1A 1002Specification for Castings, Nickel-Aluminum
旁逸斜出的意思Ordered Alloy
2A 1008/A 1008M Specification for Steel , Sheet, Cold-Rolled,
Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-
Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability,
Solution Hardened, and Bake Hardenable
3A 1011/A 1011M Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-
Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-
Alloy and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved
4A 1014/A 1014M Specification for Precipitation-Hardening Bolting
Material (UNS N07718) for High Temperature
5A 1018/A 1018M Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Heavy-
Thickness Coils, Hot-Rolled, Carbon,
Commercial,Drawing, Structural, High-Strength
Low-Alloy and High-Strength Low-Alloy with
Improved Formability
6A 1021Specification for Martensitic Stainless Steel
Forgings and Forging Stock for High -
Temperature Service
7A 1030/A 1030M Practice for Measuring Flatness Characteristics of
Steel Sheet Product
8A 1039/A 1039 M Specification for steel, Sheet, Hot Rolled, Carbon,
Commercial and Structural, Produced by the Twin-
Roll Casting Process
9A 108Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and Alloy,
10A 109/A 109M Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon(0.25
Maximum Percent), Cold-Rolled
11A 128/A 128M Specification for Steel Castings, Austenitic
12A 143Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement
of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products
and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement 13A 148/A 148M Specification for Steel Casting, High-Strength, for
Structural Purpos
14A 153/A 153M Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron
and Steel Hardware
15A 178/A 178M Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded
Carbon Steel and Carbon-Mangane Steel
Boiler and Superheater Tubes
16A 179/A 179M Specification for Seamless Cold-Drawn Low-
Carbon Steel Heat - Exchanger and Condenr
17A 192/A 192M Specification for Seamless Carbon steel Boiler
Tubes for High-Pressure Service
18A 193/A 193M Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel
Bolting Materials for High Temperature or High
Pressure Service and Other Special Purpo
19A 194/A 194M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for
Bolts for High Pressure or High
Temperature Service, or Both
20A 20/A 20M Specification for General Requirements for Steel
富贵八字Plates for Pressure Vesls
21A 210/A 210M Specification for Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel
Boiler and superheater Tube武汉堵车
22A 214/A 214M Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded
Carbon Steel Heat - Exchanger and Condenr
23A 216/A 216M Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable
for Fusion Welding, for High-temperature Service 24A 217/A 217M Specification for Steel Castings, Martensitic
Stainless and Alloy, for Pressure-Containing
Parts, Suitable for High-Temperature Service
25A 240/A 240M Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel
Steel Stainless Sheet Plate, Sheet and Strip for
Pressure Vesl and for General Applications
26A 262Practice for Detecting Susceptibility to
Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels 27A 266/A 266M Specification for Carbon steel Forgings for
Pressure Vesl Components
28A 27/A 27M Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, for
General Application
29A 275/A 275M Test Method for Magnetic Particle Examination of
Steel Forgings
30A 276Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes 31A 288 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings
for Magnetic Retaining Rings for Turbine
32A 289 /A 289M Specification for Alloy Steel Forgings for
Nonmagnetic Retaining Rings for Generators
33A 29/A 29M Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy ,
Hot-wrought,General Requirements for
34A 291 Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy
, for Pinions, Gears and Shafts for Reduction
35A 293Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and
Alloy, for Turbine Rotors and Shafts
36A 297/A 297M Specification for Steel Castings, Iron-Chromium
and Iron-Chromium-Nickel Alloy, Heat Resistant,
for General Application
37A 304Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars
Subject to End-Quench Hardenability
38A 307 Specification for Carbon steel Bolts and Studs,
60000 psi Tensile Strength
39A 311/A 311M Specification for Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relieved
Carbon Steel Bars subject to Mechanical Property
40A 320/A 320M Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel
Bolting Materials for Low-Temperature Service
41A 321Specification for steel Bars, Carbon, Quenched
and Tempered
42A 322Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Standard
43A 325 Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat
Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength 44A 325M Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat
Treated, 830 MPa Minimum Tensile Strength
45A 336/A 336M Specification for Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure
and High-Temperature Parts
46A 342/A 342M Test Methods for Permeability of Feebly Magnetic
47A 351/A 351M Specification for Castings, Austenitic, for Pressure-
Containing Parts
48A 352/A 352M Specification for Steel Castings, Austenitic, for
Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for Low-
Temperature Service
49A 354Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy
