Unit 1-2
I. Multiple Choice
1. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?
A. The Anglo-Saxon B. The Vikings C. The Normans D. The Romans
2. Which of the following was the man who crushed various rebellions in Ireland and ttled English and Scottish Protestants there by giving them land?
A. Oliver Cromwell B. King Charles I C. William I D. William III
3. In which of the following years did Julius Caesar invade Britain?
A. 55 BC B. 54 BC C. 54 AD D. 43 AD
4. Which of the following peoples were the ancestors of Welsh?
A. The Celts B. The Romans C. The Danes D. The Anglo-Saxons
5. The Church of England founded by Henry VIII was named in England as 教师学习心得.
A. Catholic B. Anglican C. Puritan D. Episcopal
6. Christianity was first introduced into Britain by .
A. The Celts B. The Romans C. The Viking Danes D. The Norman-French
7. Three of the following are the main activities of the City of London. Which is the exception?
A. Government administration B. Buying and lling commodities
C. Providing rvices and finance for commercial investment D. Stock exchanges
8. British recorded history begins with .
A. the Roman invasion B. the Norman Conquest
C. the Viking and Danish invasion D. the Anglo-Saxons invasion
9. In the early 1970s, IRA .
A. killed many Protestants and Catholics
世界之窗6B. burned down the hous of Catholics
C. murdered individuals at random
D. carried out a ries of bombing and shooting and attacked the curity forces as their main target
10. Most people in Northern Ireland are .
A. Catholics B. Protestants C. Presbyterians D. Nonconformists
II. Fill in the blanks.
1. The Romans invaded Britain in 43, and the only area they did not subdue therein was .英语四级题目
2. The Church if England, also called the 公证书格式 Church, is only of many “Protestant” cts which broke away from the more ancient and more Roman Catholic Church during the Religious . Its temporal head is the
具体化, and twenty-six of its highest priests sit in the Hou of Lords.
3. The roots of English literature lie deep in the tales of Denmark and other Scandinavian countries becau of many years .
4. King Arthur was a legendary hero suppod to have fought against the .
5. London plays a significant role in economic and cultural life. It’s not only the financial of the nation, but also one of major international financial centers in .
6. Britain is a country with a history of invasions. In AD 43 Britain was invaded by
, in the late 8th century they experienced raids from Scandinavia and in the late
11th century they suffered invasions from .
7. The Anglo-Saxons began to ttle in Britain in century.
8. The capital of Scotland is , which is well known for its natural .
9. Britain is now a society which produces a population of which 1 in 20 are of ethnicity.
10. Northern Ireland, also known as , has a population of one and half million. About one third of them are who are not glad to e the unification with Great Britain dominated by Protestantism. The Catholic extremists organized the to continue their struggle.
11. The Home Rule Bill was finally pasd in , but the process was overtaken by and was suspended for the duration of the war.
12. To pursue Irish independence, the most spectacular event in the Irish history was
of 1916, in which the rebels occupied Dublin’s and forced the British to “take it back by .”
III. True or fal
1. The Danes were successfully prevented from invading Britain for a time by King Richard the lion-hearted.
2. In December 1653, the army decided that Oliver Cromwell should become England’s new ruler. Some officers wanted him to become king and he accepted the royal title of the Commonwealth.
3. The Church of England is Catholic in nature.
4. The Church of England was a product of the Reformation in England in 16th century.
IV. Explain the items.
1. The Norman Conquest; 2. Henry VIII; 3. the Vikings;
qq头像动漫男4. the Church ofEngland; 5. Protestant Church; 6. The Hadrian Wall;