ITT Dublin
School of Engineering
Official record of school work
Think Safety at all times Students are reminded of their obligation to behave and work in the safety conscious manner are all time, but particularly in laboratories. Failure to comply with this requirement will be treated riously by the Department. |
Department of Electronic Engineering
Laboratory and CA work
Program Module | Product Development |
Laboratory Experiment | Assignment 1 |
Lecturer | Mr Michael Craig |
甘草酸二铵胶囊ID number | X00097450 |
Class group | 吴阶NJUTA |
| |
Declaration I declare that this report is my own work and that all of contributions from other people and sources are referenced in the body of the report and fully listed in the reference ction at the end of the report. I accept that prenting other people’s work as my own is a rious offence and it is also a rious breach of the Institute’s regulations.音量键>纸房子的制作方法 Student: Silver复方丹参片的功效(Guo Qi) | 日语英文
读书交流会ppt |
This assignment aims to critically analy the directives produced by the EU which are in the context of a technology or telecommunication company. In this ca, I need to choo four directives and the four directives are WEEE, EMC,
(1) Understanding of the directives
A directive is a legal act of the European Union, which requires member states to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result. It can be distinguished from regulations which are lf-executing and do not require any implementing measures. Directives normally leave member states with a certain amount of leeway as to the exact rules to be adopted. Directives can be adopted by means of a variety of legislative procedures depending on their subject matter. [1]
(2) Implementation of the directives
When adopted, directives give member states a timetable for the implementation of the intended outcome. Occasionally, the laws of a member state may already comply with this outcome, and the state involved would be required only to keep its laws in place. More commonly, member states are required to make changes to their laws (commonly r
eferred to as transposition) in order for the directive to be implemented correctly. This is done in approximately 99% of the cas.[2] If a member state fails to pass the required national legislation, or if the national legislation does not adequately comply with the requirements of the directive, the European Commission may initiate legal action against the member state in the European Court of Justice. This may also happen when a member state has transpod a directive in theory but has failed to abide by its provisions in practice.
(3) Effect of the directives
Even though directives were not originally thought to be binding before they were implemented by member states, the European Court of Justice developed the doctrine of direct effect where unimplemented or badly implemented directives can actually have direct legal force. Also, in Francovich v. Italy, the court found that member states could be liable to pay damages to individuals and companies who had been adverly affected by the non-implementation of a directive. [3]
2. WEEE Directive
Company: IBM
Product: Thinkpad x240 (laptop)
(1) What is the legal basis for WEEE directive?
WEEE directive is bad on article 175 of the Treaty of European Economic Community (EEC Treaty). Members can u stringent environmental protection measures, as long as the measures compliance with community law (such as treaty principle of free flow of goods as stipulated in article 28 to 30). One annex of the WEEE directive, IA, includes coverage of product category; Annex IB contains the product catalog under the categories.
(2) What is the standard that a product is belonging to WEEE directive?
‘Electrical and electronic equipment’ or ‘EEE’ means equipment which is dependent on el
ectric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields falling under the categories t out in Annex IA and designed for u with a voltage rating not exceeding 1000 Volt for alternating current and 1500 Volt for direct current.
(3) Are batteries of the Thinkpad x240 included in the WEEE directive?
The battery ud in WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) should be collected according to the WEEE directive, on this basis, the battery will be taken from the electronic equipment (WEEE directive annex II), and are counted inside the collection target of instruction. The batteries also need to follow the instruction of recycling u requirement.