Strengthening basic rearches on Chine Medicinal Plants and its relations to realizing the modernization of CMM加强中国药用植物基础研究及其与中药现代化的关系Traditional Chine Medicine (TCM) 中药Chine traditional medicinal herbs 中草药 the modernization of Chine Materia Medica (CMM) 中药现代化 Ethnobotany 人类植物学Ethnopharmacology颜色英文民族药理学Ethno- 民族,种族mi-colonial and mi-feudal nation/半殖民半封建的国家
multidisciplinary:多学科 special projects专项调查 pharmacological experiments 药理实验clinical applications临床适应性monographs 各论、专论therapeutical efficacy疗效黄花蒿( Artemisia annua),青蒿( Artemisia apiacea) chloroquine resistant malaria/抗氯喹宁疟疾Pernicious(有害的) malaria/恶性疟疾cerebral (大脑的,脑的) malaria/脑疟疾harringtonine 三尖杉酯碱homoharringtonine 高三尖杉酯碱extracted from 提取leukemia 白血病malignant lymphoma 恶性淋巴瘤ginkgetin 银杏黄酮ommon-ud Chine materia medica常用中药材品种整理和质量研究traditional Chine patent medicines and preparations 中成药和中药制剂marketing 流通 ①Identification of species / 品种鉴定益胃生津,滋阴清热 benefit the stomach, promote the production of body fluid and remove the
excessive heat②Quality control and evaluation/质量的控制和评价intensive 加强的,透彻的麦当劳广告词remedy: n. 药物,治疗法,赔偿,modern scientific methodologies 现代科学方法①Strengthen the study of medicinal plant resources 加强药用植物基源研究re-producting resources 可持续性利用资源conrvation of germplasm of the rare and endangered medicinal plants 珍稀濒危药用植物的种质资源保护②Carry out the rearches on specific biology of medicinal plants③Map out GAP (Good Agriculturing Practice) in medicinal cultivation processing rules and regulations 加工方法及规范④Established standards of quality control and renew methodology⑤Apply modern comprehensive multidisciplinary studies on Chine medicinal plants ⑥Establish information systems in modern rearch of Chine medicinal herbs constraint and devastation/ 压迫与毁坏the inheritance and development of Chine troditional medicine ……/继承和发扬
何首乌A perennial twining herb. The end of the root in a irregular plump mass.Stem somewhat woody at the ba and much branched at the upperpart,herbaceous.Leave alternate,with a long periole;blade cordate,4-9cm long.2.5-5cm broad ,entire,glabrous;Flowers numerous,in terminal or axillary panicles,small;perianth 5-parted,
white,the parts unequal in size.Achene elliptical,3-ridged,covered by the persisting winged perianth.多年生缠绕草本;根末端肥大呈不整齐块状,红褐色。叶互生,具长柄;叶片心脏形,全缘,表面光滑无毛;托叶鞘膜质。圆锥花序顶生或腋生,花小而密,白色。花被绿白色具三翅。瘦果椭圆形,有三棱。
In a mass or irregular fusiform,6-15cm long,4-12cm in diamerer.Externally reddish-brown,shrunken and uneven,shallowly grooved,with transver elongated lenticels and fine rootler scars.Texture heavy,compact,uneasily broken,fracture pale yellowish-brown or reddish-brown,starchy,bark exhibiting 4-11 subrounded rings of abnormal vascular bundles,forming brocaded patterns,wood in central part relatively large,some having a woody core.Odourless;taste,bitterish and astringent 块根呈团块状或不规则纺锤形。表面红褐色或红棕色,凹凸不平,有浅沟,并有横长皮孔。质坚实而重,横切面淡红棕色,粉性,皮部常有4~11个类圆形异常维管束环列,形成“云锦花纹”,中央为一较大的中柱。味微苦、涩。
Transver ction:Cork consisting of veral layers of cells .filled with brown contents.P
hloem relatively broad,scattered with 4-11 subrounded abnormal vascular bundles of collateral type,vesls rare in the bundles.In the central part of a root cambium in a ring;vesls in xylem less.Parenchymatous cells containing starch granules块根横切面:木栓层为数列细胞,充满红棕色物。韧皮部较宽广,环形排列异型维管束4-11个,外韧型,导管稀少。中柱形成层成环,木质部导管较少,有少数木纤维,根中心部位导管较多,射线宽。薄壁细胞含草酸钙簇晶,并含淀粉粒。
甘草Root of Glycyrrhizae uralensis: Roots cylindrical, 25~根号计算方法好饿的毛毛虫绘本100 cm long, 0.6采用英语~3.5 cm in diameter. The outer bark loo or tight. Externally reddish-brown or greyish-brown, obviously longitudinally wrinkled, furrows, lenticel-like protrusions , and with spar rootlet scars. 乌拉尔甘草根呈圆柱形,长求带走25~100cm,直径0.6~3.5cm。外皮松紧不一。表面红棕色或灰棕色,具显著的纵皱纹、沟纹、皮孔样突起及稀疏的细根痕。Texture compact, fracture slightly fibrous, yellowish-white, starchy, cambium ring distinct, rays radiate, some with clefts. Rhizomes cylindrical, externally with bud scars, pith prent in the centre of fracture. Odour, slight; taste, sweet and characteristic.质坚实,断面略显纤维性,黄白色,粉性,形成层环明显,射线放射状,有的有裂隙。根茎呈圆柱形,表面有
