∙ 上海港位于中国海岸线(coastline)的中心、长江入海处(estuary),面对太平洋,以我国最大的经济、科学、技术中心——上海市为依托,通过铁路、公路(欧美帅哥图片highway煎带鱼的家常做法)、海运(ocean carriage)、内河(waterway)(inland river)构成了四通八达的运输网络(transportation networks)。全国有20多个省的物资(goods and materials)在这里中转(transit shipment
),对外已与160多个国家和地区的400多个港口有贸易运输往来,年货物吞吐量(handling capacity)达4亿吨以上,占全国15个主要沿海港口总吞吐量的35%,国际集装箱(container)吞吐量占沿海港口的33%。
三叠岭∙ 上海港为适应现代化(modernize)运输的要求,加快国际集装箱专用泊位(berth)的建设和业务发展,码头上配备了桥吊(bridge cran
∙ travelling bridge
∙ ),场地上配备(allocate
∙ 懒洋洋的)了各类大型专业机械。生产作业(handling technology
∙ )采用国际上先进的装卸(三顾茅庐缩写load and unload )handling technology
The Port of Shanghai
Located in the middle China’s coastline and at the Changjiang (Yangtzi) River’s outlet to the East China Sea, the Port of Shanghai faces the Pacific Ocean at the front and is supported by the city of Shanghai – the country’s largest economic, scientific and technological center. Access to various parts of the country is provided by rail, highway and inland navigation, which enable the Port to transship the commodities from 20 Chine provinces. Internationally, the Port has so far established trading and shipping relations with over 400 ports in more than 160 countries and regions. Its annual cargo handling has reached 400 million tons, accounting for 35% of total via 15 China’s major ports. Its international container handling capacity accounts for 33% of that of China’s ports along the coast.
To accomplish the modern shipping need, the Port of Shanghai is quickening the construction and professional development of international container berths. The operatio
n adopts advanced handling methods and computer technology, with container cranes at quayside and other heavy-duty machinery in the yard