Section one:Origin of the English Nation
The native Celts
●The Celtic tribes are ancestors of the Highland Scots, the Irish, and the Welsh. And the Celtic language is the
basis of Welsh and Gaelic.
●Religion: Druidism.
●Stonehenge: the circular arrangement of large stones in Wiltshire, near Salisbury, England, was probably built
between about 3000 and 1000 B.C by Celts, but its function remains unknown.
Roman Britain (55BC-410AD)
●Romans got posssion of England by driving native Celts into Scotland and Wales. They failed to conquer
Scotland. They built two great walls: the Hadrian's Wall, the Antonine Wall, along the northern border of England to prevent Picts in Scotland from invading England.
●Many towns’ names end with: ster, cester, and shire. e.g., Lancast er, Winchester, Y orkshire, deriving from
castra (Latin word for camp).
●Religion: Christianity.
The Anglo-Saxon Conquest (446-871)(mainly occupied the Lowland Zone)
●New invader: Jutes (now the county of Kent), became the king of Kent. Soon after their relat ives and other
tribes came trooping after them——
●It is a collective name for the ven Anglo—Saxon kingdoms from the 7th century to the 9th century. They are
Kent, Esx, Susx, Esx, East Anglia, Mercia and North Umbria. After the 9th century, the ven kingdoms were conquered one after another by the invading Danes.
●Saxons and Angles came from northern Germany. After they had taken posssion of all the England, they
were divided into 7 principal kingdoms, known as Heptarchy. tho tribes were constantly at war with one another, each trying to get the upper hand.(hero: King Arthur)
●Religion: Teutonic, practicing multi-goddism. Tiu(the god of war, Tuesday), Woden(heaven, Wednesday),
Thor(storms, Thursday),Freya(peace, Friday)我的寒假生活
●Pope Gregory I nt St. Augustine to convert the English to Christianity. With the help of the king of Kent, he
became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
●The A-S nominated local officials: sheriffs.
●Open-field farming system: 3 big fields+commons. This system is the basis of the English agrarian civilization
and subsistence farming.
●Witan: the A-S created the Witan (a group of wi man) to advice the king, the Witan was the forerunner of the
prent-day Privy Council.
●Alfred the Great: the father of the British Navy & his writings were the beginning of pro literature. Made a
treaty with Danes----Dane law.
●Viking invasions: in the 8th, 9th, 10th centuries A.D. V ikings from North Europe, brought a new wave of
invasion and colonization which produced lasting influence on parts of Briton.
●Canute: Witan cho the Danish leader, as king of England. he included England part of a Scandinavian
empire(inc luded Norway and Denmark)
●Edward the Confessor: built Westminster Abbey.
The Norman Conquest (1066)
●William the Conqueror: the first Anglo-Norman king of England.
●Battle of Hastings: ?
Influence of the Norman Conquest
●Feudalism: the nobles got fief, from the sovereign. But they were obliged to pay certain dues and armed man
according to their estates to the king. They (known as barons or the king's tenants=in -chief, made up the upper landed class. They give fiefs to sub-vassals (known as lesr nobles, knights, and free man).They should take oaths of loyalty to the king directly as well as to their immediate overlords.
●William built the Tower of London as a military fortress. He replaced the Witan with the Great Council that
was compod of his tenants-in-chief.
●Domesday Book: in order to have a reliable record of all lands and discover how much his tenants-in-chief
could be called upon to pay by way of taxes, William nt his clerks to make investigations. The clerks finally compiled a property record known as Domesday Book in 1085.this book stated the extent, value, population, and ownership of the land.
Section two:The Great Charter and Beginning of Parliament
Henry II 'Reforms
●William died and left his Normandy to Robert, England to William Rufus, all his money to Henry. William II
英语故事小短文was killed when hunting, Henry I succeeded him.
●Henry I had no male heir, his nephew Henry II became the founder of the Plantagenet dynasty金雀花王朝.
●The new king strengthened the Great Council. Chancellor is the chief number, in charge of the administrative
and judicial system. The prent day Lord Chancellor is his successor.
●Administrative reform:Replaced the traditional land tax bad on hides with a new tax bad on annual rents
and chatells.
●Judicial reform: divided the country into 6 circuits. Itinerant judges focud their attention on baron’s property
and abu of privileges. Decisions made by a circuit court was regarded as a precedent judgment, becoming the basis of the Common Law习惯法.