芽痕,断面中部有髓。气微,味甜而特殊。Brownish-Yellow.Fibres in bundles,8-14 um in diameter,thickwalled,slightly lignified,surrounded by parenchymatous cells containing prisms of calcium oxalate,forming crystal fibres .Prisms of calcium oxalate frequent.Bordered pitted vesls large,reticulated vesls rare.Cork cells reddish-brown,polygonal slightly lignified粉末淡棕黄色。纤维成束,直径8~14μm,壁厚,微木化,周围薄壁细胞含草酸钙方晶,形成晶纤维。草酸钙方晶多见。具缘纹孔导管较大,稀有网纹导管。木栓细胞红棕色,多角形,微木化。Legume (pod) curved to be sickle-like, denly covered with brown prickly glandular hairs荚果弯曲成镰刀状,密被黄褐色刺状腺毛。黄芪Externally pale brownish-yellow or pale brown, with irregular, longitudinal wrinkles or furrows,,cork easily exfoliated, exposing yellowish-white phelloderm, sometimes showing reticulated fibre bundles.
Texture hard and tenacious, uneasily broken, fracture highly fibrous and starchy, bark yellowish-white, wood pale yellow with radiate striations and fissures, the centre part of old root occasionally rotten-wood-shaped, blackish-brown or hollowed. Odour, weak; taste, slightly sweet and slightly bean-like on chewing.素描组合
Transver: Cork consisting of many rows of cells.Phelloderm, 3~5 rows of collenchymatous cells. Outer part of phloem rays often curved and fissured; fibres in bundles, walls thickened and lignified or slightly lignified, arranged alternately with sieve tube groups ; stone cells sometimes visible near phelloderm. Cambium in a ring. Xylem vesls scattered singly or 2~3 aggregated in groups,wood fibres existing among vesls;stone cells singly or 2~4 in groups, sometimes visible in rays. Parenchymatous cells containing starch granules.
Power:Yellowish-white. Fibres in bundles or scattered, 8~30μm in diameter, thick-walled, with longitudinal fissures on the surface, the primary walls often parated from the condary walls, both ends often broken to be tasl-like, or slightly truncated. Bordered-pitted vesls colorless or orange, bordered pits arranged cloly. Stone cells occasionally visible, rounded, oblong or irregular, slightly thick-walled.
The mobile pha is a miscible solvent mixture, which either remains constant (isocratic e
lution) or, may be changed continuously in its proportions, by including a mixing chamber into the t-up (gradient elution).③纸色谱的一个优点是Rf值有相当好的重现性,因此可用来描述新的天然化合物。One of the advantages of PC is the considerable reproducibility of Rf values, so that such measurements are valuable parameters for u in describing new plant compounds.④板铺好后要阴干,然后放到烘箱中在100-110℃活化30分钟。Plates after spreading have to be air dried and then activated by heating in an oven at 100-110小兔子折纸图解℃ for 30 min.⑤天然药物化学主要研究天然产物(活性物质或潜在活性物质)的结构类型,理化性质,提取分离和结构测定。Medicinal Chemistry of Natural Products is to study on the types of structure, physicochemical properties, extraction, isolation and identification of natural products (active constituents or potential active constituents).⑥提取和分离的目的是尽量把所需化合物与其他成分分开。植物内有多种成分,其中,生物碱、黄酮、萜类、蒽醌类和香豆素等一般被认为有较好的生理活性,而被称为有效成分:糖类、蛋白质和氨基酸等,一般被视为无效成分或杂质而被除去。The purpo of extraction and isolation are parating the desired compounds from the other components by all means. There are numerous complex compounds in plants; some of t
hem are considered having good activities.,such as alkaloids, terpenes, steroids, flavones, anthraquinones, coumarins and so on. Whereas others like saccharides, proteins, amino acid and so on, are thought as ineffective substances and are often threw away.⑦聚酰胺色谱属于氢键吸附,是一种用途十分广泛的分离方法,极性物质与非极性物质均适用,特别适用于分离酚类、醌类及黄酮类化合物。Polyamide adsorption, bad on hydrogen bond, is a very broad of methods paration. Both polar substances and non-polar substances can be applied, particularly suitable for paration of phenols, quinines, and flavonoids.