Chapter 6 of Junior 9绿化乔木 Food for thought
Lesson Plan
Teaching aims and demands:
1. Words and expressions:
a. Learn how to u 20 words:
steak sausage increa bit dead influence industry cattle space drug
order café delivery pity fly crazy cruel grain introduction compare
b. Learn to u the following phras
1. food for thought 引人深思的食物问题
河北有多少个市2. lo one’s appetite for sth. 失去对的胃口
3. becau of 因为…
4. put on weight 胃疼原因 增肥
5. lo weight 减肥
6. be influenced by… 被影响
7. instead of 代替
8. parate…from 区别…和…
9. live in tiny spaces 住在狭小的处所安全驾驶知识
10. change the subject 转换主题
11. bits of meat 小肉块
12. a balanced diet 均衡的饮食
13. mistaken opinions 错误的意见
14. in order to do… 为了
15. a variety of foods 多种食物
16. increa the risk of heart attack 增加心脏病发作的风险
17. a program on the meat industry
18. scientific information 科学信息
19. spend some time doing…
20. a lack of… 缺乏
2. Be able to skillfully u “have to” and “need to” to express that it is necessary or not
necessary to do things and the object claus with that after know, think, believe, etc.
3. Read and comprehend the reading in Chapter Six. Get to know something about what kind of food is healthy for people.
4. Get to know something about expressing feelings and responding to happenings.
5. Learn to write a report on eating habits.
Main and difficult points:
1. Key words and phras
2. Reading comprehension
Teaching Methods:
1. Listening, speaking and writing.
2. Watch and say
3. Pair / group work
Teaching aids: PPT and tape recorder
Periods needed: 10
Teaching procedures:
Period One
Teaching target
1. To know some new words and expressions
about the reading passage. Pronounce the
words correctly.
2. U the words and phras to make the
3. Memorize the word spelling. Do some
exercis about the new words learnt in
Cartoon talk关于善良的故事
1. Give students some time to look at the cartoon on SB, page73. Tell them to read the ntences carefully.
2. Meaning of the cartoon:
The cartoon rais the general topic of food and cooking in a rather absurd discussion between the two cartoon characters. When Hi says that his sister burned sth., Lo naturally assumes that he meant an item of food. However, Ho explains that his sister burned the school down.
Teaching cours:
Step1 Greetings and leading in.
Ask Ss to think about the following
1. What’s your favorite food?
2. Do you eat more vegetables than meat or more meat than vegetables?
3. Do you think you have a healthy and balanced diet?
4. What do you think is a healthy diet?
5. Do your parents have any tips for a healthy
Step 2 Learn to pronounce the words
比武大赛Step 3 Help to explain the words in English and memorize the spelling
1. a person who does not eat meat ---生理盐水怎么配制-vegetarian
2. to make or become larger in amount, number or degree ---increa
3. ability of a brain--- brainpower
4. to make warm---warm
5. A small amount or piece of sth.---bit
6. affect --- influence
7. cows or bulls raid for milk or meat---cattle
8. An empty area --- space
9. any of veral chemicals substances which are important for growth and health---vitamin
10. a chemical substance ud to kill pests--- pesticide
11. by reason of; as a result of --- becau of
Step 4 Practice
A. Complete the following ntences using suitable words.