fall about
1. 笑得无法自制
fall away
1. 疏远
2. 消失
fall behind
1. 落在...后面
fall down
1. 失败
fall for
1. 迷恋
2. 上...的当
fall in
1. 坍塌
2. 排队
fall in with
1. 偶然遇到
2. 赞同
fall off
1. (数量)减少
2. (势力、地位等)降低
3. 脱离
fall on/upon
1. 攻击
fall out
1. 发生
2. 吵架
fall over onelf
1. 煞费苦心;不遗余力
fall short
1. 不符合标准(或要求)
fall through
1. 失败,不能实现
fall to
1. 开始工作(或吃东西)
2. 开始
3. 是...的责任
the Fall (of Man)
1. 人类的堕落
∙ curtain falls 落幕
∙ night falls 夜幕降临
∙ one's eyes fall 垂下眼睛
∙ one's face fall 脸色阴沉
∙ prices fall 物价下跌
∙ some animals fall 幼崽出生
∙ some buildings fall 建筑物倒塌
∙ some occasion falls 时日来临
∙ some place falls 某地沦陷
∙ spirit falls 精神萎靡
∙ the land falls 土地倾斜
∙ ~+副词
∙ fall abruptly 突然减少
∙ fall accidentally 偶尔地下降
∙ fall aptly 恰当地减少
∙ fall comprehensively 全面地减少
∙ fall considerably 大大地下降
∙ fall constantly 不断地落入
∙ fall deeply 大幅度地减少
∙ fall deftly 熟练地减少
∙ fall dramatically 戏剧性地减少
∙ fall easily 不费力气地减少
∙ fall effectively 有效地减少
∙ fall esntially 必需地减少
∙ fall fast 下得很急
∙ fall fearfully 可怕地下降
∙ fall finally 最终地减少
∙ fall fitly 适度地减少
∙ fall fully 全面地减少
∙ fall gently 轻轻地飘落
∙ fall greatly 较大地下降
∙ fall heavily 猛跌
∙ fall impatiently 急不可耐地减少
∙ fall incessantly 持续不断地下降
∙ fall irresistibly 不可抗拒地减少
∙ fall logically 合理地减少
∙ fall markedly 明显地下降
∙ fall naturally 自然地减少
∙ fall necessarily 必要地减少
∙ fall obviously 明显地下降
∙ fall occasionally 偶尔地减少
∙ fall principally 主要地减少
∙ fall probably 可能要垮台
∙ fall promptly 迅速地减少
∙ fall quickly 降临得很快
∙ fall radically 根本性地减少
∙ fall reluctantly 不情愿地减少
∙ fall riously 大为减少
∙ fall sharply 显著地减少
∙ fall slightly 略有减少
∙ fall slowly 慢慢地下落
∙ fall softly 轻轻地飘落
∙ fall spontaneously 自发地减少
∙ fall steeply 急速地落下
∙ fall suddenly 忽然地落下
∙ fall unnecessarily 不必要地下降
∙ fall widely 广泛地减少
∙ fall away 背离,离开,消失右归丸的作用和功效,消瘦,倾斜
∙ fall back 后退,后撤,撤退,退让,食言
∙ fall behind 落后,拖欠
∙ fall down 跌倒,掉下,倒坍,失败
∙ fall in 倒塌,下沉,集合,到期
∙ fall off 减退,减少
∙ fall out 争吵,发生,解散,掉出,掉队,结果是
∙ fall over 摔倒,倒在地上,被…绊倒
∙ fall over onelf 热衷,渴望
∙ fall through 落空,破产,失败,行不通
∙ ~+介词
∙ fall across sb 偶然遇到某人
∙ fall among sb 与某人结交,遇见某人,落入某人之手
∙ fall away from duty 擅离职守
∙ fall away from faith 背弃信仰
∙ fall back into the power of 重新落入…的操纵下
∙ fall back on 撤退到,投靠,轻易依靠,求助于,重提
∙ fall behind in one's study 在学习上落后
∙ fall behind with one's rent 交不上房租
∙ fall below 降到…以下,低于
∙ fall beyond 属于…外,在…外
∙ fall down on 在…方面失败,未做到
∙ fall down on the examination 考试不及格
∙ fall down on the ground 跌到地上
∙ fall down the river 顺河漂下
∙ fall for 爱你恨你却想你被…迷住,被…倾倒,受…的诱惑,受骗,接受,赞同
∙ fall from 由…落下,(由…口里)说出
∙ fall from a tree 从树上跌下
