the children.
•Repeat the procedure for the other pictures.
•Now point to the wo rds waterfall and watch. Read the words and have the children repeat after you.
Tell the children that there is a line joining the two words together becau they have the same beginning sound /w/.吉祥纹
•Read all the words in the circle and have the children to uch the words that begin with the sound /w/.
•Read the words again and have the children repeat. This time have the children match the words that have the same beginning sound with waterfall to its picture by lines.
•Repeat the procedure with the /i/ sound words.
4.Read with Uncle Booky
•Direct children’s attention to the two rows of words at the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page and point to the first row of words.
•Play the tape for the first 5 words. Have the children point to each word that they hear in the tape. •Ask the children if they can find that the letter w in all the words has the same sound.
•Tell the children to find out how to read the last two words.
•Play the tape for the last two words and have children read with the tape.
•Repeat the procedure for the cond row of words.
5.Model the structures
•Point to your head and say, “My head hurts.” Have the children touch their own heads and repeat the ntence as they do so.
•Pin the corresponding drillcards on the boa rd. Read the ntence aloud, pointing to each word as you do so.
•Now have a boy come to the front of the class. Ask him to stand on one leg. Say to the children, “His leg hurts.” Have the children repeat the ntence after you.
•Substitute the necessa ry drillcards (His and leg) in the ntence on the board. Read the new ntence aloud and have the children repeat it after you.
•Now have a girl come to the front of the class. Ask her to put her hand against her ear as if it hurt. Say to the children, “Her ear hurts.” Have the children repeat the ntence after you. Repeat the procedure ud for leg, substituting the appropriate drillcards.
•Repeat the procedure, using different children in the class, for the following body parts: head, tongue, stomach, chest, and mouth.
6.Uncle Booky’s blackboard
•Have the children open their books at page 57. Model the structures on Uncle Booky’s Blackboard by reading them aloud to the class.
•Have the children repeat the structures in a class drill. U all p ossible combinations.
7.Touch, ask, and answer
•Draw the children’s attention to the picture at the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page. Tell the children that the woman with black hair is Ken’s mother, and the other woman is his doctor.
•Point to Ken. Ask, “How is Ken today?” Elicit, “He’s not well.”
•Now point to the doctor’s speech bubble. Read the words aloud to the children. Repeat for the mother’s speech bubble. Have the children repeat the question and answer.
•Now point to the names of the body parts listed to the right of the picture. Point to each word in turn and read it aloud. Have the children repeat each word after you.
•Now have the children repeat the dialog in a class drill, using all possible substitutions. Homework