英语建议信作文一翻译研究本栏目责任编辑:梁书Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation
小王子电影英文版(Beijing Polytechnic,Beijing 100176,China )
Abstract:Culture refers to the entire way of life of a society.Each culture is unique and language is an important part of culture.Differences in cultures often lead to the differences in languages and further lead to the difficulties in translation.Translation is a bridge which cross mountains and rivers.It is not only an interlingual activity but also an intercultural activity.It is not a sim-ple transfer of language patterns but both the transfer of culture pattern and the process of culture exchanges,and culture ex-change is the esnce of translation.This paper,taking the Chine and English as examples,points out some cultural problems in translation process from different life-styles,modes of cognition and thinking,religious belief,outlook on values etc.,and em-phasizes that translation should take culture into consideration and try to obtain the cultural equivalence in translation.
Key word :Translation;language;cultural differences;influences
什么食物对肺好中图分类号:H319文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5039(2016)23-0141-02
Being an existed phenomenon,cultural difference is a rather complicated problem with rich contents.Recent years,with the glo⁃balization and more and more cross-culture activities,the transla⁃tors gradually shifted their focus from the language level to the cultural level.They study the translation from a cultural perspec⁃tive.Eugene W.Nida ever divided the features of languages into five types:Ecology,Material Culture,Social Culture,Religious Cul⁃ture,and linguistic Culture.2Aspects of Culture Differences on Translation
Languages ud by the people of different nations,different re⁃ligious belief presd different meanings,which are af⁃fected by the life styles,geographical factors,and customs.Each nation has its own conventions,protocols and taboos.The anthro⁃pologist E.B.Tylorit defines the culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge,belief,art,morals,law,custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of soci⁃ety.”Cambridge English Dictionary states that culture is "the way of life,especially the general customs and beliefs,of a particular group
of people at a particular time."Culture is the result of arts,beliefs of different nations,institutions,social behaviors and all oth⁃er products of human beings ’work and thought.In a particular pe⁃riod of time,class,community,or nations,their patterns,traits,and productsare considered as the expression,which could be showed in the following ways:2.1Differences in life style and customs People from different countries or different nations u differ⁃ent languages becau of their different life styles and customs,which will have effect on their ways of communications.Take peo⁃ple ’s daily greetings as an example,most of the Chine will al⁃ways express like that:Have you had your breakfast/lunch/supper?Where are you going?Where are you?While the westerners won ’t ask such private things,they would rather talk about weather,or just say “hello ”,or “hi ”.Anoth⁃er example as the Chine would like to express their respect to the elders,while the westerns won ’t ask for other ’s age for the first time even though they are familiar with each other.2.2Historical background
As each countries or nations have their own histories which play important roles in cross-cultural translations.For example,in Chine “鸿门宴”should be translated in “Hongmen feast with a trap for the invited ”,but if the translator don ’t know the historical background,he may translate it into Hongmen Feast ,this would make the westerners confud,can ’t understand clearly.Another example is the meaning of this idiom:“to carry coals to New Cas⁃tle ”,which should be translated as “
多此一举,不必要的事”,that is becau Newcastle abounds in coalmine ,if the coal is car⁃ried there,it is unnecessary.So if it is translated as “运煤到纽卡索”,which can ’t express the correct meaning.2.3Mode of cognition and thinking
During the cross-cultural communication,People from differ⁃ent cultures communicate not only in languages,but considering the culture and modes of thinking.The way of thinking is an impor⁃tant factor to affect translating principle and effect.Different na⁃tions can produce very different viewpoints when they obrve same object.The differences are in the following aspects:The Chine think in a synthesize way,focusing on the rela⁃tions of different things.While English focus on analysis.The dif⁃ferences also exist in the expression of the time and space:The Chi⁃ne describe space from near to far,while the English from far to near.It also exists in the expression of ideas and the discussion of 收稿日期:2016-10-18修回日期:2016-11-18
YYR 2015005)