✓the Common Law is a judge-made or ca-made law bad on the various of local customs of the A-S, it was common to the whole people as distinct from law governing only a little community;
✓Lead to the founding of the jury system, (the juries were chon from among local freeman to help circuit judges from London. Function: bring accusation against malefactors and swear to the innocence of the accud, the judge gave verdict at first but gradually the jury was empowered to give verdict. Principle: no free man should be punished without a just trial by his peers.
✓It replaced the primitive English trials----by ordeals or battles. Abolished the benefit of clergy.
●Thomas Becket: the king’s chief cretary. In 1162, Henry made him the Archbishop of Canterbury, hoping he
would assist him in church reforming. But Thomas was against the king, and finally he was killed by the King.
After his death, he was put upon the list of English saints as a martyr to the church.
●Geoffrey Chaucer wrote “The Canterbury Tales”(24 tales)
King John
●Many people believed that Robin Hood, a legendary outlaw, was a contemporary of John.
●In fear of the Pope suspend public rvices, John promid to nd a yearly tribute to him; John became a
vassal of the Pope.
The great charter 大宪章P93
●In 1215, the insurgent nobles met the king at Runnymede, and forced his to sign: the Great Charter (the Magna
Carta), the most important documents in English history.
Beginning of Parliament
●After John died, his 9 years old boy Henry III was put on the throne.和父亲是一丘之貉
●Simon de Montfort, the king’s brother in law, was the defender of the Great Charter. But king refud to accept
the Provisions of Oxford was finally put into prison. In 1265,.each county nt two knights, and each town two
reprentatives to join the meeting at Westminster,(the earliest English parliament)
●Edward I succeeded, conquered Wales, gave his new-born son the title Prince of Wales, a title held by the heir
to the throne ever since.
Section 3: decline of feudalism of England
The hundred years’ war (1337—1453)
●This war refers to the war between France and England, and ended in victory for the French, leading to
expulsion of English from France. The reason of the war: territorial and economic disputes.(direct cour:Edward 3 claimed his succession to French throne, but being denied)
●Joan of Arc圣女贞德: A national heroine in French history during the hundred year's war. She leaded peasants
successfully to drive the English out of France.
●The war sped up the decline of feudalism. Gunpowder is a blow to the knights, who are pillars of feudal order
and the “flower of feudalism”.
●The Black Death: It is a modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic dia spread through
Europe in the fourteenth century particularly in 1348-1349. It came without warning, and without any cure. In England, it killed almost half of the total population, causing far-reaching economic conquences. (change rfdom农奴身份to paid labour)
儿童手工大全●The government issued a Statute of Labour, saying it is a crime for peasants to ask more wages. Otherwi,
they will be branded with the letter“F” on their forehead.
The peasant uprising (1381)
●The government impod a flat rate poll tax to fund the hundred years’ war. Wat Tyler led the rebels. The
uprising dealt a telling blow to villeinage隶农制. A whole new class of yeomen farmers 自耕农emerged, paving the way for the development of capitalism.
The wars of the Ros (1455-1485)
●The wars of Ros :After the Hundred Y ear's War, in order to decide who would rule England, a war broke
out between the Hou of Lancaster (won)and the Hou of Y ork, which were symbolized by the red and white ros respectively. The war lasted from 1455 to 1485. In nature it was a war between the commercial-minded gentry in the south and the backward landowners in the north and west. It is usually regarded as the end of English Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern world history.
Section 4:the Tudor Monarchy and the Rising Bourgeoisie
The new monarchy
●Henry VII is the founder of the Tudor Monarchy, rved as the transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism
in English history.
●American was discovered.
Henry VIII and reform of the church
●Henry VIII: the quintesntial Renaissance sovereign famous for founding the Church of England.
●Martin Luther desired the reform of the church.
●The reform of the church coincided with the Renaissance. The immediate cour was Henry VIII’s divorce
●Henry didn’t want to alter theology in any way. What he did was only to get rid of Papal interferences in
England’s internal affairs.
●Henry VIII was followed by Edward VI, switching to Protestant theology and his drastic reform has been
called “the Reformation” in English history.
●Bloody Mary: Mary was Henry VIII’s daughter and she was a Catholic. After she became Queen, about 300
Protestants were burnt as heretics, for they held Protestant views. As a result, people call her "Bloody Mary". Elizabeth 1(1533-1603)
●Externally, Elizabeth successfully played off against each other two great Catholic powers, France and Spain.
●Establish charter companies, such as East India Company.