Steel Bolts, Studs, and other Externally Threaded
50A 356/A 356M Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Low
Alloy, and Stainless Steel, Heavy-Walled for
Steam Turbines
51A 36/A 36M Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
52A 366/A 366M Specification for Commercial Steel (CS) Sheet,
Carbon(0.15 Maximum Percent) Cold-Rolled
53A 370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical
Testing of Steel Products
54A 372/A 372M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings
for Thin-Walled Pressure Vesl
55A 380Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation
of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and Systems 56A 384/A 384M Practice for Safeguarding Against Warpage and
Distortion During Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Steel
57A 385Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings
58A 388/A 388M Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy
Steel Forgings
59A 389/A 389M Specification for Steel Castings, Alloy, Specially
Heat-Treated, for Pressure-Containing Parts,
Suitable for High-Temperature Service
60A 394Specification for Steel Transmission Tower Bolts,
Zinc-Coated and Bare
61A 414/A 414 M Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, for
Pressure Vesls
62A 418Test Method for Ultrasonic Examination of Turbine
and Generator Steel Rotor Forgings
63A 423/A 423M Specification for Seamless and Electric-Welded
Low-Alloy Steel Tubes
64A 424Specification for Steel, Sheet, for Porcelain
65A 427 Specification for Wrought Alloy Steel Rolls for
Cold and Hot Reduction
66A 434Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Wrought or
Cold-Finished, Quenched and Tempered
67A 435/A 435M Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic
Examination of Steel Plates
68A 437/A 437M Specification for Alloy-Steel Turbine-Typ e Bolting
Material Specially Heat Treated for High-
Temperature Service
69A 447/A 447M Specification for Steel Castings, Chromium-Nickel-
Iron Alloy (25-12 Class), for High-Temperature
70A 450/A 450M Specification for General Requirements for
Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel
71A 453/A 453 M Specification for High-Temperature Bolting
Materials, with Expansion Coefficients
Comparable to Austenitic Stainless Steels
72A 456/A 456M Specification for Magnetic Particle Examination of
Large Crankshaft
73A 469 /A 469M Specification for Vacuum-Treated Steel Forgings
for Generator Rotors
74A 47/A 47M Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings 75A 470/A 470M Specification for Vacuum-Treated Carbon and
Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and Shafts 76A 471 Specification for Vacuum-Treated Alloy Steel
Forgings for Turbine Rotors Disks and Wheels
77A 472Test Method for Heat Stability of Steam Turbine
Shafts and Rotor Forgings
78A 479/A 479M Specification for stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
for U in Boilers and Other Pressure Vesls
79A 484/A 484M Specification for General Requirements for
Stainless steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings
80A 487/A487M Specification for Steel Castings Suitable for
Pressure Service
81A 488/A488M Practice for Steel Castings, Welding,
Qualifications of Procedures and Personnel
82A 490M Specification for High-Strength Steel Bolts,
Class 10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structural Steel
Joints [Metric]
83A 493Specification for Stainless Steel Wire and Wire
Rods for Cold Heading and Cold Forging
基层管理84A 494/A 494M Specification for Castings, Nickel and Nickel Alloy 85A 499Specification for Steel Bars and Shapes, Carbon
Rolled from "T" Rails
86A 500 Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and
Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in
Rounds and Shapes
87A 501 Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and
Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing
88A 502 Specification for Rivets, Steel , Structural
89A 508/A508M Specification for Quenched and Tempered
Vacuum-Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings
for Pressure Vesl
90A 514/A 514M Specification for High-Yield-Strength, Quenched
and Tempered Alloy Steel Plates, Suitable for
91A 521 Specification for Steel, Clod-Impression Die
Forgings for General Industrial U
92A 530 /A 530M Specification for General Requirements for
Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe
93A 539Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded
Coiled Steel Tubing for Gas and Fuel Oil Lines
94A 540/A 540M Specification for Alloy-Steel Bolting Materials for
Special Application
ganen95A 541/A 541M Specification for Quenched and Tempered
Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure
Vesl Components
96A 555/A 555M Specification for General Requirements for
Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods
97A 556/A 556M Specification for Seamless cold-Drawn Carbon
Steel Feedwater Heater Tubes
98A 560/A 560M Specification for Castings, Chromium-Nickel Alloy 99A 563 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts
100A 563M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts
101A 564/A 564M Specification for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Finished
Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes 102A 568/A 568M Specification for steel, Sheet, Carbon, Structural,
and High-Strength , Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and
Cold-Rolled, General Requirements for