Listen and Decode
1. tomorrow ball game skiing for a long time very warm agree
2.1. No, she doesn't. 2. Going to the ball game and skiing
3. She heard it on the radio
4. No, he doesn't
5. He will give Claire a call
房地产营销方案3. the time and place fine formal written in writing at the bottom attend in person or by phone comfortable
Listen and Decode
1.Dr. An early airport hotel ten-minute
2.1. Dr. An 2. Miami University
3. He took the earlier flight
4. Very nice 5 The hotel.
3.a telephone message a memo phone at home personal skills a message expect who called "What was the message?" friends and family questions WHEN they called the person calling reach
1.(1). . Becau people stopped talking face to face to one another.
(2). Becau his friend was busy talking on his cell phone, completely forgetting his prence.
(3). Becau they can be ud anywhere and anytime.
(4).With e-mail, we can communicate without eing or talking to one another; and with voice mail, we can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.
(5). People lo their intimacy of interaction.
(6). He thinks it's great, but worries about its unintended conquences
2. disconnected tback Internet talking reaching answer contact goes up phone automated
3.(1). the communications revolution (2). their cell phones (3). electronic voice (4). e-mail (5). voice-mail (6).
Directory assistance (7). great
4. burden advances lonely invisible inrt attendants pets chain preferable deposit
interrupted Evidently
5.(1). Plea dial home and tell them I'm on the way to the company.
(2). Since then there has never been any tback in production.
(3). I saw him inrt the key into the lock.
(4). I suggest that you make a deposit at/with the bank
(5). Yesterday Mr. Wang checked out from that hotel
6.1. The hall was filled with students waiting for the interview.
The square of the village was filled with people watching the football match of the World Cup
2. We ud to grow beautiful ros Peter ud to go to the small town
3. Why is it that this conclusion is wrong? Why is it that she can sing better than I?
4.As I knew him better, I discovered that my first impression of him had been/was right.
We get wir as we get older.
5. Why u wood when you can u plastic? Why ask me to do it when you can do it yourlf?
6. Pretty soon you won't have the burden of cooking breakfast for him. Pretty soon you won't take the trouble to nd her to go to school every morning.
9.1. 尽管有时是字母与数字混合使用,所有的电话号码都是7位数字。
2. 如果您要打的电话号码在电话簿上没有,可以给查询台打电话。
3. 打由话务员转接的电话,在通话时间用完之前话务员会提示你再投币。
4. 公司企业和专业服务机构的电话号码则列在特别的分类电话簿——黄页中。
5. 公司企业和专业服务机构的电话号码则列在特别的分类电话簿——黄页中。
6. 这样您不必多付钱就可以重拨电话号码;或者您可以让电话公司给您邮一张与话费相当的信用卡优惠券。
Trying your hand
5.1. would buy → bought/should buy/were to buy 2. will not smoke → shouldn't smoke/not smoke 3. must have enjoyed → would/could/should/might have enjoyed 4. may leave → (should)leave/leave 5. would have → had
6. was promoted → (should)be promoted
7. didn't leave → hadn't left
8. could buy → could have bought
9. taught → had taught 10. work → worked
6.1.My idea is that we (should) give them a hand when they are in trouble.
2.It is necessary that another computer center (should) be t up in our department.
3.The old woman wishes she could live to e her grandson go to college.
4.He talks about that city as if (though) he had been there himlf.
5.He talks about that city as if (though) he had been there himlf.
Listen and Decode
1.bath at the airport card 235 included rved cost enjoy
2.1. A single room with bath 2. At the airport.
3. On the cond floor.
4. On the ground floor.
5. For
3 hours.
3. fire 3:10 reporters on fire at the windows firefighters burns hospital guests cau
4.A C D B C
4. accommodation entrance residence rvices instructions additional apologize inconvenience comfortably available
5.1. In ca of emergency, plea dial the alarm number 110
2. The off-campus students go to and from school every day by school bus
3. The receptionist jotted down his name and ID number before arranging for his room.
4. Upon departure, plea switch off/turn off the air-conditioner.
5. If you have any additional requests or needs, plea contact the resident manager.
6.1. They were fortunate to have got admission tickets to attend the famous scientist's lecture I was fortunate to e the excellent performance yesterday
2. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need more information about the rvice Plea contact our sales manager if you are interested in our new products.