∙ fall from power 垮台
∙ fall from sb's lips 从某人口中说出来
∙ fall in battle 阵亡
∙ fall in for 得到,受到
∙ fall in love with 爱上,十六英语喜爱
∙ fall in upon 意外地遇到,访问
∙ fall in with 碰见,同意,和…一致,符合
∙ fall in with sb's desire 符合某人的愿望
∙ fall in with sb's proposal 赞成某人的提案
∙ fall inside the limits of 在…范围内
∙ fall into 陷入,变成,分成,开始,产生,养成,注入…中,排(队)
∙ fall into a problem 开始讨论问题
∙ fall into sb's hands 落入某人之手
∙ fall into the habit 养成习惯
∙ fall off 从…上摔(掉)下,退出
∙ fall off from sb 背弃某人
∙ fall off the chair 从椅子上摔下来
∙ fall on古人的智慧〔upon〕 落在…上,照射到…上,开始,进攻,适逢
∙ fall on a Sunday 适逢星期天
∙ fall on one's face 完全失败
∙ fall on the enemy 袭击敌人
∙ fall on the government 抨击政府
∙ fall out of 从…谐的组词掉下来,(逐渐) 停止,不再无形锁扣,离(队)
∙ fall out of u 废弃不用
∙ fall out with sb 与某人闹翻
∙ fall to pieces 垮台,解体,(墙)垮掉,摔碎
∙ fall to the ground 坠落,失败,落空
∙ fall to thinking of 开始想起
∙ fall under 跌(落)在…下面,归入,属于…(一类),受到…(影响)
∙ fall under class A 列为甲级
∙ fall under sb's management 归某人管理
∙ fall under sb's notice 受到某人注意
∙ fall within 属于…(之列),适合
∙ 常用短语
∙ fall about (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉笑得无法自制 not control onelf to laugh
▲fall about
We fell about at grandpa's funny story. 听了爷爷讲的滑稽故事,我们忍不住大笑。
Few people knew that the popular clown who had been making people fall about with lau
ghter was lonely in heart. 几乎没有人知道,那位总让人们开怀大笑的小丑内心很孤独。
They fell about when Sir. Harold slipped on the banana skin.当哈罗德爵士踏到香蕉皮而滑了一跤时,他们大笑不止。
▲fall about v-ing
They fell about laughing when they heard his funny voice.听到他那滑稽的声音,他们都无法自制地大笑起来。
Just the sight of the clown is enough to make you fall about laughing.对那个小丑瞅上一眼,就足以使你大笑不止。
∙ fall across (v.+prep.)
遇到 meet
▲fall across sb
I fell across your aunt in the street the other day. 前几天在街上我遇到过你姨母。
I happened to fall across her the next day in the park.第二天我在公园里偶然遇到她。
∙ fall against英英翻译 (v.+prep.)
绊倒 cau to stumble down
▲fall against sth
The old man fell against the bucket.那老人被水桶绊倒了。
∙ fall among (v.+prep.)
偶然遇到(坏人等); 偶然陷入…之中 get into the midst of; get into the hands of
▲fall among sb
He fell among thieves and was stripped. 他遇到窃贼,所有东西都被抢走。
Becau of a renegade's betrayal, she fell among enemies.由于叛徒的出卖,她落到了敌人的手中。
∙ fall apart (v.+adv.)
散开,眼白过白崩溃,破碎 break into pieces
▲fall apart
Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from falling apart. 安娜尽一切可能避免婚姻破裂。
Feudalism was falling apart.封建制度正在土崩瓦解。
∙ fall at (v.+prep.)
在…时变成某种状态 become sth; pass into sth
▲fall at sth
I don't think her spirits will fall at the bad news.我想她听到这坏消息时不会情绪低落的。