●The Spanish king Philip finally made war with Armada (the Invincible Fleet).Elizabeth was regarded as the
foundation-layer of the British Empire.
●Elizabeth Age refers to the English golden age.
Section five: the English civil war(Bourgeois Revolution)
Background of Revolution
●Enclosures and the peasant uprising created a new working class, proletariat.
●James 6 of Scotland was welcomed to the throne as James 1.this marks the major step to the unification of the two kingdoms.
James 1(1603-1625) and the parliament
●James said:"no bishop, no king", relations between the Puritans and the king deteriorated.
●The Catholics were also oppod to the king for his staunch support of the Church of England. The night bonfire festival is celebrated on November 5, with fireworks and bonfire on which Guy Fawkes was burnt in effigy to remember the day Gunpowder Plot of 1605,reminding the English people the danger of Catholic restoration.
●Many puritans refud to conform the King James V ersion, so they became "nonconformists", in 1620,201 nonconformists sailed from Plymouth in a ship named Mayflower. They were called Pilgrims.
●James 1 believed "Divine Right of Kings", dissolved the parliament for 7 years. He was called the wist fool. Charles 1
●He followed a pro-Catholic ism policy.(In Elizabethan times, puritans were popular)
●The puritans were noted for simple dress, high moral standards, demand of equality, and egalitarian [i,ɡæli'tεəriən]attitudes.
The civil wars
肉动漫推荐●The puritans made up the most revolutionary ction. So the Bourgeois Revolution was also known as the Puritan Revolution.
●The left wing of the revolutionary forces found a leader: Oliver Cromwell.
●Oliver Cromwell was one of the commanders of the New Model Army which defeated the royalists in the English Civil War. After the execution of King Charles I in 1649, Cromwell dominated the short-lived Commonwealth of England, conquered Ireland and Scotland, and ruled as Lord Protector from 1653 until his death in 1658.
●"Roundhead" was the nickname given to the supporters of Parliament during the English Civil War. Also known as Parliamentarians, they fought against King Charles I who claimed absolute power and the divine right of kings.
●The civil war is the beginning of modern world history.
●Charles II put an end to the Republic. They took over Manhattan Island from Dutch and named it New Y ork.
●His brother James 2 succeeded, reviving Catholicism.
●Glorious Revolution of 1688 also called the White Revolution, becau it caud no bloodshed. It was the overthrow of King James II of England in 1688 by a union of Parliamentarians . Finally, William III (Jamea’2 son in law)and Mary ascended the English throne.
●W and M childless. Mary’s sister succeeded. Scots accepted the Act of Union, in1707, Great Britain was born.
Hanover dynasty.
萨利机长Section six: the industrial revolution and the chartist movement
Background of industrial revolution
●The new class managed to accomplish “primitive accumulation of capital” through plunder and exploitation. It plundered America and Africa through colonization and the notorious triangular trade.
●James watt made the steam engine practiced for industrial u.
●Enclosure movement: to make a profit by lling grain, landowners began to replace the small“open fields” with hedge-divided large fields. (A new system of crop rotation was introduced.) Under enclosure, such land is fenced (enclod) and deeded or entitled to one or more owners. Tenants were driven off their lands.
●Farmer George.中国文化的英文
Effects of the industrial revolution (1750-1850)
●The workshop of the world.
●As a result, class contradiction between the capitalists and the proletariat, or capital and labour, became the major problem.
●The forests of chimneys turned Birmingham to “Black C ountry”
●The transition from an agrarian civilization to industrial civilization was criticized by Luddites.
●Theory: social Darwinism (Origin of Species---natural lection) and Malthusianism and Adam Smith (laisz-fair).
The chartist movement (1836-1848,3times)
●The chartist movement Was a mass movement of working class to fight for equal political and social rights.
●Document: the People’s Charter人民宪章,drawn by London Workingmen’s Association.
●Two groups: moral force chartists and physical force chartists.
Queen Victoria (“the grandmother of Europe”, suffered hemophilia ) “The Polite Society”
谭鹏飞●The V ictoria Age: a time of industrial, political, and military progress within the United Kingdom. The 63-year reign of Victoria was the longest of any monarch in British history. She was official head of state not only of the United Kingdom but also the British Empire, which included Canada, Australia, India, New Zealand, and large parts of Africa.
●In 1840,the Opium War against China.
●The trade union act of 1871 legalized the trade unions, ------- t up Labor Reprentation Committee (LRC) ----------- it changed this name to Labor Party.