3. Upon departure, plea check to make sure that nothing is left behind. Upon arrival, you should find a guide to help you go sighteing.
4. At the sight of the big dog, the little girl was frightened into crying At the news of our team's winning the game, we all jumped with joy.茶的保质期
5. I apologize to you for my not contacting you in time. Mr. Howard apologized to his students for lack of patience and keeping on shouting at them.
6. May I have your telephone number and e-mail address? May we have your advice or opinions on the management of the hotel?
7.C D A B D
9.1. 他没有注意计划的细节。 2. 无论你在世界什么地方,你都可以通过互联网与朋友聊天. 3. 们与另一家人合租了
一栋房子在那里度暑假。 4. 我们对那些能增值的项目特别感兴趣。 5. 狄更斯是世界著名的多产作家之一。 6. 酒店的
创办人75年前对服务质量就做出了承诺。 7. 我期望他能满足你的特殊需要。 8. 我们要求中学生参加一次反毒品运动。Trying your hand
5.1.which → that 2. that → which 3. who → whom 4. which → where 5. who → that
6. which → that
7. which → why
8. that → whom
9. criticisms → as10. that → which
6.1. This is the place where/at which the traffic/car accident occurred.
2. The contributions (that/which) he has made to the country will never be forgotten.
3. I'd like to e the employee who has put forward the valuable suggestion.
4. Could you tell me the reason why you refud the invitation to his birthday party?
5. The pen, which was bought yesterday, will be nt to you as a gift.
6. I can't tell you the exact time when she will be in Guilin.
7. He sold the hou, which annoyed his wife.
8. The ship that/which is being loaded is leaving/sailing tomorrow.
9. I didn't get a pay ri, but this wasn't the reason why I left.
10. I'm sure I'll enjoy everything that you cook.
Listen and Decode
1. Kim lunch angry slow hurry waitress
2.1. Kim 2. The slow rvice there
3. More than 20 minutes.
4. His friend asks him not to be in a hurry.
5. The waitress says it will be ready any minute.
3. follow catch poorly 15 percent add table bag home give the food themlves
4.C C D D C
4. project announced deposited suspiciously whereupon permission rotten made a scene refrain embarrasd
5.1. I'm afraid the shoes are not available in your size.
2. Can you smell whether the milk is fresh or not?
3. He was caught by the policeman pointing a gun at his manager.
4.Jack has a strong desire to succeed in the negotiation.
5. Can you promi to return me the computer in good condition?
6.1. He escaped being fined, but projected into a dilemma. The company escaped going bankrupt, but projected itlf into a rious financial difficulty.
2. He ordered from three companies, each of which offered a different discount. I have chon four models, each of which has its own specific features.
3. What they said gave me the impression that they had just had an argument. What you did gave us the impression that you are the real boss.
4. He has, as I suspected, pasd the interview successfully. The problem of pollution in that area, as you susp ect, is very rious now.
5. We are now in a bad mood and, of cour, have no desire to e our football team lo the game. They are in
a high mood and have no desire to e anybody spoil the atmosphere of the party.
9.1. 在这喜庆的时刻,我们聚集在一起参加今天的婚礼,共同为我们钟爱和敬重的新人祝福。
2. 不过我觉得新娘詹妮弗的光彩、高雅和美丽使今天这个特殊的日子更不寻常。
3. 我们都曾感受过她的体贴、周到和热情。对她所爱的人,她的脸上总是绽出亲切的微笑。
4. 孩子们也会怀着对将来自己这一特殊时刻的期盼而兴奋不已。
5. 欢聚在这儿的所有家人和朋友都希望今天是你与幸运的新郎结成终生伴侣的良好开端。
6. 请起立与我共同举杯,让我们衷心祝愿,未来的年月将充满祥和、快乐、幸福和情爱。
Trying your hand
5.1. in order that → in ca 2. would have wanted → had wanted 3. so 去掉 4. had taken → took 5. 去掉 but, 或去掉 Though, 两者只能保留其一。
6. when → than
7. until → unless
8. In order that → Lest
9. even → even though/though10. will know → know
颜色的英文单词6.1. When he was a child, he displayed extraordinary talent.
2. Before we make any decision, we should listen to what the others say.
3. I will come to your party unless something unexpected happens.
4. He was punished becau he broke the window glass.
5. She gave up her job in order that she could take care of the two children.
6. Even though/if he los the election, the president will still have control over the country's foreign policy.
7. If you leave now, you'll be home in two hours.
8. They were playing in the garden when they heard a scream.
Listen and Decode
1. silk brighter birds design daughter one hundred and forty
2.1. Some real Chine silk. 2. Bright color.
3. A design with blue and yellow birds.
4. One and a half meters.
5. One hundred and forty yuan.
3. three films on a beautiful beach Beijing going to Beijing lively and exciting a boat trip
4. purchad accessible height have surpasd giant alternative tram negotiate upright comfort
5.1. The artist carved a decoration out of this piece of wood.
2. Her responsibilities consist of answering the phone and greeting visitors.
3. A total of two hundred people visited the castle.缘落
4. The building is equipped with a gymnasium and a swimming pool.
5. There are no tickets available for saturday's performance.
6.1. The dining-hall on the North campus is twice as large as that on the South. The streets in The Salt Lake City are twice as wide as tho in our city.
2. The new overpass is 48 meters in width. The Indian Ocean measures 3 900 meters in depth.
3. Your study of English begins when you pay 50 dollars at the language school. Your visit to the Garden begins when you spend 4 dollars to buy a ticket at the front gate.
4. The bus from the university to the shopping mall leaves every ten minutes. The train from Shaogu
an to Guangzhou leaves every half an hour.
5. The magazines cost two dollars each. They each signed the paper.
6. Computers available in the central laboratory. Old books avai ble on the fourth floor.
9.1. 他叫我滚出去,或是说了这一类的话。 2. 开始他怀疑信是伪造的, 但仔细检查后发现是真的。 3. 你可以打开电脑,上网漫游。 4. 这是该城历史上最大的一笔房产交易。 5. 6岁以下儿童免费。 6. 他询问政府的数据库是否能免遭黑客的攻击。 7. 我们本来计划出去,但最终还是看了录像。 8. 演出8点准时开始。 9. 我正在浏览报纸, 突然看到了你的名字。 10妈妈向我们保证一切都会好的。
Trying Your Hand
5.1. calling → called 2. produded → producing 3. sleep → sleeping 4. ready make → ready—made 5. losing → lost
6. injuring → injured
7. speaking → spoken
8. excited → exciting
9. making → made 10 amaze → amazing
6.1. The question discusd yesterday is of great importance.
2. He is a well-behaved man.
3. The established customs are difficult to change.
4. The chairman read out a prepared statement.
5. Children prefer the drink made of orange juice, sugar and water.
6. He has to make a decision within a given period.
7. We'll discuss the plan put up by him at the next meeting.
8 Do you know the girl singing on the stage?
Listen and Decode
1. Mr. Thomas branch office Manager week CJ906 airport
2.1. Mr. Li 2. New York.
3. Regional Marketing Manager.
4. Next week.
5. It's CJ906, Orient Airlines.
3. Japan fifteen hours attendants announcement Captain Blaine 35 000 feet 10:00 a.m Tokyo 86°yesterday
4. (has) awakened respect bestowed spontaneously enthusiasm addresd registered curious
5.1. That proposal aroud little enthusiasm at the meeting.
2. The new officer soon earned the respect of his solders.
3. Fear spread quickly through the village.怀孕吃海参
4. The chairman will now address the meeting.
5. Good teachers often encourage their students to think for themlves.
6. I was going to tell him what really happened, but he cut me short.
7. The children were waiting expectantly for the pantomime to start.
8. She retired to Florida and still led a busy life.
6.1. Under the tree lay an old woman, of about 70. In front of the gate stand two stone lions, one on the left and the other on the right.
2. He talked as if he knew everything. Do you hear the music next door? It sounds as if they're having a party.
3. More important, they need long-term assistance. Most important, children need to learn how to get along with others.
4. May I venture to suggest a change? I venture to say that you are wrong.
5. The desire to write was stirring in her once more. My brother tried his best to think, but nothing stirred in his memory.
6. The fire soon spread through the whole town. The rumor spread quickly through the village.